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Booklet produced as part of 'Their Past Your Future's series produced for the Heritage Lottery. This is based on Ken's memories of his training for and operations with Bomber Command and his post war service in the Royal Air Force, as described to a…

Flying Officer T.A. Ford’s RCAF Pilot’s Flying Log Book, from 11th July 1942 to 27th August 1950, detailing his training in Great Britain and Canada and operations as a pilot and flying instructor. Also includes post-war duties with Transport…

A list of the 21 aircraft and crews that took part in the operation to bomb Westkapelle Dyke.
A second two page list is a draft of the first document, with handwritten annotations.

Instructions about Lancaster ditching procedure. The actions of all seven members of the crew is described.

A vertical aerial photograph of Le Havre during bombing operations. The land is mainly obscured by explosions but breakwaters and docks are visible. Digue Augustin Normand is shown at the top of the image, with Bassin de la Manche and Le Havre port…

Vertical aerial photograph of Harqueboc, Le Havre. Street patterns can be seen to the left and top right of the photograph, located north-west of Harfleur. Annotated '1614 MEP 6.9.44// 8” 7,000 [arrow] 128[degrees] 1802 HARQUEBEC. N.11x1000, 4x500…

Navigator’s, air gunner’s and air bomber’s flying log book for J C Harrison, air gunner, covering the period from 19 June 1943 to 19 February 1944 when he failed to return from operations. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He…

Vertical aerial photograph of Alvis, at Montvilliers, Le Havre. The centre section of the image is obscured by explosions. Annotated '1652 MEP 10/13.9.44// 8” 11,000 [arrow] 132[degrees] 1737 ALVIS 4. N.11x1000, 4x500 C.28 SECS. F/O FORD. Y.75'.

A vertical aerial photograph of Frankfurt. The image was taken at night and half is obscured by anti-aircraft fire. Almost nothing can be seen on the ground. annotated '1698 MEP 12/13.9.44// NT (C) 8” 18,500 [arrow] 010[degrees] 2300. FRANKFURT. P…

A vertical aerial photograph of Calais. The canal, Canal des Pierrettes, is visible and runs left to right, parallel to Rue Hoche and a marshalling yard. The yard services Les Fontinettes train station. Annotated '1810 MEP 27.9.44// 8” 5,500…

A vertical aerial photograph of the Westkapelle Dyke, Vlissingen. The coastline can be seen but little on the ground. annotated '1831 MEP 3.10.44// 8” 5,000 [arrow] 158[degrees] 1355. WEST CAPELLE DYK. N. 1 x 4000. 6x1000. 1x500.C 20 SECS. F/O…

A vertical aerial photograph of Emmerich during an operation.The ground detail is obscured by explosions but the Rhine is visible at the top of the image. Annotated '1883 MEP 7.10.44// 8 12,000 [arrow] 110[degrees] 1433 EMMERICH. N. 1 x 4000. 15x4.C…

A vertical aerial photograph of Duisberg taken during a night operation. The lower half of the image is obscured by anti-aircraft fire. The top half has no clear detail. annotated '1941 MEP 14/15.10.44// NT (C) 8” 20000 [arrow] 065[degrees] 0130…

A vertical aerial photograph of Bonn during an operation. The river Rhine is seen through the centre of the image. There are bomb explosions along the river with some cloud and shadow nearby. The majority is very clear, detailing the Kennedy bridge…

A vertical aerial photograph of Flushing (Vlissingen) during an operation. Explosions can be seen on the coastal dyke. The No. 4 Commando bunker and Uncle Beach is nearby, in the bottom left of the image. Annotated '2010 MEP 21.10.44// 8” 8,000…

A vertical aerial photograph of Koblenz during a night operation. The centre of the image is obscured by anti-aircraft fire. No detail is visible on the ground. Annotated '2225 MEP 6/7.11.44/NT(C)8” 19,000. 127[degrees] 1931 KOBLENZ Z.Q IHC 4000 IN…

A vertical aerial photograph of Homberg during a daytime operation. The ground detail is not clear and there are several bomb explosions and some smoke in the centre. Annotated '2329 MEP 21.11.44//8” 20,000. 80[degrees] 1509 HOMBERG Z IHC 4000 IN…

A vertical aerial photograph of Cologne during a daytime operation. Very little detail of the ground is visible. There are some bomb explosions. Annotated '2377 MEP 27.11.44//8” 19,500. 125[degrees] 1505 COLOGNE QI IHC 4000 IN…

Three photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is three or four aircraft turning to port after bombing Dortmund. Aircraft shadows confuse the numbers involved.
Photo 2 is a vertical aerial photograph of the marshalling yards at Nordfalk, Cologne.

Three photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is 13 Lancasters in flight over RAF Mepal.
Photo 2 is a frosty tree beside Terry's hut.
Photo 3 is Terry and his crew standing in front of a Nissen hut. In the caption each individual is named, as is their…

Four photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is a view during take off from the bomb aimer's station.
Photo 2 is air gunner Paddy Glover in his mid-upper turret.
Photo 3 is wireless operator George Tredinnick looking out of the astro-dome.
Photo 4 is…

Two vertical aerial photographs from an album.
Photograph one, Frankfurt at night, is indecipherable. Captioned 'a brilliant spectacle of searchlights, flak sparks and puffs, glowing incendiaries and target indicators'.
Photograph two is taken…

Two target photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is Westkapelle dyke which was bombed to flood Walchern Island, which was below sea level.
Photo 2 is a night attack on Dortmund, most of the image obscured by anti-aircraft fire and target indicators.
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