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  • Tags: Red Cross

The message states that Reg is a prisoner of war.

The letter expresses sadness that Reg has been reported missing. The writer, Gladys, hopes to come over to visit them.

Reg's account starting when he was shot down on an operation to Berlin. After Berlin he was transferred to Frankfurt for interrogation then by train to his camp. Camp life involved food, the preparation and acquisition of extra food by theft, trading…

A notebook to be used for recording wartime activities. It contains an account of Reg's bale out, capture and time in Dulag Luft, Stalag 4B and Offlag 7B.Reg records his operational experiences the day he baled out. His captors were friendly but the…

Reg has been moved to another camp, on foot and at night. Their camp was liberated by the Americans. He is frustrated that he cannot get home since they are restricted to camp.

Reg advises that his new home is Offlag VIIB. He sounds upbeat after receiving half a Christmas parcel.

This is his first letter from a prisoner of war camp. He is well and includes a list of items to be sent via the Red Cross.

A postcard from Reg to his parents advising them that he is well in Dulag Luft.

Polish language card with personal details.
This is a document which has been completed on behalf of the sister of Bronislaw Soltysiak, as she was looking for him. The Red Cross reunited many Polish Families after the war. This is a request for…


Laura Hickey was living in Tottenham at the outbreak of war and was evacuated to Suffolk. Her brother, Charles Henry Clarke joined the RAF and was shot down, becoming a prisoner of war and enduring the Long March. She tells of her times as an…

The letter advises that a message from John was read out over German radio. He says he is fine.

The telegram advises that John is a prisoner of war and wounded.

He complains about food and the shortage of it. He describes exercising and how they spent some of their day. Finally he mentions that he sent three cards but received none.

Daily diary from 28 December 1944 to December 25 1945. Mentions air raid warnings, daily what food available from central kitchen, holiday days. visit from relations and other daily activities. Also comments on weather, seeing V-1's fly over and…

After baling out on 12 September 1944 and evading with the flight engineer for 8 days was captured. Describes move to Dulag Luft and journey to Stalag Luft VII. Gives detailed description of camp and activities. At the end quotes some extracts from…

Comments on target (Frankfurt) and odds on being shot down. It was their 19th operation and out of 124 aircrew shot down that night only 10 survived, five from their crew. Mentions evading, capture, initial treatment and journey to camp (Stalag Luft…

An explanation of what the Government is doing to trace a missing person and advice on what not to do.

Informs him that confirmation had been received through the Red Cross that his son was killed in action on 28 January 1942. He was buried in military cemetery in Düsseldorf.

A telegram advising that Allan is a prisoner of war and is unwounded.

Confirms information in telegram in which he was notified that his son had lost his life as a result of air operations on 15 March 1944. Information was from official German sources.

Reports that source of information that his son had lost his life along with Flying Officer J R Berrington and Sergeant C Clark was a German report to international Red Cross in Geneva. Report included information that Flying Officer T H Fynn was a…
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