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  • Tags: Women’s Auxiliary Air Force

Three verse poem about Christmas. Relates to a children's party and mentions WAAF officer doing party planning, trying to bring cheer to Waltham station. On the reverse 'Keith Burrows, RAFA'.

A card sent by Johnnie to Josy from RAF Market Harborough featuring a Wellington flying low over the sea.

Airmen and airwomen at a party. They are loosely arranged in six rows with 'A Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year ' decorating the wall, behind.

Wooden coat hanger inscribed '483863. E Gascoyne'.

A note attached to a collection of photographs stating 'Captionned [sic] Anne Imming WRAAF [sic] Photos Malta, Iraq - notes on back of each. Far East Asia Command 1940's'.

Large group of servicemen and women posed inside building with small stage.

A head and shoulders portrait of Connie. On the reverse 'WAAF Cpl CE Thornhill 2049455 Service 1940 to 1945 Married Oct 26th 1943'.

Top - a large group of trainee airmen wearing greatcoats and side caps sitting and standing in three rows in front of a brick building with large windows criss-crossed with blast tape. On the reverse signatures. Captioned 1 - 'Heaven help poor old…

Top row, from left;
A group of 13 uniformed airmen arranged in two rows outside an open window in a tile fronted building. Seven are standing all with half caps with six seated in front, including two officers. The individuals are annotated, from…

A crown of airmen and members of the Women's Auxiliary Air Force, several with bicycles, waving to a Lancaster taxiing past. Submitted with description 'Imperial War Museum photo No. CH10046. Annotated "Waving the boys off at Syerston." A group of…

Head and shoulders portrait of an airwoman wearing tunic with sergeants rank. On the reverse 'Cynthia Barry, Bomber Command 2 Group, Huntingdon 1942'. Two versions of the same image.

Head and shoulders portrait of a member of the Women's Auxiliary Air Force wearing tunic with sergeants rank.

Daphne Brownlee joined the Royal Air Force and joined a Bomber Command Operational Training Unit at Kinloss, and worked in Flying Control.
She tells of the hours she and her colleagues worked and also what life was like on the base, including her…

Seven airman sitting round a table being debriefed by a Women's Auxiliary Air Force officer. A wing commander leans over from the right. There are papers, mugs and thermos flasks on the table. In the background another table with five airmen.

Two photographs of Dhoon Glen.
Photo 1 is a waterfall. On the reverse 'June 26th, 1945. Waterfall in Dhoon Glen'.
Photo 2 is Barbara standing beside a tree. On the reverse 'June 26th, 1945. Dhoon Glen That's not a monkey - its me!'

A cartoon of two WAAFs confused by dinghy drawings, captioned 'We carry out a modification with the "help"? of Sundry Mysterious Plans'.

Reporting on the ditching of Flight Lieutenant Frank Butterfield and the plotting of the course of his return by his wife and him collecting his honours at Buckingham Palace. A photograph of 21 airmen in three rows; four seated on the ground, four in…

A head and shoulders portrait of Richard's wife, in uniform. On the reverse 'Group Captain R Kellett 738 St Luft III'.

Starts with birth and childhood and description of living conditions. Discontinuous pages follow. Description of training instruction. Next page describes invitation and participation to American celebration. Mentions hangers with B-17s and Glen…

Outline draft notes for memoir. Mentions posting, Grimsby, flying control, Lancaster, people, dances, parties, heartbreak, Americans, Heathcliff, removal of camp, posting to Swannington, Mosquito and more.

In the foreground left, three aircrew wearing flying suits and parachute harness all holding tea mugs. On the centre right an airman wearing battledress with half brevet holding a mug and on the right a Women's Auxiliary Air force officer holding a…

A large group of RAF personnel including members of the Women's Auxiliary Air Force sitting and standing in three rows with a building in the background. Titled 'Duty Staff of: Flying Control, Crash Tender and Ambulance and Met office RAF Breighton'.…
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