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  • Tags: Lancaster

Two versions of the same item. Five aircrew and one groundcrew standing in front and three aircrew behind sitting on the tail of a Lancaster. All are wearing battledress. Right hand standing man is leaning on the bottom of the fuselage door. On the…

Eight aircrew wearing battledress with peaked or side caps on top of a Lancaster, five on port inner engine, one in the cockpit and two sitting on top of fuselage behind cockpit. On the reverse 'PA964 MG-G, L-R Tom Jones, Steve Harper, Clive…

Two versions of the same item. In the distance a line of airmen in front of a Lancaster. On the reverse 'PA964 MG-G, L-R, Joe Naylor, Steve Harper, Dave Goodwin, Fred Phillips, Tom Jones, Stan Williamson, Clive Thurston, Ron Wynne, Sept 1944, 7…

Two versions of the same item. Eight airmen wearing battledress and peaked or side caps standing in line in front of a Lancaster. On the reverse 'L - R Fred Phillips, Dave Goodwin, Stan Williamson, Clive Thurston, Ron Wynne, Joe Naylor, Tom Jones,…

Two versions of same item. Eight airmen wearing battledress and peaked or side caps. Six standing by the rear fuselage door of a Lancaster and two sitting in the door. On the reverse 'L-R Steve Harper, Fred Phillips, Dave Goodwin, Clive Thurston,…

Two versions of the same item. Eight airmen wearing battledress and peaked or side caps standing in two lines in front of a Lancaster. On the reverse 'Front row L-R, Stan Williamson RAAF W/Op, Tom Jones RAFVR F/E, Ron Wynn RAFVY AG-MUP, Joe "Jonny"…

Ministry of Defence news release. Account of memorial to Lancaster bomber crew who crashed near Michelbach on 28 January 1945. Tells of inspiration and building of monument by local man and unveiling along with representatives of the RAF and Federal…

Lists details of Peter Jenkinson's aircraft, date, squadron, base, place of crash, names of crew.

Top - head and shoulders portrait of an officer wearing shirt with rank and pilot's brevet. Captioned '1915-1945'.
Middle - seven aircrew standing in line underneath the wing of a Lancaster. Captioned 'Wing Commander Powley, with crew standing in…

Air-to-air view of the rear quarter of an airborne Lancaster letters 'P4-O'. from slightly below on port side.

Account of Karl Frauhammer and his decision to make a gesture of peace by building a memorial to the seven members of a Lancaster which was shot down near his home. Flight engineer on aircraft was Peter Jenkinson. Family did not find out about…

Table listing unit, date, aircraft, time, area of combat. Lists 36 combats with allied aircraft from 23 August 1943 until 17 March 1945. Includes Peter Jenkinson's Lancaster on 28 January 1945 as one of four that night. Details from "Luftwaffe Night…

Full face portrait of an officer wearing tunic with pilot's brevet and peaked cap. Captioned with details and that he was pilot of Peter Jenkinson's Lancaster shot down 28 January 1945 all crew killed.
Two notes giving biographic details and record…

States that Flying Officer Jones and crew failed to return from operation to Stuttgart on 28 January 1945. After attack by German night fighter Lancaster PB638 ('O - Oboe') crashed at Michelbach, Aglasterhausen. Tells of local man designing and…

Blue file cover. Top a b/w copy of 153 Squadron badge. Note with title name and born 14 November 1921. Shot down and killed by a German fighter 28 January 1945. Underneath a painting of a Lancaster , letters 'P4-O' airborne dropping bombs.…

Translation from newspaper article reporting Philip Jenkinson's visit to Michelbach. Notes that Philip himself was shot down in Halifax south of Augsburg and he visited Michelbach a few days ago and saw memorial to his brothers crew who crashed…

Lists 13 operations while a wireless operator on 166 Squadron at RAF Kirmington and 16 operations completed on 153 Squadron at RAF Scamption. He failed to return from his 17th operation from Scampton. Notes memorial to crew erected at the crash site…

Covers command structure on formation and names commanders. Mentions original multinational crews. Covers some details of operational record at RAF Kirmington. Concludes with move to RAF Scampton and formation of 153 Squadron.

Covers medical problems in childhood, starting work with Bristol aircraft company in 1937, medically unfit for RAF aircrew, he was sent to work on Beaufighter at RAF Predannack where he was awarded a white feather by a young lady at a social event.…

Details of research into air attacks on Munich including contact with Philip Jenkinson whose aircraft was shot down on the operation and German amateur historian. Noted number of aircraft lost, casualties RAF and German, prisoners of war. Both for…

Recounts details of operation and being attacked by Me 109s which were driven off and then by a Ju 88 which set them on fire. Bombs jettisoned and he baled out. Continues with account of evading and attempt to reach Switzerland. Describes capture and…

Lists squadron, aircraft type and serial number, reason for loss if known, number killed and number survived. Consists of 19 crews from 13 squadrons with 6 Lancaster and 13 Halifax.

Account of Evelyn Payne who lost her brother over Stuttgart but made new friends in Allgau. Relates brother lost as member of Lancaster crew on 28 January 1945. States that only many years later did family learn of the circumstances under which he…

Account of Evelyn Payne (sister to Philip and Peter Jenkinson visiting Germany to see the place where her brother Flight Sergeant Peter Jenkinson's Lancaster was intercepted and crashed. Describes visit and being joined by German acquaintances and…
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