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  • Tags: flight engineer

Horace Burchett joined the Royal Air Force at the age of 17 and rose to the rank of Flight Engineer, serving in an all Austrailian Squadron at 1654 Conversion Unit in Wiglsely in Northamptonshire.
Posted to 463 Squadron at Waddington, still with the…

William Bryan reminisces being hit by a German fighter and anti-aircraft fire while mine laying the Kiel Bay. The rest of the tour was a reasonably quiet time, consisting mainly of operations in the run-up of the Normandy campaign. Describes bombing…

Graham Allen joined the Royal Air Force aged 19. He trained as a mechanic and worked on inspection and recovery of Spitfire aircraft. He later volunteered to be a flight engineer, and flew a tour of operations with 106 Squadron. His first operation…

Eight aircrew sitting on chairs in front of a wall. All are wearing battledress and side caps. Charles Godfrey is fourth from the right.

Flight Lieutenant Mercer and crew and ground personnel in front of their Lancaster. On the reverse:
'March 1944 X for Xray
Dunholme Lodge
Bomber Command
Left to right
Isot Pratt. (mid upper) F/lt Mercer D.F.C. (pilot) Sgt Fallan (fit.…

A group of seven aircrew standing and four ground crew, crouched in front of a Halifax 'U-again'. Nose art indicates 36 operations. There is a cartoon rabbit holding a bomb and being attacked by a fighter. On the reverse is a modern detailed…

A port side image of a B-24 Mk VI showing the eight crew positions.

Lists crews and aircraft for operations on 14/15 January 1944. The fourth member of each crew is ticked. Includes briefing times and duty personnel

Lists crews and aircraft for operations on 22/23 February 1944. Fourth member of each crew is underlined and ticked. Includes briefing times and duty personnel. On the bottom some handwritten notes and calculations.

Lists crews and aircraft for operations on 30/31 January 1944. The fourth member of each crew is underlined. Included two standby crews with aircraft letters annotated. Shows briefing times and lists duty personnel. Page is written over with…

Lists crews and aircraft for operations on 25/26 February 1944. The fourth member of each crew is underlined and ticked. Includes two standby crews, briefing times and duty personnel.

Lists crews and aircraft for operations on 28/29 February 1944. The fourth member of each crew is underlined and two crews have aircraft letters appended. Includes briefing times and duty personnel.

Ernie Twells and five airmen colleagues before he became aircrew. Captioned 'Ernie Twells 2nd from right'. On the reverse the names and addresses of four of the other men.

Bob Knights and seven crew wearing flying gear standing in front of…

Ernie Twells is climbing on the starboard outer engine of Lancaster PB414. The view is from the inside the aircraft. On the reverse is 'PB414 Yagodnik'.

A group of six airmen, Ernie Twells is third from right, standing in front of a Lancaster. Flight Lieutenant Knights is third from the left. All have their hands behind their backs except one man who has his right hand in his pocket.

Lists crews and aircraft for operations on night 4/5 March 1944. Fourth member of each crew is underlined and ticked. The last crew, third from left in third row is written in. Includes one standby crew and duty personnel. On the reverse some…

Lists crews and aircraft for operations on 5/6 March 1944. The fourth member of each crew is ticked. Includes briefing times and duty crew. On the reverse camera notes.

Lists crews and aircraft for operations on nigh 6/7 March 1944. Fourth member of each crew is underlined. Included briefing times and duty personnel.

Flight Lieutenant Knights and crew. Ernie Twells is third from right, standing in front of a Lancaster. Flight Lieutenant Knights is third from the left.

The two starboard engines of a Lancaster viewed from inside the aircraft. In the background…

A document recommending the award of a Distinguished Flying Cross to Ernie Twells.

Captioned 'Flight Lieutenant Ernie Twells D.F.C. 619 Squadron 24 missions 617 Squadron 41 missions'.

Lists crews and aircraft for opetaions 10/11 March 1944. Fourth member of each crew is ticked. Includes briefing times and duty personnel.

Lists crews and aircraft for operations. Fourth member of each crew is underlined. Includes two standby crews, timings and duty personnel.

Lists crews and aircraft for operations on 16/17 March 1944. The fourth member of each crew is underlined. Third crew in second row is crossed through. and a new captain annotated for fourth crew in second row. Includes two standby crews and duty…
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