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  • Tags: bombing

Photo 1 is a bomb damaged view with a launch in the foreground, annotated 'The Old city from launch'.
Photo 2 is the dockyard with cranes , annotated 'Sunken shipping dock area'.
Photo 3 is a bridge with the city behind, annotated 'Hamburg from…

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Three names. AUS 406088 F. D'O Barnett F/O. AUS415366 Simon G Emery. Note 'Simon killed April 1944'. AUS 422423 J N K Cameron F/O. Note 'Ron killed February 21st 1944'.
Newspaper cutting concerning Flying Officer R K McIntyre description of an…

Covers all postings in service including training in England and the United States and operations on 158 Squadron flying Halifax after which he was a pilot instructor.

Target photograph showing city with river/canal middle left to top right. Caption '3936, CON 7/8.1.45//NT 8", 18000, 075 20.27.8 32 SECS, F/L WOOLNOUGH R97, MUNICH R'.

Photo is upside down; north is at the bottom. The river top left is the Isar,…

Reconnaissance photograph at low level of goods yard with significant bomb damage with craters and destroyed buildings throughout. A drained canal runs top to bottom with large barge aground against quay and another smaller pair tied together at top.…

Target photograph showing bomb bursts in built up area and the silhouette of a Lancaster below. Caption '2775 CON 20/21-7-44//NT 8" 15000, 225, COURTRAI. BB, 5X1000, 23SECS. F/O LASH[...]'.

Target photograph showing an airfield with triangle of runways with buildings bottom and right. Bomb bursts are visible across the airfield. Caption '3248 CON. 15.8.44// 8" 17600, 080, 1208, DEELEN A/D Q., 11x1000, 4x500C35secs. F/Lt LASHAM, Q97'.

Reconnaissance photograph of part of a city with damaged buildings.

Target photograph with indistinct ground but several bombs visible centre left and centre. Caption mostly unreadable '[....], 9/10.3.44, Marignane P. 1 x 4000, 5 x 1000, 19s [..]'.

Air-to-air view from starboard rear quarter of an airborne Lancaster letters 'BH-V'. Submitted with caption '017 - ostatni lot z bombami - na kwatere Hitlera w Berthesgarden'

Lists operations flown as an air gunner with 207 Squadron to Homberg,
Dortmund Ems canal, Dusseldorf, Munich, Heilbronn, Geisen, Heimbach, Gdynia, Stettin, Politz and Dresden between 1 November 1944 and 14 February 1945. His pilots on operations…

Catches up with latest mail sent/received. Mentions that he has sent food parcels to them. Says he will hand onto photographs rather than risking losing them in the mail. Comments on his satisfactory financial situation.


Writes that he is still managing to get through exams alright. Comments on news that his friend had failed one of his exams at another station and suggests that this was an example where results of exams did not give guidance to a person's…

Part 2. Writes of his concern over recent air attack on Hull. Discusses Norman's future training and recommends book on aircraft recognition. Catches up with family news.

Part 1. Catches up with family news and comments on time mail takes to reach him. mentions he had heard of heavy air attack on Hull and hopes that they are all OK. Catches up with other news and gossip. Mentions bomb site scroungers and that he is…

Catches up with news of Norman's activities. Mentions hearing on the radio of air attack on Hull and hopes family are safe and well. Mentions the importance of having good friends.

Hazel Carby discusses her father Carl's early life in Jamaica, his experiences training in Canada and serving as aircrew in the RAF, and how he and his family were treated in London in the post war period.

She also discusses her research into her…

R G Wells Flight Engineer’s Flying Log Book covering the period 16 April 1944 to 30 September 1944. Detailing his flying training and operations flown as flight engineer. He was stationed at RAF Riccall (1658 HCU), RAF Lisset (158 Squadron) and RAF…

Details of squadron, aircraft, captain, navigator, date, orders, route and two pages of en-route navigation observations. Note on top right 'Op No. 30'.

Map showing south east England and Northern France with pencilled route from Lincoln area to Pas de Calais area. Annotated top middle 'Op. No. 30, 31/8/44'. On the reverse 'Op. No. 30 St Riquier, 31/8/44'.

Details of squadron, aircraft, captain, navigator, date, orders, route and two pages of en-route navigation observations. Note on top right 'Op No. 29 (FROMENTEL).

Pilots flying log book for James A Penny, covering the period from 10 November 1941 to 23 November 1943 when he was shot down over Berlin. He was stationed at AAC Souther Field, RCAF North Battleford, RAF Shawbury, RAF Sleap, RAF Blyton, RAF Upwood…
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