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  • Tags: pilot

Half length portrait of Alan Edgar in uniform with pilot brevet. On the reverse 'Regards to Eddie & Kay from your old pal [indecipherable] Upwood May 1945'.
It is stamped 'Royal Australian Air Force Official Photograph'.

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Head and shoulders image of Alan smoking a pipe. On the reverse 'FX IS'985' 23416 14'

Half length portraits of Alan Edgar in RAF uniform and his brother in sergeant's Army uniform. On the front is written 'Best of Luck [indecipherable]' On the reverse 'Flt A.G Edgar Dad & His Brother'. Another comment has been blacked out. A rubber…

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An airman identified as Alan Edgar sitting in the cockpit of a Canadian built Avro Anson. He is wearing a leather helmet and goggles. On the reverse is written 'Freddie Firth takes one of yours truly -wrapped up for nothing Feb 43'.
A second…

Alan Edgar, dressed in shorts and khaki with a member of the ground crew in khaki overalls, standing in front of three Canberras.

Seven airmen standing at the front of a Stirling. They are all dressed in their flying kit.
On the reverse they are identified and autographed -
'Skipper AG Edgar RAF
Navigator Robert J Brooks RAAF
Air Bomber Allan J. Millard RAAF
Wireless Op…

A group of six airmen arranged in two rows in front of a brick building. On the reverse is written
'Left to Right
Bob the Navigator
Don the Rear Gunner
Allan the Air Bomber
Johnny the Mid Upper Gunner
Rid the Wireless Op
A second…

Four airmen including Alan Edgar around a Mercedes-Benz W120 'Ponton' . Alan is smoking and one airman is making V signs. Behind is a large wooden hut.

Identification kindly provided by John Braithwaite and Al X Watts.

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Two airmen in khaki and shorts standing in the sunshine. The man on the right has pilot wings.

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Two airmen standing by a brick building.

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A newspaper cutting announcing the award of a DFC to Alan. It describes the event the night they safely returned to UK with their damaged aircraft.

The letter advises Terry that his application to a commission has been approved.

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The letter congratulates Terry Ford on becoming a pilot officer and describes the courses John is taking.

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He wishes Terry Ford the best of luck on joining the RAF, talks about Roy Archibald's passing out parade, firing off pistol ammunition that was no longer required and a football match.

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Booklet produced as part of 'Their Past Your Future's series produced for the Heritage Lottery. This is based on Ken's memories of his training for and operations with Bomber Command and his post war service in the Royal Air Force, as described to a…

Terry Ford thanked his parents for the cigarettes and letters. He was elated about flying an aircraft with his instructor in bad weather conditions.

A letter from Terry Ford to his family where he writes about arriving at Desford and that he has been sent to the drome with 8 others. They are learning to fly Tiger Moths. John Fisher, Clem Fletcher and Alan Harris are at Desford with Terry.

Letter from Terry Ford to his parents letting them know that he has been classified as a u/t pilot, and the new intake has arrived.

Eleven men wearing a mixture of battledress jackets, shorts and football tops with a cup. Information from donor 'Squadron aircrew football team March 1945'.

Terry Ford writes to his family that he has plenty of hours solo flying. He also writes that he has had two spells in jankers.

Terry Ford writes to his family about enjoying the course now that the weather has improved. By the end of the course he will be a qualified navigator and a pilot. He has received a letter from Uncle Claude inviting him to go to New York with him.

Two photographs, first is of five of Ronald's crew on a Halifax wing, second all the crew, posed in two rows outside a wooden building

Peter writes to Terry about receiving his wings and a commission.
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