Letter to Terry Ford from the Air Ministry



Letter to Terry Ford from the Air Ministry


The letter advises Terry that his application to a commission has been approved.



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Two typewritten sheets


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I am commanded by the Air Council to inform you that your application for appointment to a commission in the Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve has been approved and you will be commissioned in the General Duties Branch of the Reserve as a pilot, in accordance with the provisions of Air Ministry Pamphlet 199 in the rank of Flying Officer with effect from 7th, September, 1948. The appointment will be for a period of five years.
2. On appointment to a commission in the reconstituted Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve it will be necessary for you to relinquish the commission which you already hold in the Volunteer Reserve. The necessary notifications will appear in the London Gazette in due course.
3. The Air Council desire to take this opportunity of conveying to you their appreciation of the services which you have rendered to the Royal Air Force during a period of grave national emergency and have granted you permission to retain the rank of Flight Lieutenant under the provisions of
Flight Lieutenant T.A.Ford.
White Lion,
Nr. Bristol.
P.S: Please contact this centre as soon as possible.
[National Scheme for Disabled Men Logo]
[page break]
Air Ministry Order A.627/41, as amended. Since, however, your new commission will be in the rank of Flying Officer you should use the latter rank and wear the badges thereof when engaged on Royal Air Force Volunteer Reserve duties and on occasions related thereto. On other occasions you will be free, if you so desire, to use the rank retained by you under the provisions of Air Ministry Order A.627/41, as amended; in this connection your attention is drawn to the provisions of K.R. 207 regarding the occasions on which officers who have been permitted to retain rank my wear the uniform and badges of that rank.
4. You will retain your personal number 152112, which should be quoted in all official correspondence.
5. The enclosed form requesting particulars of your next of kin and other details should be completed and returned to this Department as soon as possible.
I am, Sir,
Your obedient Servant,
L.G. Campbell.




Great Britain. Air Ministry, “Letter to Terry Ford from the Air Ministry,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed September 21, 2024, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/23790.

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