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  • Tags: military service conditions

View from below of man at the controls of Lancaster with dual controls. He is wearing flying helmet with oxygen mask. On the reverse 'John Johnson RAF Flight Engineer'.

List of items to be brought by ACW2 Nicholls on reporting for draft to reception depot.

Eight photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is rows of long tables and chairs, captioned 'Mess, Airmen for the use of'.
Photo 2 is double tiered bunks, captioned 'Last on Parade'.
Photo 3 is an airman sitting on a bunk reading, captioned 'So does…

19 photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is an Anson viewed from the port/rear, captioned 'The "Flying Greenhouse" '.
Photo 2 is three Ansons outside a hangar, captioned 'Warming Up'.
Photo 3 is three airmen standing at the front of an Anson,…

Douglas Conlon in the rear turret of a Lancaster. It is a Rose turret with two .50 machine guns and no perspex.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

Three photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is a view of the flight deck from behind.
Photo 2 is an airman at a work station in the cockpit, annotated 'The Doc'
Photo 3 is some trees and snow.
A fourth photo has been removed.

Covers progress of work, student lectures, postal address, dress, reporting sick, leave, flying, library, church services, mess rules, mess facilities, registered mail, sports and entertainment.

Covers introduction, responsibilities of a commander, structure of a headquarters staff, the policy staff, control of a branch, coordination of staff work, organisation of the air branch, the plans section, the operations section, the intelligence…

Covers introduction, dual aspect, stations of two main types, station structure, specialised services, non-operational stations, control of stations in operational commands, bomber, fighter command, 2nd T.A.F., coastal, amendments and questions.

Covers introduction, mobile squadrons, responsibility, control, personnel, efficiency and the days work.

Covers aim, planned flying, method of planning, planned servicing, example. establishment, the pool, measurement of efficiency, the most economical gang, centralised servicing, training - servicing wing organisation, strategic 'S' wing organisation…

Covers officers' rates, joining certificates, methods of payment, advances, officers' outfits, officers' allowances, single officer, qualified married officer, unqualified married officer, married officer, allowances individually, when claimed,…

What welfare is, where information is obtainable, station welfare committees, semi-official organisations, list of publications on welfare. Appendixes covers the RAF Benevolent fund, Welfare addresses, allied personnel's hospitality and…

List of eighteen questions on welfare. Officers mess precis covers membership, furniture/property/insurance, procedures on change of station, procedure on taking over mess, procedure on change of command, WAAF messes, new station or unit - opening…

Covers formation and control, membership, subscriptions and contributions, payment of mess bills, discipline, entertainment, mess equipment/insurance, mess meetings, mess management, responsibility of C.O., responsibility of officer in charge, duties…

Covers need for high standards of catering. catering supervisory organisation, station organisation, officers having messing responsibilities, duties of catering officer, universal messing, rations, ration drawing procedure, the document page 4 is…

Twenty messing and catering questions as well as fifteen casualty procedure questions.

Covers the work of the air ministry, constitution of the air council, responsibilities of members of the council, the ministerial members, the air members, the permanent under-secretary of state (PUS), general observation on the on the department of…

Covers public/non public funds, station commanders responsibilities for both, personnel occurrence reports, pay parades, accounting under active service conditions, officers' pay and allowances, airmen's' pay, cash service instructions and questions.

First document covers punishment awarded summarily, C.O's powers of punishment, subordinate commander's powers of punishment, detachment commander's powers of punishment, procedures when badges of rank covered, reduction of punishments, reversions,…

Covers definition, purpose, when and by whom to be taken, action before taking, procedure - explanation to the accused, procedure - taking the summary, evidence, procedure - making up papers, summoning of witnesses, action by C.O, conclusion and…

first document covers responsibility and control, identification of stores, classification of stores, categorisation of stores, forms to use, accounting and questions. Second document covers passing of forms, loss of equipment. casual and local…

Covers purpose, Forms 28, filling in Forms 28, hastening of documents using a set A, check by C.O, Forms 1580 airman's/airwomen's record sheet, character and trade assessments, examples, assessments when made, authority for postings, points to watch…

Covers introduction, channels of advancement, trades in the RAF, preliminary action, further action, disposal of Forms 167 and exceptions. Followed by reclassification which covers aim, skilled trades, unskilled trades, methods, promotion from…

Promotion of officers covers introduction, the scheme. peace establishment promotion, war substantive rank, war establishment promotion, appointment to acting rank, relinquishment of acting rank, recommendation for war establishment promotion,…
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