Officers advanced training school - promotion of, and confidential reports on officers
Officers advanced training school - promotion of, and confidential reports on officers
Promotion of officers covers introduction, the scheme. peace establishment promotion, war substantive rank, war establishment promotion, appointment to acting rank, relinquishment of acting rank, recommendation for war establishment promotion, prisoners of war and internment and comparative seniority. Confidential reports on officers covers general principles, rules for adverse reports, warning of officer of shortcomings, officer unsuitable for present posting, finally Forms 1369 and W1369 followed by questions.
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Four page typewritten document
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[date stamp of No. 1 Officers Advanced Training School Jul 1945]
[underlined] 17C5
Reference: K.R. 332 and 1097B. A.M.O. A.1024/44 as amended, A.M.O. A.984/42 as amended.
[underlined] PROMOTION OF OFFICERS [/underlined]
[underlined] Introductory [/underlined]
1. War-time schemes must vary from peace because R.A.F. in wartime is a large temporary force and the size of the post war force cannot be foreseen. Most promotion therefore, of a temporary nature subject to review at end of war.
2. Temporary scheme must provide for:-
(a) Normal promotion for officers whose career is the service
(b) A guaranteed rank for officers
(c) Promotion to fill war establishments
(d) A measure of acting promotion to overcome drafting difficulties.
[underlined] The Scheme [/underlined]
3. The requirements of para. 2 (a) to (d) have been dealt with as follows:-
(a) Peace establishment promotion to full substantive rank
(b) War substantive rank
(c) War establishment promotion to temporary rank
(d) Appointment to acting rank.
[underlined] Peace Establishment Promotion [/underlined]
4. Ordinary peace time promotion for:-
(a) Officers holding permanent commissions
(b) Officers who had been provisionally selected on 3rd. Sept. 1939 when grant of permanent commissions suspended
(c) Officers, (other than those with permanent commissions) retained to complete time for retired pay.
Object to give these officers promotion they would have got under peace conditions. No regular recommendations. Vacancies filled on peace establishment of R.A.F. as at 3rd Sept. 1939. Selection boards held every six months at Air Ministry and selections published in London Gazette on 1st January and 1st July each year.
[underlined] War Substantive Rank [/underlined] (A.P. 837, paras. 1054, 1063 and 1063A)
5. The only rank guaranteed for duration of emergency. Advancement obtained by:-
(a) Time promotion
(b) Qualification after holding temporary and acting ranks for certain periods.
No recommendations required. Reports only rendered if officer not recommended. Air Ministry promulgate in “London Gazette”.
[underlined] War Establishment Promotion [/underlined] (A.P. 837 para. 1055)
6. Promotions to temporary rank made by Air Ministry to fill vacancies in the bulk war establishment. No officer, except medical and dental, is eligible until finished with time promotion, e.g. first temporary rank for G.D. branch is squadron Leader. Selections published twice
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a year on 1st January and 1st July in “London Gazette”. See para. 11 as to recommendation.
[underlined] Appointment to Acting Rank [/underlined] (A.P. 837 paras. 1057 – 1061)
7. When no suitable officer of correct temporary or war substantive rank available for particular post, acting rank may be given to most suitable junior officer. THERE IS NO CONNECTION BETWEEN ACTING AND TEMPORARY RANKS. Advancement in acting rank is only advancement which Commands can authorise. Commands can authorise acting ranks up to and including wing commander in all branches except meteorological and R.A.F. Regiment. Pay granted retrospectively after rank held for 21 days. [inserted] NO LONGER APPLICABLE EXCEPT AC. S.E.A. [/inserted]
8. No appointments to acting flying officer allowed in any branch, as flying officer is lowest establishment vacancy. For medical and dental officers, lowest appointment is flight lieutenant; therefore no acting rank below squadron leader can be authorised for these officers. Advancement in acting rank normally one step at a time.
[underlined] Relinquishment of Acting Rank [/underlined] (A.P. 837 para. 1059)
9. Imperative that officers understand that acting rank can be held only so long as holder continues performing duties of that rank. There can be no guarantee of continuity of tenure. Relinquishment must be notified to officer concerned IN WRITING. Appeals from officers against recovery of over-issue of pay on account of relinquishment of acting rank are not entertained under any circumstances.
[underlined] Promulgation of Acting Rank [/underlined] (A.P. 837 para. 1060)
10. Issue and cessation of pay of acting ranks granted by Air Ministry and Commands at home regulated by posting notices, and acting ranks granted by Commands overseas by entries in P.O.R. All grants and relinquishments must be promulgated in P.O.R. under heading “ACTING RANKS”. This heading appears in front of all other P.O.R. headings and word “NIL” must be inserted below heading if no entries in a particular P.O.R.
Acting rank not published in “LONDON GAZETTE” unless to air vice-marshal or above.
[underlined] Recommendations for War Establishment Promotion [/underlined] (A.P. 837 para. 1064)
11. Assessments of fitness for temporary promotion submitted to Air Ministry on 1st March and 1st September as follows:-
(a) by A.Os. C.-in-C. – for group captains
(b) by A.Os. C. – for wing commander and below.
Separate lists for each rank and branch submitted and officers assessed “A”, “B”, “C”, “C” Immobile or “D”. “A” indicates “Recommended for immediate promotion”: “B” – “Recommended for promotion in turn”; “C” – “Fitness for promotion in turn doubtful”; “C” Immobile and “D” – “Not recommended for promotion”. Para. 20 of A.M.O. A.1024/44 must be carefully studied before assessments made. “C” (Immobile) to be given if immobility on compassionate or medical grounds is only barrier to promotion. Officer should not be assessed if he has been less than 3 months in Command or Group.
[underlined] Prisoners of War and Internees [/underlined] (A.P. 837 para. 1065)
12. P.O.W. and internees retain acting rank and are eligible for war substantive rank, either by time promotion or through holding acting rank. Not eligible for peace or war establishment promotion.
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[underlined] Comparative Seniority [/underlined]
13. Officers of temporary or war substantive rank take seniority and precedence over similar acting rank, e.g. a wing commander (tempy) [sic] with seniority 1st Jan. 1944 would take precedence over an acting wing commander with seniority 1st Jan. 1943.
[underlined] CONFIDENTIAL REPORTS ON OFFICERS [/underlined]
[underlined] General Principles [/underlined]
14. Vital for reporting officers to record an honest opinion without regard to consequences. Failure in this respect may have very detrimental effect on efficiency and well-being of the service.
[underlined] Rules for Adverse Reports [/underlined]
15. When necessary to make adverse reports on officers, following procedure must be scrupulously observed:- [inserted] KR. 1097B [/inserted]
(a) Report must be shown to officer concerned and initialled by him.
(b) Officer concerned must be given opportunity to make statement on adverse report.
(c) Report and officer’s statement must be sent forward to higher authority.
[underlined] Warning to Officer of Shortcomings [/underlined]
16. When officer’s conduct not up to standard but not sufficiently serious for court martial or termination of commission, superior officer must warn him of shortcomings and give opportunity for improvement. Any subsequent formal adverse reports must contain information as to warnings and periods given for improvement.
[underlined] Officer Unsuitable for present Posting [/underlined]
17. When officer considered unsuitable for existing posting, action taken under K.R. 332. Reports under K.R. 332 not necessarily adverse but must always be seen and initialled by officer concerned.
[underlined] Forms 1369 and W.1369 [/underlined]
18. For details as to confidential reports on R.A.F. officers (Form 1369) and W.A.A.F. officers (W.1369) see A.P. 837, paras. 1072-1075.
Forms 1369 and W.1369 are privileged documents retained by Air Ministry after going through channels of Command. Copies not in any circumstances to be retained in unit or headquarters’ offices.
[underlined] Amendments to this Precis [/underlined]
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[underlined] OFFICERS ADVANCE TRAINING SCHOOL [/underlined]
1. Acting S.L. O. Shux, G.D. Branch commissioned as a P.O. on 10.4.43 was appointed to that rank on 15.6.44. What is the earliest date on which he can qualify for war substantive Flight Lieutenant?
2. F.L. Cluless, G.D. Branch, was granted the war substantive rank of F.L. on 16.3.44. When would his first assessment for temporary S quadron Leader reach the Air Ministry?
3. What rank is guaranteed to an officer for the duration of the emergency?
4. How could an acting Squadron Leader become a war substantive Group Captain?
5. Squadron Leader (T) Jones, A & S.D. Branch was appointed acting Wing Commander on 1.1.43; reverted to Squadron Leader 1.6.43; re-appointed acting Wing Commander 1.2.44. What is the earliest date he can become a war substantive Squadron Leader?
6. If an officer is wounded on operations, for how long can he retain his acting Rank?
7. What grants of acting rank are gazetted?
8. When is form 1369 rendered?
9. In what way are an officer’s personal qualities, in comparison with his brother officer of the same rank, assessed on Form 1369?
10. Who maintains duplicate copies of Form 1369 at Group Headquarters.
[underlined] 17C5
Reference: K.R. 332 and 1097B. A.M.O. A.1024/44 as amended, A.M.O. A.984/42 as amended.
[underlined] PROMOTION OF OFFICERS [/underlined]
[underlined] Introductory [/underlined]
1. War-time schemes must vary from peace because R.A.F. in wartime is a large temporary force and the size of the post war force cannot be foreseen. Most promotion therefore, of a temporary nature subject to review at end of war.
2. Temporary scheme must provide for:-
(a) Normal promotion for officers whose career is the service
(b) A guaranteed rank for officers
(c) Promotion to fill war establishments
(d) A measure of acting promotion to overcome drafting difficulties.
[underlined] The Scheme [/underlined]
3. The requirements of para. 2 (a) to (d) have been dealt with as follows:-
(a) Peace establishment promotion to full substantive rank
(b) War substantive rank
(c) War establishment promotion to temporary rank
(d) Appointment to acting rank.
[underlined] Peace Establishment Promotion [/underlined]
4. Ordinary peace time promotion for:-
(a) Officers holding permanent commissions
(b) Officers who had been provisionally selected on 3rd. Sept. 1939 when grant of permanent commissions suspended
(c) Officers, (other than those with permanent commissions) retained to complete time for retired pay.
Object to give these officers promotion they would have got under peace conditions. No regular recommendations. Vacancies filled on peace establishment of R.A.F. as at 3rd Sept. 1939. Selection boards held every six months at Air Ministry and selections published in London Gazette on 1st January and 1st July each year.
[underlined] War Substantive Rank [/underlined] (A.P. 837, paras. 1054, 1063 and 1063A)
5. The only rank guaranteed for duration of emergency. Advancement obtained by:-
(a) Time promotion
(b) Qualification after holding temporary and acting ranks for certain periods.
No recommendations required. Reports only rendered if officer not recommended. Air Ministry promulgate in “London Gazette”.
[underlined] War Establishment Promotion [/underlined] (A.P. 837 para. 1055)
6. Promotions to temporary rank made by Air Ministry to fill vacancies in the bulk war establishment. No officer, except medical and dental, is eligible until finished with time promotion, e.g. first temporary rank for G.D. branch is squadron Leader. Selections published twice
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a year on 1st January and 1st July in “London Gazette”. See para. 11 as to recommendation.
[underlined] Appointment to Acting Rank [/underlined] (A.P. 837 paras. 1057 – 1061)
7. When no suitable officer of correct temporary or war substantive rank available for particular post, acting rank may be given to most suitable junior officer. THERE IS NO CONNECTION BETWEEN ACTING AND TEMPORARY RANKS. Advancement in acting rank is only advancement which Commands can authorise. Commands can authorise acting ranks up to and including wing commander in all branches except meteorological and R.A.F. Regiment. Pay granted retrospectively after rank held for 21 days. [inserted] NO LONGER APPLICABLE EXCEPT AC. S.E.A. [/inserted]
8. No appointments to acting flying officer allowed in any branch, as flying officer is lowest establishment vacancy. For medical and dental officers, lowest appointment is flight lieutenant; therefore no acting rank below squadron leader can be authorised for these officers. Advancement in acting rank normally one step at a time.
[underlined] Relinquishment of Acting Rank [/underlined] (A.P. 837 para. 1059)
9. Imperative that officers understand that acting rank can be held only so long as holder continues performing duties of that rank. There can be no guarantee of continuity of tenure. Relinquishment must be notified to officer concerned IN WRITING. Appeals from officers against recovery of over-issue of pay on account of relinquishment of acting rank are not entertained under any circumstances.
[underlined] Promulgation of Acting Rank [/underlined] (A.P. 837 para. 1060)
10. Issue and cessation of pay of acting ranks granted by Air Ministry and Commands at home regulated by posting notices, and acting ranks granted by Commands overseas by entries in P.O.R. All grants and relinquishments must be promulgated in P.O.R. under heading “ACTING RANKS”. This heading appears in front of all other P.O.R. headings and word “NIL” must be inserted below heading if no entries in a particular P.O.R.
Acting rank not published in “LONDON GAZETTE” unless to air vice-marshal or above.
[underlined] Recommendations for War Establishment Promotion [/underlined] (A.P. 837 para. 1064)
11. Assessments of fitness for temporary promotion submitted to Air Ministry on 1st March and 1st September as follows:-
(a) by A.Os. C.-in-C. – for group captains
(b) by A.Os. C. – for wing commander and below.
Separate lists for each rank and branch submitted and officers assessed “A”, “B”, “C”, “C” Immobile or “D”. “A” indicates “Recommended for immediate promotion”: “B” – “Recommended for promotion in turn”; “C” – “Fitness for promotion in turn doubtful”; “C” Immobile and “D” – “Not recommended for promotion”. Para. 20 of A.M.O. A.1024/44 must be carefully studied before assessments made. “C” (Immobile) to be given if immobility on compassionate or medical grounds is only barrier to promotion. Officer should not be assessed if he has been less than 3 months in Command or Group.
[underlined] Prisoners of War and Internees [/underlined] (A.P. 837 para. 1065)
12. P.O.W. and internees retain acting rank and are eligible for war substantive rank, either by time promotion or through holding acting rank. Not eligible for peace or war establishment promotion.
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[underlined] Comparative Seniority [/underlined]
13. Officers of temporary or war substantive rank take seniority and precedence over similar acting rank, e.g. a wing commander (tempy) [sic] with seniority 1st Jan. 1944 would take precedence over an acting wing commander with seniority 1st Jan. 1943.
[underlined] CONFIDENTIAL REPORTS ON OFFICERS [/underlined]
[underlined] General Principles [/underlined]
14. Vital for reporting officers to record an honest opinion without regard to consequences. Failure in this respect may have very detrimental effect on efficiency and well-being of the service.
[underlined] Rules for Adverse Reports [/underlined]
15. When necessary to make adverse reports on officers, following procedure must be scrupulously observed:- [inserted] KR. 1097B [/inserted]
(a) Report must be shown to officer concerned and initialled by him.
(b) Officer concerned must be given opportunity to make statement on adverse report.
(c) Report and officer’s statement must be sent forward to higher authority.
[underlined] Warning to Officer of Shortcomings [/underlined]
16. When officer’s conduct not up to standard but not sufficiently serious for court martial or termination of commission, superior officer must warn him of shortcomings and give opportunity for improvement. Any subsequent formal adverse reports must contain information as to warnings and periods given for improvement.
[underlined] Officer Unsuitable for present Posting [/underlined]
17. When officer considered unsuitable for existing posting, action taken under K.R. 332. Reports under K.R. 332 not necessarily adverse but must always be seen and initialled by officer concerned.
[underlined] Forms 1369 and W.1369 [/underlined]
18. For details as to confidential reports on R.A.F. officers (Form 1369) and W.A.A.F. officers (W.1369) see A.P. 837, paras. 1072-1075.
Forms 1369 and W.1369 are privileged documents retained by Air Ministry after going through channels of Command. Copies not in any circumstances to be retained in unit or headquarters’ offices.
[underlined] Amendments to this Precis [/underlined]
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[underlined] OFFICERS ADVANCE TRAINING SCHOOL [/underlined]
1. Acting S.L. O. Shux, G.D. Branch commissioned as a P.O. on 10.4.43 was appointed to that rank on 15.6.44. What is the earliest date on which he can qualify for war substantive Flight Lieutenant?
2. F.L. Cluless, G.D. Branch, was granted the war substantive rank of F.L. on 16.3.44. When would his first assessment for temporary S quadron Leader reach the Air Ministry?
3. What rank is guaranteed to an officer for the duration of the emergency?
4. How could an acting Squadron Leader become a war substantive Group Captain?
5. Squadron Leader (T) Jones, A & S.D. Branch was appointed acting Wing Commander on 1.1.43; reverted to Squadron Leader 1.6.43; re-appointed acting Wing Commander 1.2.44. What is the earliest date he can become a war substantive Squadron Leader?
6. If an officer is wounded on operations, for how long can he retain his acting Rank?
7. What grants of acting rank are gazetted?
8. When is form 1369 rendered?
9. In what way are an officer’s personal qualities, in comparison with his brother officer of the same rank, assessed on Form 1369?
10. Who maintains duplicate copies of Form 1369 at Group Headquarters.
“Officers advanced training school - promotion of, and confidential reports on officers ,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed January 13, 2025,
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