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  • Tags: pilot

A group of airmen arranged in three rows in front of a large wooden hut.

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Three airmen seated outside a Nissen hut. Bicycle to the left.

Eight men arranged in two rows.

Seven aircrew wearing flying clothing, lifejackets and parachute harness, carrying parachutes, all walking in front of a Lancaster. Captioned 'F/O Halloran [O'Halloran] and crew, "Lucky Luxton flew with this crew on trip to Merseburg 4/4/45, all were…

Top right - three airmen wearing khaki uniform and peaked caps standing in a street. Captioned 'In stinking southern Italy, Bari'.
Bottom right - two airmen wearing khaki uniform (right hand man has pilot's brevet) leaning on a metal railing by a…

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Half length image of two aircrew, both wearing battledress and peaked caps and holding tea mugs, Man on the left wears a unbuttoned lifejacket. Captioned on left 'F/O Halloran [O'Halloran], killed 4/4/45 Mersburg [sic]'. Captioned right 'F/O…

Left - full length image of an airman wearing flying helmet, boots, lifejacket and parachute harness standing by the main undercarriage of a bomber. Captioned 'Joe Gildea, bomb aimer'.
Centre - view from rear of an airman looking out of the port…

Top left - faces of ten airmen crowded together in a group. Captioned 'a little later'. Bottom left - full length image of an airman wearing tunic and side cap with foliage in the background. Captioned 'Brother Art'. Right - full length image of an…

Top left - six airmen wearing battledress sitting on top of the starboard inner engine of a bomber.
Top right - seven aircrew wearing battledress sitting and lying on grass with side view of part of Lancaster in the background.
Bottom left - ten…

Top left - six aircrew wearing battledress seated on the wing and outboard starboard engine of a bomber.
Top right - view from the rear of aircraft of six airmen standing on the port wing of a Lancaster. Two other Lancasters parked in the…

Left - six airmen wearing battledress and one airwoman lying, sitting and kneeling on grass in two rows with a Lancaster in the background. Captioned 'Some of the crew with the lorry driver'.
Right - four airmen carrying a fifth outside a hut.…

Left -newspaper cutting - Tait dropped the bombs. Includes full face b/w image and gives account of operations flown by Wing Commander James Bryan Tate DSO and 2 bars DFC. Noted that his squadron was formed by Gibson to burst German dams. Top right -…

Left - view from behind of an airman wearing flying helmet looking back from the left hand seat in bomber cockpit. Captioned 'Skip'.
Centre - three-quarter length image of a pilot wearing tunic and side cap standing by a wall with trees in the…

Top left - newspaper cutting with b/w full face photograph concerning Corporal W A Franklin whose wife had received first communication from him since fall of Java.
Bottom left - newspaper cutting with head and shoulders b/w photograph announcing…

Top left - newspaper cutting with b/w full face portrait, concerning Sergeant H T Hathaway RAF who had been reported missing. Top right - newspaper cutting with b/w photograph of eight men in uniform, one in suit and tie (middle front row) and…

Top left - newspaper cutting with full face portrait concerning Pilot Officer Cyril Leonard reported killed on active service. Captioned 'Oxford VR'.
Bottom left - newspaper cutting Mr Cyril Leonard. Announces his death and gives some biographic…

Top left - newspaper cutting with b/w photograph of a wedding party with bride and groom (in RAF tunic with half brevet) and two other men and three bridesmaids. Caption mentions Pilot Officer C R Sugar.
Top right - newspaper cutting - long service…

Left - missing photograph captioned 'Connie and his first love'.
Right - full length image of a sergeant pilot wearing tunic with brevet arm-in-arm with a woman wearing jacket, skirt and hat. Captioned 'Bride and Bridegroom, Mr & Mrs John Phillips'.

Left - head and shoulders portrait of an airman wearing tunic with pilot's brevet. Captioned 'My old pal "Ed"'.
Right - newspaper cutting with b/w photograph of fifteen aircrew mostly wearing battledress with brevet sitting and standing in three…

Left - full length image of an airman wearing tunic with half brevet and side cap standing outside a brick house with window. Captioned '"Connie" Constable of No 35 Sqdn, shot down and made prisoner at La Pallice'.
Right - view from behind of pilot…

Top left - a card with 'Perkins E M, Sgt 748102' captioned 'This card was one of three that were stuck on the door of a room in Magdalene College Cambridge. Jonny Phillips, Ted Perkins and I shared the room. The card is Jonny Phillip's handiwork.…

Orders to Sgt Rosser to proceed to aircraft L8200 (Magister) and fly from Oxford to Cambridge and return. Gives met report, dangers on route and further instructions.

For Lancaster mark I, VII III and X with various Merlin engines.

This item is available only at the International Bomber Command Centre / University of Lincoln.

For Halifax III and VII with four Hercules VI or VII engines. Drawing if aircraft under title.

This item is available only at the International Bomber Command Centre / University of Lincoln.
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