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  • Tags: P-51

Four newspaper cuttings from 1944 describing four separate operations. Salzburg captioned 'Oct 17 1944', Essen captioned 'Oct 25th 1944', Dunkirk and Vienna captioned 'Nov 4th 1944' and Gelsenkirchen captioned 'Nov 6th 1944'.

Photograph 1 is of Russ Johnstone in airman's uniform standing by a gate outside a church, it is captioned 'Russ Johnstone (Nav)'. Photograph 2 is a head and shoulders photograph of Syd Marshall. Cutting 1 describes a large operation heading to…

Cutting 1 describes a 1300 bomber operation on Munich and Ulm. Flight Lieutenant W Drinkell describes the lack of fighters. Captioned 'Jan 7th 1945'. Cutting 2 describes attacks on Germany and an oil refinery at Brux in Czechoslovakia. Also a…

Low level oblique aerial photograph of a narrow road leading from the bottom left up a valley to the centre where it meets the square entrance to a tunnel in a hillside. To the left of the valley and above the entrance are trees.

Photographs 1 and 2 are of a crashed Mustang, AL999, behind are two Bostons and Nissen huts. Captioned 'R.A.F. Hartford Bridge Crashed Mustang A/C, French Pilot uninjured. Sept 1943.'
Photograph 3 is the port side of a Boston 'D' with invasion…

Indicates two bomb loads for operation, one for two aircraft the other for eight. Includes preselection, distributor and false height settings, zero hour and other details. On the reverse marking and bombing instructions including that attack…

Shows two bomb loads for operation, one for fourteen aircraft the other for four. Details distributor, preselection and false height settings as well as route, timings and other details. On the reverse pathfinder marking and bombing instruction. At…

Note '21 January 1944, Murrell, 3 Km east of Magdeburg, the night fighter Heinkel 219-A-O- was shot down by P51 Mustang. Hauptman Manfed Murer was killed when a/c crashed'.

Account of Lancaster attack on the Nordstern benzol plant Gelsenkirchen escorted by Spitfires and Mustangs. Captioned '28.2.45'.

States that squadron was detailed to attack third constructional site at Sirancourt just to the west of St Pol. One P-51, two Mosquitos and 17 Lancasters took off for attack. Reports clear weather and good target marking. Aircraft bombed visually to…

Date 25 June 1944, target, zero hour 0905 hours.Lists leader and marker 1 in P51, two more markers in Mosquito and 17 crews in Lancaster carrying tallboy bombs.

Notes that despite allied bombing, V-1 campaign against London and South East continues. Notes decision to attack V-1 storage sites. 617 Squadron were to join 5 Group attack and use using 12,000 bombs to collapse roof of caves in which bombs were…

Date: 4/5 July 1944, target, zero hour 0130 hours. Lists leader and marker 1, Wing Commander Cheshire flying P-51. Marker 2 in Mosquito and 17 Lancaster carrying one tallboy bomb each.

Reports that this was the fourth constructional works target for the squadron. One P-51, one Mosquito and 17 Lancasters were detailed. States it was another difficult target and describes marking efforts. Reports difficultly in finding aiming point…

Three silhouettes and three photographs. On the reverse of #1, 2 and 6 is 'Mustang 1'. On the reverse of #3, 4 and 4 is 'Mustang P-51D'.
#1 is a port side silhouette.
#2 is a frontal silhouette.
#3 is front/port aerial photograph.
#4 is…


A port side view of a Mustang in flight. On the reverse 'Mustang (P-51D)'.


Starts with account of operation to Paris on 3 May 1944 when attacked by Me 109 and writes of crew actions. Continues with list of operations giving details of target, anti-aircraft fire, flight time, some bomb loads, events, results. From 3 August…

Two articles. Both provide brief descriptions of RAF attack on Bonn.

Article describing attack on Leuna synthetic oil plant and subsequent nights operations on three other targets. This was the fourth successive night attacks by the RAF on Germany.

Air-to-air view of a Wellington, a Spitfire and a P-51 in formation. Submitted with caption 'Wellington hurricane (sic) p'.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

Witten on page of log book a description of daylight operation to Dortmund marshalling yard on 12 March 1945. Was the largest daylight raid ever carried out by the RAF with over 1000 bombers escorted by squadrons of P-51 and Spitfires. Give some…

Article in the Aeroplane magazine March 30 1945 issue. Describes actions of Acting Squadron Leader Robert Antony Maurice Palmer D.F.C and Bar, 109 Squadron during an operation to Cologne marshalling yards. Also give other details of his service…

Formation of two US Army Air Force P-51 over mountainous terrain.


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