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  • Tags: navigator

Details: 51 Squadron, captain W/O Johnson, navigator Sgt Sabloski, date 19.3.45. Includes orders for window, time on target and bombing course. Contains times, navigation data, observations and comments.

Details: captain W/O Johnson, navigator Sgt Sabloski, target Hamburg. Includes times, navigation data and observations.

Details: 51 Squadron, captain W/O Johnson, navigator F/Sgt Sabloski, target Heligoland. Includes orders for window and marking as well as times, navigation data and observations. General column includes comment 'aircraft crashed on target' as well as…

Details: 51 Squadron, captain W/O Johnson, navigator Sgt Sabloski, date 24.3.45. Includes orders, times, navigation data and observations.

Includes times, navigation data and observations. Mentions wave 2. Signed M Sabloski (Sgt).

Details: 578 Squadron, captain W/O Johnson, navigator Sgt Sabloski, date 21.3.45. Includes times, navigation data and observations.

Details: 578 Squadron, aircraft 'LK-V', captain W/O Johnson, navigator Sgt Sabloski, date 11.3.45. Includes navigation data and observations.

Details: 578 Squadron, aircraft 'LK-V', captain W/O Johnson, navigator Sgt Sabloski, date 11.3.45. Includes orders, times, four pages of navigation data and observations.

First page with name Sgt Sabloski has grid with log and chart assessment scores for column headed Hamburg, Essen and Dortmund. Next two pages contain geographic coordinates of places in the United Kingdom. Followed by two pages with useful data and…

Logs time, navigation data and observations.

Logs times, navigation data and observations. Signed M Sabloski (Sgt).

Logs times, navigation data and observations. Notes master bomber instructions on flare colours, timing and flight deconfliction instructions. Target 53.47, 07.54. Signed F/Sgt Sabloski.

Gives details, 578 Squadron, aircraft 'Q', Captain W/O Johnson, navigator Sgt Sabloski, date 8/3/45, night. Gives times, navigation data and observations. Includes comment 'remain on same course to avoid fighter flares to port'.

Entries of navigation data and observations, target Heligoland.

Logs time, course, navigation observation and other navigation data and calculations. No date, signed M Sabloski (Sgt).

Records times and navigational observations. Notes was 51 Squadron, captain W/O Johnson, navigator Sgt Sabloski date 24.3.45.

A resume of 'Jack' Whymark's family and service career. Includes extracts from Jack’s diaries, details from his logbook and histories of the crew and passengers of Lancaster PA278.

Group of 6 airmen in uniform in formal pose standing in front of an aircraft. The letters LN-B are visible on the aircraft. All 6 men are wearing side caps. Three men on the front row are wearing flying jackets. Reverse annotated with: '99 Sqn…

Left page: top, notice of the award of the Distinguished Flying Cross to Pilot Officer R.V.Keeling.
Middle and bottom, congratulations to Bob on his award.
Right page; top, title of the Vauxhall Mirror.
Middle, report of Bob's operational career…

Interview in three parts.

Part 1.
Doug Marsh was the son of a Royal Navy officer and moved around quite a bit as a child between Kent and Lincolnshire. When his father retired from the Navy his parents bought a fish and chip shop in Grimsby but…

John Langston flew operations as a navigator with 630, 189 and 617 Squadrons.

Basil Fish volunteered for the RAF in 1941 from Manchester University where he was a student and a member of the University Air Squadron. He was posted to 617 Squadron at RAF Woodhall Spa. On one flight his aircraft crashed on return and although…

James Douglas Hudson followed a friend to join the RAF. He trained as a navigator and was posted to 101 Squadron at RAF West Raynham. On his final operational flight with the squadron he ran out of fuel and crashed. He was taken prisoner by the Vichy…

Fuller shrugging his shoulders.
On the reverse 'Fuller (the funny) Nav '46'.

Seven airmen grouped under the starboard engine of their Lancaster.
On the reverse -
'103 Sq
F/Lt Hopps (Pilot)
F/Sgt Jonny Roberts (Nav)
Sgt Imeson Bob (Flt Eng)
P/O Olsberg (Bomb Aimer)
Sgt Red Black (AG)
Sgt Ray Thomas (WT/AG)
Sgt James…
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