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  • Tags: home front

Maria Malagni (b. 1921) remembers her difficult childhood and chequered schooling history. She recalls wartime episodes: the death of her fiancé, an airman shot down over Brindisi; fascists seizing supplies; the capture of two partisans that her…

Ivonne Cerasoli (b. 1925) describes Milan shelters, consisting largely of basements reinforced with wooden props, and tells how people cut down trees for firewood.

Anna Maria Guglielmi (b. 1940) recalls one of the first memories of her childhood when the siren sounded and she found herself in crowded shelter. She describes wartime anecdotes: drinking wine from a demijohn found in the attic; an encounter with…

Rosetta Gobetti (b. 1930) describes the bombing of a marsh near Isola della Scala, describing it as, probably, target mis-identification. She recalls a more severe bombing which destroyed many houses and killed 28 people. She gives a short…

Matilde Pontecorvi (b. 1910) gives an account of the bombing of Ciampino when she was travelling by tram and bombs started to explode around it. She recalls how she survived only because a priest told her to duck under the seats. She describes the…

Alberto Dini recalls his wartime life in Trieste starting from the declaration of war until the end of the conflict. He describes life under the bombs, highlightin disruption of utilities, devastated streets and chequered schooling history. He…

Eraldo Bessone (b.1925) describes the bombing of an industrial area close to the Lingotto district in Turin. He tells how it was completely unexpected and stresses how the population was totally unprepared. Eraldo describes his attempt to reach a…

Six figures in various poses (marching, standing, playing the bugle) depicting foot soldiers from different periods.

These toys were originally part of a larger set used by Alberto Dini to pass the time while inside a shelter in Trieste. …

The permit entitles Giovanni Granata to circulate freely in Trieste during alarms, at his own risk.


The board game has 78 spaces, numbered from one to 78, and arranged in spiral fashion. Players’ pieces are moved according to throws of one or two dice. Each square contains simple figures and a brief text about anti-aircraft precautions. Players…

Report on the condition of a domestic shelter, with notes on the condition of items of clothing that have been stored inside.

Instructions how to deal with a new type of small incendiary the Royal Air Force started to use. Advice includes: do not use water; put all the incendiaries in a hole dug in the ground; ask the assistance of the Unione Nazionale Protezione Antiaerea…

Following the destruction of a church in Trieste, the leaflet contrasts the horrors of unrestricted bombing warfare with the hypocrisy of Winston Churchill and Franklin D. Roosevelt. They describe themselves as devoutly religious despite ordering the…

Account of the 6 July 1944 bombing of Trieste written by a typist of the Servola ironworks. The first part of the document details the effects of the explosions and mentions some of the impact points: the ammunition dump and the oil refinery. The…

Ferdinando Righi recalls his early life in Monfalcone, brought up by his mother while his father served as a submariner. He describes daily life in wartime: how he used to sleep fully clothed, waiting for the air raid siren. His mother would put some…

Erika Gautsch (b. 1928) describes her wartime experience of being inside a shelter and the people she met there: an old sick man with his wife, who was incessantly reciting the rosary, and children clinging to their mothers. She describes tension and…

Carla Griva (b. 1935) describes different attitudes and various coping strategies of people inside a shelter in Turin: reciting the rosary, putting their hands over their ears to avoid listening, storytelling, and asking children to practice…

Mafalda De Luca (b. 1939) recalls how her father moved to Fiume during the D’Annunzio occupation, and there he met her mother. She remembers the blackout curtains at the windows and mentions underground shelters. She gives a brief account of a…

Angela Squicciarini (b. 1925) gives an account of her life during wartime when she attended school. She mentions relatives, one of whom spent many years in Russia; she describes how the living conditions improved over the years; and provides details…

Luigia Colussi (b. 1925) gives a short account of her wartime life and describes how she persuaded German troops to release her father. She talks about the contrast between the attitude of adults (who prayed and were generally worried by the…

Ada Dellaferrera (b. 1928) recalls aircraft strafing the railway station and how she tried to hide next to a wall. She remembers when her mother sent her out in the blackout and the fear of the dark she has had ever since.

Teresa Messali gives a brief account of pre-war life with her large family in a farmhouse near Bergamo. She mentions Pippo; describes the pressing need to find shelter during the bombings and tells how she frequently resorted to ditches. Teresa…

Fausta Maggioni recalls memories of her wartime life in Milan. She describes a sizeable shelter reinforced with wooden props; a little bag with the few valuables she had always to bring along; as well as the many duties of her father, as warden, who…

Lucia Muratori recalls her early life in Bologna in the family of a well-off foundry owner. She stresses that she had less traumatic war experiences compared to many other people at that time, the only disturbing episode being witnessing the killing…

Paolo Bottani recalls wartime memories as part of a working-class family in Milan. He describes the widespread enthusiasm for the declaration of war, followed by a relatively calm period. He remembers the alarms being greeted, initially, with joy…
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