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  • Tags: pilot

Group of 12 airmen and one civilian, arranged in two rows, three kneeling at the front, eight standing behind. On the wall are squadron crests. Captioned on the reverse 'Binbrook 46 4/14 Colin Cole'.

The 13 men are seated around a table and are in discussion. Richard is second from right.

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A group of 12 airmen arranged in two rows. Jim Tyrie is in the centre of the front row,

13 airmen arranged in two rows in front of a Tomtit biplane.

A group of air and ground crew positioned in front of their aircraft.

On the left eight ground crew sitting and standing wearing belted leather jerkins. One man has a bandage on his head. On the right, six members of aircrew. They are standing underneath an aircraft.
1944-45. Far right: W G Didcote; standing, fourth…

Group portrait of 47 officers and airmen of 141 Squadron sitting front row and standing in three further rows. All are dressed in tunics with peaked caps or side caps. One person, eighth from left in third row up is in United States Army Air Force…

51 aircrew in three rows in front of a Hampden and a hangar with a large dog in the centre of the front row. John Nicholl is fifth from the right in the front row.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

Photo 1 is a group of Pilots and Flight Engineers arranged in front of a Lancaster. Each individual is named in the caption.
Photo 2 is a group of eight air gunners arranged in front of a Lancaster.

15 airmen and ground crew positioned in front of their Lancaster 'T'. Handwritten on the reverse is ' Air & Ground Crew of 'T' for Tommy. Aircraft and crew missing same night. The aircraft is painted with 29 operations and an animal on top of a bomb.

A newspaper cutting with details and names of the 15 pilots to be trained for civil airline flying.

A document with the battle order for the squadron. It lists each aircraft and each crew member for operations that night. Annotated on it is 'Taken from the Sergeant's Mess kitchen copy which was used to mark off the "Egg and Bacon" meals. The…

16 airmen arranged in front of a Vulcan

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A group of 18 arranged in two rows. Many have tankards of beer. Behind are three dummies in uniform.

An operation to Essen with HE Batchelder pilot. Main force bombed Bonn but three aircraft from 102 Squadron were diverted to Essen to bomb using Gee. The aircraft was damaged and everyone baled out successfully. All were taken prisoner.

A mixed group comprising 17 airmen, three naval officers and one civilian. They are arranged in two rows in front of a single-storey wooden hut. On the reverse is '116 Sqn?'.

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18 RAF aircrew, submitted with caption; “207 Sqdn Flight Engineers section at Methwold. Feb.1946”

18 airmen arranged in two rows in front of a Stearman. They are wearing flying gear and there is snow on the ground. On the reverse 'Dad in Canada 1943 Fourth from Left Back row'.

List ten crews and aircraft. Sergeant W E Foster is rostered as mid upper gunner in the ninth listed crew. Includes a spare aircraft and details other personnel to various duties.

Posed in four rows in front of a Whitley. A cup is positioned in front of the group.

Philip Winter in a formal group setting of 19 trainees in front of a building. Captioned 'Phillip Winter with Trainee Pilots No 3 FTS Yatesbury (1)'.
On the reverse 'Original. Official "Flight" photograph of trainee pilots at No 3 FTS…

Batchelder was the pilot of this operation. They bombed inside flares but the navigator insisted it was not Mannheim. Damage to one engine from flak, later they were attacked by a Me 110. They successfully landed at RAF Horsham St Faith, Norwich.
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