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Navigation calculations and a chart for operation to Nuremberg.

Target photograph of Nuremberg. Obscured by haze and light streaks. Captioned '3°F', '8B', '3328 SKELL.19/20.10.44//NT(C-8" 16000' [arrow] 014° 2103 NUREMBERG RD.M.1X4000.14XCP.14.27secs. F/O.MOURITZ.M.61.'. On the reverse F/O MOURITZ. NURNBERG.…

Photo 1 and 2 are the marshalling yards still showing a huge amount of damage.
Photo 3 is a view of the heavily damaged Apprentice Shop of the Man works.
Photo 4 is the heavily damaged Searchlight Mirror Shop of the Fiems-Schuchorp Works.
Photo 5…

A newspaper article describing an attack on Nuremberg. It is annotated 'No 9 27/8 1943'.

Target photograph of Nuremberg. No detail visible, obscured by smoke or haze, diagonal light streaks. Captioned '5B', 299. SKELL.30/31.3.44.//NT.5" 22500' [arrow] 175° 0120 NURNBERG RD.F.1X4000.9X4.8X30. 33secs.P/O Lloyd F.50'.

Target photograph of Nuremberg. Rural area, no detail visible. Small light streaks. Captioned '5D', '288 Skell.30./31.3.44.//NT 8" 21000' 248° 0022 NURNBERG RD.V.1X4000.9X4.8X30.33secs.P/O Dobson.V.50'. On reverse '41/2 S OSTENDE'.

Target photograph of Nuremberg. No details visible, obscured by smoke or haze. Captioned '5B','291 Skell.30/31.3.44.//NT 8" 22500' [arrow] 175° 0120 NURNBERG RD.P.1X4000.9X4.8X30.33secs.P/O Lundy.P.50.'.

Target photograph of Nuremberg. Almost totally obscured by smoke and dust, some light streaks. No detail visible. Captioned '5B', '294 Skell.30/31.3.44.//NT 8" 21000' [arrow] 012° 0050 NURNBERG RD.D.1X4000.9X4.8X30.32secs.F/O BOTHA.D.50.' Reverse…

A target map used for an operation at Nuremberg.

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Vertical aerial photograph of Nuremberg. The image is totally obscured by cloud or fires and anti-aircraft fire. Captioned ‘4B 4B’ and ‘[indecipherable] WKY 30/31-3-44 //NT 8” 22000 [arrow] 175° 01.15 Nurnburg Z 1 x 4000 16x30 31…

A target photograph of Oberhausen. Cloud or smoke obscures the ground. There are some small smoke trails at centre left.
It is annotated "5B" and captioned: "2445. MEP. 4.12.44 //8 19,600. 109º 1412 OBERHAUSEN,YI 1 HC4000IN. 6ANM 50DT. 6GP500DT.…

Navigational computation and a chart for an operation to Oberhausen.

Covers education, playing rugby and RAF career. After training as pilot in England and Canada, posted to 12 Squadron at RAF Binbrook flying Wellington. Mentions some of his 14 night operations before he was medically grounded. Continues with postings…

Vertical aerial photograph of unnamed location. No detail is visible, it is obscured by clouds, smoke and anti-aircraft fire. At the bottom it is captioned ‘B O (X7) 12 NT 29/30/4/42 F/8” [arrow] TX’.

Vertical aerial photograph of unidentified location. Details are obscured by anti-aircraft fire. Captioned ‘5. P(X6) 12 NT 26/27/4/42 F/8” [arrow] TX’.

Vertical aerial photograph of unidentified location. Most detail is obscured by anti-aircraft fire. Some roads and fields can be made out. Captioned ‘2. E(Y4) 12 NT 2/3/7/42 F/8” [arrow] TX’.

This log book covers the training, operational and post war flying career of Geoffrey Gosney from 2 July 1942 to 12 July 1951. It includes a cartoon of the 426 Squadron crest. Geoffrey flew 31 operations in two tours of duty, 23 of which were night…

This log book covers Geoffrey Gosney's training and service as flight engineer for the period 1 March 1942 to 25 June 1942. Details 13 night operations, all flown with Pilot Officer Goldston. Targets were Hamburg, Stuttgart, Warnemünde, Mannheim,…

A news sheet sold on the troopship returning to the UK.

Item 1 is a telegram from Poland asking about Mieczysław Stachiewicz and Rabek Jan, describing them as in aviation. There is a handwritten comment in Polish.
Item 2 is a sketch map of an operation to Hamburg. It covers a route across Holland with…

Details of operations on oil tanks at Rotterdam and on Wilhelmshaven.

Discusses in detail an operation to attack the Ploesti oilfields in Romania. At that time he was based in Foggia, Italy. They had an issue with the airframe of the Wellington twisting due to a mismatch in the fuel tanks. On another operation a…

Flying log book for Oliver Bell covering the period from 18th January 1935 to 30th September 1938. He was at RAF Cranwell and then posted to Aden and the Middle East with 12(B) and 8(B) Squadrons. Aircraft flown were Hart, Vincent and Wellesley.
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