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  • Tags: 617 Squadron

Target photograph showing open countryside with fields. There are forests in the centre and from left to right across the top. Caption '387, W.S., 6.7.44. 8", 16000, 141 degrees 1530, Mimoyecques RD, Y, 1 x 12000, C, 35 secs, F?L Stout, Y, 617'. On…

Target photograph showing open countryside with a large area with dense craters in the centre.Smoke can be seen in centre and top centre. Caption '387. W.S. 6.7.44, 8", 18200, 160 degrees, 1538, Mimoyecques RD, B, 1 x 12000, C, 35 secs, F/L Stanford.…

Target photograph showing open countryside with fields. Prominent roads run left to right. There are some craters scattered over the image. Caption '392, W.S., 6.7.44., 8", 18800, 140 degrees, 1532, Mimoyecques RD, D, 1 x 12000, C, 35 secs, F/L…

Reconnaissance photograph with lake on the left and a dam middle with breach with water flowing through. Captioned between pages 46-47 of 1956 Memoir [written vertically on LHS of page presumably for landscape orientation of photo] 'Mohne Dam. The…

Top - a runway with FIDO aflame on edges. A Mosquito is landing on left side. Submitted with description 'Mosquito landing with the aid of FIDO. Date and location not recorded'.
Bottom - side by side target photographs of port area showing aiming…

#1 is a rear/port view of a Mosquito, captioned '627 Squadron'.
#2 is a front/nose view of a Mosquito.
#3 is a rear view of a Mosquito.
#4 is a port side view of a Lancaster, captioned 'Lanc (special) of 617 Sqn Woodhall Spa. Cut away to carry…

A vertical target photograph of Munich being bombed. Much of the detail is obscured by anti-aircraft fire. Captioned '66 WS. 24/25.4.44 // NT8” 18500 [arrow] 026 0145 Munich.RD. A 6RS. 6JCL 29 SECS F/O KNIGHTS A 617.'

A target photograph of the…

Article 1 refers to funding for the Bomber Command museum at Hendon from RAF Swinderby.
Article 2 is a wartime memoir by Ivor Cole, 103 Squadron.
Article 3 describes some of the exhibits at the new Hendon museum.

Top left - photograph of a Tallboy bomb. Main photograph of a Lancaster dropping a Grand Slam bomb. Text explains photograph is of a 22,000 lb bomb leaving rack during attack on a viaduct at Arnsberg, Germany.

Left -newspaper cutting - Tait dropped the bombs. Includes full face b/w image and gives account of operations flown by Wing Commander James Bryan Tate DSO and 2 bars DFC. Noted that his squadron was formed by Gibson to burst German dams. Top right -…

The first page comprises a page of caricatures annotated with quotations from the individuals pictured, including Wing Commander J Cunningham, Wing Commander Townsend, Warrant Officer Carter, Flight Lieutenant Erlwig, Staff officer Priestley, Flight…

Reconnaissance photograph showing a river running top to bottom and a bridge crossing in the middle with several spans down. There are many craters on both sides of the river. Explanatory note 'NIENBURG BRIDGE over the river Weser after the attack by…

Album page with three clippings, one from from The Daily Telegraph and Morning Post dated Tuesday May 18 1943 showing a number of Lancasters over a city, captioned '617 Lancs'. One summarising the news from around November 1944, including the sinking…

The crew and ground crew are standing in front of the door area of Stirling V of No 75 Squadron RNZAF at Newmarket in 1942.
On the reverse 'L-R Sgt Roe, LAC Lobley, F/O Omerod, F/O Hosie, Wall,
P/O Bailey, Sgt Lillystone, Sgt Ottaway, Sgt…

A Top Secret document referring to the operation to the Ruhr dams. There is a general section describing the purpose of the operation, a section on defences and the priorities of the attack. There is a list of 19 aircraft and their crew from 617…

A brief note awarding 1939-45 Star, Aircrew Europe Medal and Defence Medal.

States that photograph shows. Mentions first abortive attack on 29 October 1944, second cancelled for weather and the final successful attack on 11 November 1944.

To officer commanding Conningsby Base RAF Woodhall Spa passing on congratulations on success of Saumur tunnel operation.

Quote from 'The Dambusters' by Paul Brickhiil '2 days later they went to Arbergn [sic] bridge near Bremen. Flak got a direct hit on Gumbley's (Gill's pilot) aircraft on the runup and he went straight down in flames'.

From squadron signals leader. Directs arrangements for daily inspections of aircraft W/T equipment.

5 Group operation order No B.976. Provides explanation for attack on Ruhr Dams, enemy defences, 20 special Lancaster from 617 Squadron, routes to be flown by all three waves. Goes on with detailed plan of attack, method and timing. Continues with…

Description of three (one aborted due to weather) operations against Tirpitz, photograph of crew on return from sinking Tirpitz, poor photocopy of target photograph of attach on Tirpitz. Account of operation on E & R boat pens at Ijmuiden along with…

A pilot wearing battledress with pilot's brevet stands with hands in his pockets in the snow in front of a two story Tudor style building with gabled windows. On the reverse '617 Sqdn Petwood Hotel (our Mess) 1943/4, AF197'.

A pilot wearing battledress sits on a lawn in centre holding a small dog in front of him. Identified as S/Ldr J McCarthy at the Petwood Hotel, Woodhall Spa. Taken between 25/10/1943-12/07/1944. Additional information about this item was kindly…

Photograph of silhouette of a Lancaster at dusk/dawn with text '617, Tirpitz, celebration dance on Sunday Nov 19th 1944'. Opening times.
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