Browse Items (69 total)

  • Temporal Coverage is exactly "1945-06"

Three men in shirts and ties are playing bowls. One is wearing dark glasses. John Bagg is in the middle. A wall covered in vegetation and a bench with items of clothing on it are in the background.

Photographs 1 to 4 are air-to-air views of B-25s, captioned '226 Sqd, Mitchell A/C; in flight over Germany, June 1945.'
Photograph 5 is of a Mosquito, close to the ground, undercarriage down.

Three page letter envelope from John Brittain to his mother. He mentions the bad weather and that he might sell his car. He tells her of the devastation that he has seen while flying over Germany.

Letter in reply to Mrs Hobbs regarding the inadequacy of her weekly pension payment. Handwritten annotation that letter has been passed to Minister of Pensions.

Over 120 airmen in four rows in front of a Lancaster. Titled '576 Squadron June 1945'

Charles Gallagher was born in a small village outside Nottingham, where his father was rector of the local church. At the age of six the family moved to South Brent on Dartmoor where Charles enjoyed country sports and helped with the local hunt. At…

Marion Hollier served as a wireless operator in the Women's Auxiliary Air Force from February 1944 to September 1946. Before the war she worked in a construction firm, The George Wimpey Company, which built aerodromes. She learned the Morse code in…

Haydn Philip Rose was born on the 27th of July 1924. After leaving school he worked in the Simmonds factory office before joining the RAF in 1943, training as an engineer. His work colleagues also joined, becoming a pilot and a navigator. Upon…

An audio account of an anti-aircraft gunner's service in Burma. Describes a B-24 crash landing near a small landing strip in Burma and discusses Spitfires burried in Burma.

Born in Manchester, Maurice was 20 years old when he joined up and volunteered for aircrew in 1940. He trained in South Africa, Canada (Moncton and Trenton), the United States (Lakeland), and was torpedoed in the Atlantic on his way back. Maurice…

The official journal of the Prisoners of War Department of the Red Cross and St John War Organisation. This edition covers the editor's comments, How the Convoys got through, photographs of ex-POWs titled 'Victory Smiles', Finding his Feet -…

Two airmen standing in the gardens of a house. One with his arm round his friend.
On the reverse 'Took at RAF Cottesmore June 1945.'

Two of Barbara Wood's friends, sunbathing on the beach. On the reverse 'Betty [indecipherable]' June 45'.

A friend of Barbara Wood sitting on a towel on the beach at Ramsey. On the reverse 'Jean June / 45'.

Four women in swimsuits on Ramsey beach. On the reverse 'Betty Olive Me Jean June / 45'.

The three are sitting on towels on the beach at Ramsey. On the reverse 'Olive Me Jean June / 45'.

Barbara in uniform sitting on a stone wall. On the reverse 'June / 45 All my love darling Babs xxxx'.

Policy for good conduct badges including airmen with clean sheet, service entries, V.G time, procedure for awards and miscellaneous points.

Covers introduction, responsibilities of a commander, structure of a headquarters staff, the policy staff, control of a branch, coordination of staff work, organisation of the air branch, the plans section, the operations section, the intelligence…

Covers introduction, dual aspect, stations of two main types, station structure, specialised services, non-operational stations, control of stations in operational commands, bomber, fighter command, 2nd T.A.F., coastal, amendments and questions.

Covers introduction, mobile squadrons, responsibility, control, personnel, efficiency and the days work.

Covers aim, planned flying, method of planning, planned servicing, example. establishment, the pool, measurement of efficiency, the most economical gang, centralised servicing, training - servicing wing organisation, strategic 'S' wing organisation…

Covers officers' rates, joining certificates, methods of payment, advances, officers' outfits, officers' allowances, single officer, qualified married officer, unqualified married officer, married officer, allowances individually, when claimed,…

List of eighteen questions on welfare. Officers mess precis covers membership, furniture/property/insurance, procedures on change of station, procedure on taking over mess, procedure on change of command, WAAF messes, new station or unit - opening…

Covers formation and control, membership, subscriptions and contributions, payment of mess bills, discipline, entertainment, mess equipment/insurance, mess meetings, mess management, responsibility of C.O., responsibility of officer in charge, duties…
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