Browse Items (30 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "Germany--Rheinberg"

Left page:
Members of the polo team with 11 in swimming attire and three in suits. A shield sits alongside the group.
Right page:
The crew of Lancaster ND 345.
Top: Flight Lieutenant Donald MacKay DFC, Pilot.
Second row, from left: Pilot…

Left page:
Top, a view of white headstones.
Bottom, a woman next to an inscription on a wall.
Right page:
Top, air-to-air aerial photograph of two Short Stirling aircraft.
Bottom, Squadron Leader Andrew Muir, DFC's 115170 headstone in Rheinberg…

Left page:
Top, a memorial to Squadron leader Andrew Muir, DFC.
Bottom, the memorial at Rheinberg War Cemetery.
Right page:
Top left, stone cross war memorial with white headstones beyond.
Right, rows of white headstones.
Bottom, a view of the…

Left page:
A pocket with paper enclosed.
Right page:
Notes in memory of Squadron Leader Andrew Muir, DFC including his death, family details and final resting place with a memorial reading 'Their Name Liveth For Evermore'.

Top: Flight Lieutenant Donald MacKay DFC, Pilot.
Second row, from left: Pilot Officer Ronald Halperin DFC, navigator; Flight Officer James Moffat DFC, air gunner and Squadron leader Andrew Muir DFC, air gunner, wearing Sidcot suit.
Third row, from…

Three graves Flight Sergeant Smith, Pilot Officer Henley and Flying Officer Watson at Rheinberg.
On the reverse 'Note the order:- Ian - Henley - Watson'.

A noticeboard at the entrance to the cemetery. On the reverse 'This notice is just to the right at the main entrance gate'.

ENelsonSmithCEBoxDC510215-0001 redacted.jpg
He writes that he is visiting Switzerland, Cologne and the graves at Rheinberg. Then he will visit Doug in Worcester.

He has completed his tour of the UK during which he met Doug and his wife. He has visited the graves of the airmen and sent him photos that he took plus a sketch of their location at the Rheinberg Military cemetery.

He thanks him for his letter. He has been to see graves in Rheinberg. He is about to tour England.

A wooden sign at the edge of a field in front of a hedge, where 7 airmen crashed on the 27th September 1943 were buried. The sign reads "Hier ruhen 7 unbekannte englische Flieger, abgestürzt am 27.9.1943 in Grandorf".

An envelope, postcard and image showing Alfred's grave.
The image shows a white cross, inscribed with Alfred's name, service number and when he died.
The reverse reads "RHEINBERG" "K 52/ A 1828" "1X-L-17" and "P 409187"

A list of ten airmen lost during the war. It covers surnames starting 'HO', identifying the men by surname, rank, forenames, service number, age, trade, date killed and burial details (where known).

A record of the loss of a Halifax. It lists the crew and their fate - five became prisoners of war and returned safely to the UK but Cyril John
Pope (1578663) and Theodore Ian Mardon Edwards (R/97583) were killed. Their burial details are recorded.

Photograph of cross marking grave of RAAF and RAF aircrew dated 1944-08-13. Names 'F/Lt P E Young, P/O K L Walker RAF, P/O G York, P/O J G Gordon, P/O A H Harvey, P/O R R H Osborne RAF, Sgt J V Finney RAF, Sgt J C Doughty RAF'. On the reverse…

Reports the result of the investigation carried out by the RAF missing research and enquiry service in Germany. States his aircraft crashed after combat with fighter and crew were buried in common communal grave at Rehborn. Advisees that remains of…

Left - a man wearing grey civilian suit standing between rows of headstone in a war cemetery.
Right - three men and a woman standing beside a stone memorial with many wreaths. Captioned 'Daddy (right) and Les Owen (third from right) laying flowers…

Left - white headstone with unreadable name - possibly O.S. Milne.
Middle - white headstone for B Nundy.
Right - white headstone for W Delgarno.

Left - white headstone for Robert Palmer.
Middle - white headstone for G Russell DFC.
White headstone for A L Carter DFC.

Left - white headstone for Squadron Leader R.A.M. Palmer VC DFC & Bar, pilot, Royal Air Force, 23rd December 1944.
Right - three rows of white headstones with Robert Palmer's front left with two poppy wreaths.

Top left - view of three rows of white headstones in cemetery. Captioned 'British War Cemetery, Rheinberg, Germany'.
Bottom right - a name wearing suit standing between rows of white headstones in a cemetery. Captioned 'Daddy visiting Bob's grave in…

Pilots flying log book two for Leslie Valentine, covering the period from October 1943 to 27 November 1945. Detailing his flying training, operations flown and duties with 2nd Tactical Air Force communications flight. He was stationed at RAF Finmere,…
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