Browse Items (254 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "England--Lincoln"

Left a colour photograph of a chapel within cathedral with stained glass windows and altar with columnated arches behind. Right a book on a lectern with note that it was open to page with Peter Jenkinson's name.


Top rear quarter view of a parked Lancaster PB437 J9-L , with buildings in the background.
Bottom - four members of Women's Auxiliary Air Force in shirtsleeves out side a Nissen hut with a Union flag above and behind. Submitted with description…

Recalls German twin engine aircraft flying at very low level over Lincoln. He subsequently though it was a Ju-88. Adds some other wartime anecdotes. Includes b/w photograph of a JU-88.

Notifies him that his son Flying Officer Warren [sic] Arnold Monks was reported missing as a result of air operations on night 12/13 June 1944.

According to information received through the Red Cross, his son was believed to have lost his life.

Informs him that a further report from the Red Cross confirms that his son lost his life on 13 June 1944 and was buried in the municipal cemetery Epe. The exact location of Epe was still under investigation. In order to close his son's estate he was…

Informs him that his son was missing in as a result of air operations on the night of 12/13 June 1944 when his Lancaster in which he was flying as air bomber set out to bomb Gelsenkirchen and failed to return. Includes a notice of advice to the…

Informs him that in view of information received from the red cross, his son was now s believed to have lost his life on the night 12/13 June 1944. No information was received about the place of burial and he would be recorded as missing believed…

Sorry to hear that her son had been reported missing and hopes that she will get news soon. Writes that he was an excellent cadet.

Notifies him that Flying Officer M A Monks's personal effects had been despatched by rail. Gives information about possible eventual disposal of uniform items. Inventory of items enclosed.

Made out to Maurice Monks noting Grade 1 and giving some details.

Starts with letter from Minister Staley G Smith about general matters concerning the church and congregation. Followed by general news from church branches. Concludes with preaching plan for October.

States that although he had previously been notified that his so was missing and there was no further news, they had received information from German authorities that another member of his son's crew lost his life on 13 June 1944.

Informs him that information from German records states that the aircraft in which his son was flying was shot down at Dongeren (Gelderland) and that the crew were buried in Epe near Zwolle.

Informs him that action had now been taken to presume, for official purposes, that his son had lost his life on 13 June 1944.

Details how Maurice Monks personal effects have been dealt with.

For Maurice Monks a school report that he had done well in most subjects and performed well as school prefect.

St Faith's Junior Boys School. Shows exam results and some comments.

To Maurice Monks father receipt for money paid for administration of probate on Maurice's estate.

Announces that Flying Officer Maurice Monks had been reported killed. Gives details of education and employment in Lincoln and membership of Air Training Corps. Was trained in Canada and received a commission. Includes b/w photograph.

Announcement that Maurice Monks previously reported missing, now reported killed.

Two announcements for Flying Officer Maurice Monks now reported killed.

Newspaper article about a memorial service at Lincoln Cathedral where 2000 men, women and children bereaved during the war of family members were assembled to see two Bomber Command memorial books consigned to the Airmen's chapel of St Michael. The…
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