Letter to Maurice Monks's father from the RAF central depository
Letter to Maurice Monks's father from the RAF central depository
Notifies him that Flying Officer M A Monks's personal effects had been despatched by rail. Gives information about possible eventual disposal of uniform items. Inventory of items enclosed.
Temporal Coverage
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Two page typewritten letter
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Central Depository,
Royal Air Force,
Slough, Bucks.
Telephone No:-
COLNBROOK 231/232/233.
[underlined] 7th August 1944 [/underlined]
In reply please quote reference:- CD/B19312
[underlined] 152996 F/O Monks M A [/underlined]
Dear Sir
In accordance with Air Ministry instructions the personal effects of the above named as enumerated on the enclosed inventory have been despatched to you by rail.
When the effects reach you kindly sign and return the inventory, for which purpose a prepaid addressed label is enclosed herewith.
Should it unfortunately become necessary at a later date to presume for official purposes death of the above named and should you desire to dispose of any of the uniform items I would bring to your notice that you should do so only to a person well-known to you as entitled to wear the uniform, or by sale to a reputable firm of tailors. On the other hand, you might like to know that Mrs Mary Mathew of Officers Kit Replacements, 72 Audley Street, London W1, which is a charitable organisation instituted for the purpose of replacing the uniforms of officers in cases of hardship, will probably be glad to have it.
Yours faithfully,
Squadron Leader, Commanding,
[underlined] R.A.F. Central Depository [/underlined]
A. Monks Esq,
27, Dixon Street
[page break]
[underlined] BY.19312
PERSONAL EFFECTS OF 152996 F/O MONKS, M.A. [/underlined]
1 Wooden trunk containing:-
1 Raincoat.
2 Tunics.
3 Prs. Trousers.
4 Prs. Pyjamas.
2 Pr. Shoes.
1 Pr. slippers.
1 Field Service cap.
1 Bathing Trunks.
13 Handkerchiefs.
1 Metal Tobacco Box.
5 Prs. Socks.
6 Prs. Trunks.
4 Vests.
1 Waterman’s Fountain Pen.
1 Knife in sheath.
2 Prs. Braces.
4 Shirts.
7 Collars.
1 Leather wallet.
1 Key wallet.
1 Address Book.
1 Diary.
1 Pipe.
1 Pr. Nail Scissors.
1 Leather Belt.
1 Torch.
1 Kitbag Handle & Lock.
4 Ties.
1 Dressing case containing:- 3 Items. 1 Soap Box, 1 Shaving Brush, 1 “Minor” Razor.
1 Coat Hanger.
Letters & Photographs.
1 Metal Mirror.
1 Enlarged Photograph.
1 Wooden Attache Case.
NOTE. The Following documents were extracted and forwarded by Unit to Air Ministry Accts, 13, Worcester.
Cheque Book No’s. L.327, 381 to L.327,410.
Cash amounting to £5.4.6d was found in wallet amongst the personal effects, also stamps to the value [deleted] ff [/deleted] of 3/4d. and credited to his Service Account at Air Ministry.
Royal Air Force,
Slough, Bucks.
Telephone No:-
COLNBROOK 231/232/233.
[underlined] 7th August 1944 [/underlined]
In reply please quote reference:- CD/B19312
[underlined] 152996 F/O Monks M A [/underlined]
Dear Sir
In accordance with Air Ministry instructions the personal effects of the above named as enumerated on the enclosed inventory have been despatched to you by rail.
When the effects reach you kindly sign and return the inventory, for which purpose a prepaid addressed label is enclosed herewith.
Should it unfortunately become necessary at a later date to presume for official purposes death of the above named and should you desire to dispose of any of the uniform items I would bring to your notice that you should do so only to a person well-known to you as entitled to wear the uniform, or by sale to a reputable firm of tailors. On the other hand, you might like to know that Mrs Mary Mathew of Officers Kit Replacements, 72 Audley Street, London W1, which is a charitable organisation instituted for the purpose of replacing the uniforms of officers in cases of hardship, will probably be glad to have it.
Yours faithfully,
Squadron Leader, Commanding,
[underlined] R.A.F. Central Depository [/underlined]
A. Monks Esq,
27, Dixon Street
[page break]
[underlined] BY.19312
PERSONAL EFFECTS OF 152996 F/O MONKS, M.A. [/underlined]
1 Wooden trunk containing:-
1 Raincoat.
2 Tunics.
3 Prs. Trousers.
4 Prs. Pyjamas.
2 Pr. Shoes.
1 Pr. slippers.
1 Field Service cap.
1 Bathing Trunks.
13 Handkerchiefs.
1 Metal Tobacco Box.
5 Prs. Socks.
6 Prs. Trunks.
4 Vests.
1 Waterman’s Fountain Pen.
1 Knife in sheath.
2 Prs. Braces.
4 Shirts.
7 Collars.
1 Leather wallet.
1 Key wallet.
1 Address Book.
1 Diary.
1 Pipe.
1 Pr. Nail Scissors.
1 Leather Belt.
1 Torch.
1 Kitbag Handle & Lock.
4 Ties.
1 Dressing case containing:- 3 Items. 1 Soap Box, 1 Shaving Brush, 1 “Minor” Razor.
1 Coat Hanger.
Letters & Photographs.
1 Metal Mirror.
1 Enlarged Photograph.
1 Wooden Attache Case.
NOTE. The Following documents were extracted and forwarded by Unit to Air Ministry Accts, 13, Worcester.
Cheque Book No’s. L.327, 381 to L.327,410.
Cash amounting to £5.4.6d was found in wallet amongst the personal effects, also stamps to the value [deleted] ff [/deleted] of 3/4d. and credited to his Service Account at Air Ministry.
Great Britain. Royal Air Force. Central Depository, “Letter to Maurice Monks's father from the RAF central depository,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed February 15, 2025, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/32139.
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