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German propaganda news from Berlin. The lead article refers to the plot to assassinate Hitler. Home news in brief is a collection of negative stories about Britain.

Covers loading of aircraft, best position for centre of gravity for Avro York aircraft, servicing for transport command aircraft (York), and list of air publications for York. Followed by notes for Lancaster, weights, speeds, endurance, radio ranges.…

A newspaper cutting of George's wedding.

Final version of four verse poem about Lancaster JB596 crashing on Hatcliffe Top when returning from operation to Berlin. Airfield was fog bound and crew were on 23rd operation. Additional information on the crash is available via theIBCC Losses…

Poem describing loss of crew who crashed in fog on return from operation now lying in the medical centre on Christmas eve.

Four verse poem about Lancaster JB596 crashing on Hatcliffe top when returning from operation to Berlin. Airfield was fogbound and crew were on 23rd operation.Additional information on the crash is available via theIBCC Losses Database.

Multi-line poem describing a WAAF social visit, by invitation, to an American unit where they were entertained by the Glen Miller' orchestra.

A biography of Vincent, Arnold's father.

Two postcards sent to Reg's home address. The first states that she heard Reg was listed as a prisoner of war and was safe and well. The second also gives his service number.

Top - reports arrival of five of her letters to him and mentions other mail. Mentions books he had read and was recommending to her.

Bottom - reports arrival of mail from friends and that he heard they had had a son. He says he will be glad to get…

Two poems. The first, 'A song of hate' concerns an Irish officer who troubles R/T operators. The second titled 'A ratty problem' is about rats in the tower and the signals section. References RAF Church Fenton.

The first three verses, 'when I fell over the horseshoe' are about a lucky charm. The second three verses, 'F for Freddy are being grounded' concerns a crew who finished their tour without ever washing shirts or socks.

Part 1. Explains delay in writing due to 48 hour pass which allowed him to go to new York. Describes activities there.
Part 2. On return was posted to air observers school and was packing to go. Arrive in Toronto and did tour including Niagara…

The first letter refers to changes in money paid to his wife.
The second letter advises that their has been no news about her husband.

Two lists of casualties from 'Flight' relating to March 1945. The first is captioned 'Casualty list showing names of our hut mates killed over Hamburg 7/8th March 1945' and the second 'Casualty list showing names of some of our friends, who were…

A press cutting captioned 'Retreat from the coast' taken in the summer of 1943 shows two coastal airfields Calaise/Marck and Abbeville/Drucat indicating that the Germans had started rendering their coastal airfields temporarily unserviceable.

Author writes to inform him concerning the accident in which his son, who was flying as a wireless operator, was killed. Details eye witness accounts of aircraft diving into ground and all crew were killed. Court of enquiry were unable to determine…

Starts with some banter about war news and comment about German fifth column operations and other war news. Continues with other news and gossip about recent journey. Goes on about Germany atrocities and casualties and situation on the continent.…

Quote from Byron with note 'this is my wish for you' from Sgt Nav Cecil E Wood from Canada.

Thirty-five airmen wearing greatcoats and side or peaked caps sitting and standing in four rows.

Submitted with caption 'Back row left to right. Edward Pullen, became a Wing Commander, killed in action 20 December 1943 when serving with 50…

Multi-line poem echoing chat between friends. Asking for cigarettes, mentioning going out, going to the NAAFI, domestic chores, boys.

Nine verse poem about WAAFs attending a WRENs party who outshine the navy ladies with the sailors. Comments on their revenge.

The story of Allan's Lancaster after they were damaged by anti-aircraft fire near Berlin. He had a heavy landing and damaged his leg.
The second part of the story is written by a German pilot who was involved in shooting down the damaged…

Poem about an encounter with a policemen accompanied by a WAAF officer.

An extract from Tee Emm magazine about a pilot that died doing unauthorised low flying. It refers to a dozen other accidents where pilots and crew lost their lives doing low flying.
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