Browse Items (217 total)

  • Coverage is exactly "Wehrmacht"

Servicemen gathered round wreckage of an aircraft in shallow water. Submitted with caption 'mreu7 001 Wreckage of a Whitley crashed on Juist, Friesian Islands 1941'.

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Article headlines: Siege of Leningrad lifted, Schlüsselburg captured after 7-day battle, fighting in the streets of Kamensk, rout of 4 German divisions.

Map of the prisoner of war camp Stalag IVB, noting barrack 14A as being that occupied by John Walter Gifford Saunders. Various individual buildings are named including the kitchen and theatre.

A watch tower at one of the corners of the camp. It is captioned 'Een vande zes om bet kamp staande watchtorens' and translated as 'One of the six watchtowers standing around the camp'.

A map of Stalag Luft 7 drawn by D G Gray and dated December 1944. It shows a compound of huts, one of tents and one under construction. The Russians have a separate, smaller compound as do the Germans.

Includes measurements, direction indicator,…

First witness statement from a Resistance fighter
They had been warned by an English airman that the SS were going to carry out shootings and found refuge on 25th August. They were liberated on 29th August. The SS shot eight Resistance fighters and…

A copy of The Star two days after D-Day. It contains war news, adverts, cartoons, local news and intimations.

Warning prisoners of war the dangers of escaping - 'it is no longer a sport'.

Article in the Aeroplane magazine March 30 1945 issue. Describes actions of Acting Squadron Leader Robert Antony Maurice Palmer D.F.C and Bar, 109 Squadron during an operation to Cologne marshalling yards. Also give other details of his service…

A cartoon with image of destroyed building and large stone with inscription saying: 'This stone was unlaid at Bremen by 50 Sqdn, followed by names of crew (F/O Calvert, P/O Sears, Sgt Gray, Sgt Branch, Sgt Austin, Sgt Cruickshanks[sic], Sgt Conner)…

A cartoon with image of destroyed building and large stone with inscription saying: 'This stone was unlaid at Duisburg by 50 Sqdn, followed by names of crew (F/O Calvert, F/Sgt Stevens, Sgt Gray, Sgt Branch, Sgt Austin, Sgt Cruickshank, Sgt Conner)…

A cartoon with image of destroyed building and large stone with inscription saying: “This stone was unlaid at Dusseldorf by 50 Sqdn, followed by names of crew (F/O Calvert, P/O Sears, Sgt Gray, Sgt Branch, Sgt Austin, Sgt Cruickshank, Sgt Connor)…

A cartoon with image of destroyed building and large stone with inscription saying: 'This stone was unlaid at Wilhelmshaven by 50 Sqdn, followed by names of crew (F/O Calvert, P/O Sears, Sgt Gray, Sgt Branch, Sgt Austin, Sgt Cruickshank, Sgt Conner)…

Article 1. Headlines: Geraud leads French fight in Tunisia, allies racing to his support, paratroops in vanguard, British first army advances. general Giraud who escaped from Vichy France is reported to be leading French garrison fighting German…


Cutting 1 headlines: Ciano goes, Duce as foreign minister, grandi losses his ministry, Cutting 2 headlines: Mr Churchill in Tripoli, thanks to eighth army, review of tanks. Cutting 3 headlines: Rostov captured, Voroshilovgrad also in Russian hands,…

Target photograph showing shoreline, with smoke obscuring the island of Hakøya within Tromsø fjord. Battleship Tirpitz can be seen just right of centre through smoke. Three water-spouts from earlier explosions above and to the right. Anti-aircraft…

The leaflet provides an overview of the strategic situation around mid-1943 pointing out that the tide has turned in favour of the allied, victory is inevitable and fighting futile. Provides evidence of the overwhelming superiority of the allies on…

Article 1. The Times headlines: Tunis and Bizerta captured, official announcement of allied victory, relentless bombing by allied aircraft. Article 2. The Observer headlines: Fleeing Germans chased towards Cape Bon, British tanks aim to cut line of…

Article 1. Headlines: Germans driven beyond Kotelnikovo, falling back along the railway, threat by soviet left wing, fierce enemy resistance at Millerovo. Article 2. Headlines: murder plot in Algiers, twelve arrested, threat to Giraud and U.S…

Article 1. Headlines: 'Millerovo retaken by the Red Army, Russian reported across the Donetz, Rossosh in Soviet hands again, final assault on Sixth Army'. Article 2. Headlines: 'New attack launched by Eighth Army, Rommel withdraws from whole of…

First article headlines: 8th army on heels of fleeing enemy, prisoners expected soon to number 100000, drive ahead, Montgomery new order to his troops. Account of operations in desert against German and Italian forces. Second article mentions…

Article 1. Headlines: all resistance over at Stalingrad, remaining German forces capitulate, Lt-Gen Streicher taken prisoner. enemy lines pierced S.E. of Rostov. Article 2. Headlines: Cyprus great welcome for prime minister, islanders told of united…

Article 1. Headlines: huge Nazi losses in 2 Soviet pushes, 169,000 men killed and 74,500 captured by Russians, Stalingrad takes 1510 tanks in 3 weeks, Article 2. Headlines: Rommel in retreat to west, driven from strong El Agheila positions, more…
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