Browse Items (35368 total)

Photograph 1 Loading a bomb into a Lancaster 'X'.
Photograph 2 Sergeant Syd Marshall at his flight engineer's position in a Lancaster.
Photograph 3 Sergeant Syd Marshall in uniform, standing with a woman.

Head and shoulders sketch of a pilot with peaked cap, pilot's brevet and whistle on his collar.

Sergeant Syd Marshall at the flight engineer's position in a Lancaster cockpit.

Half-length portrait of Sergeant Syd Marshall in uniform with flight engineer's brevet.

Sidney Marshall grew up in Lincolnshire and worked as an agricultural engineer. He volunteered for the Royal Air Force at eighteen and trained as a flight engineer. On his first operation to Duisburg one of his Lancaster's engines was hit by shrapnel…

Photograph 1 is of Adolf Hitler, Neville Chamberlain and five men standing around a table.
Photograph 2 is of Adolf Hitler, Neville Chamberlain and another man standing beside an ornate chair.
Captioned 'peace in our time'.

Full length portrait of Syd Marshall in a civilian suit captioned 'Myself just prior to joining R.A.F in 1943'.

Photograph 1 is of 53 airmen arranged in seven rows in front Bridlington Grand Pavilion Theatre.
Photograph 2 is a head and shoulders portrait of Syd Marshall wearing a side cap with white flash.
The page is captioned 'I.T.W.…

A card with 52 signatures and the home town of participant on the Initial Training Wing course.
Syd Marshall's Airman's Alphabetical Index card.
The page is captioned '121 Intake I.T.W Bridlington'.

Half-length portrait of Sergeant Syd Marshall with flight engineer brevet.
Syd Marshall's flight engineer's brevet.
Captioned 'After passing out St Athan 12-7-1944

Photograph 1 is of four airmen standing in front of two Nissen huts. Captioned ' L to R "Nobby" Clark, Lou Morgan, "Russ" Johnstone, Jack Round'.
Photograph 2 is of nine airmen in two rows under the inner starboard engine of a Lancaster. Captioned…

Photograph 1 is of Lou Morgan at the controls of the Lancaster, captioned 'Lou Morgan (left)'.
Photograph 2 is of Syd Marshall at his position, captioned 'Myself Syd Marshall F/E'.
Photograph 3 is of Nobby Clark standing by a gate, captioned '…

Derrick Allen on the right and a man on the left are arm in arm with a woman in the centre. Derrick is wearing greatcoat and side cap. The man and woman are in civilian clothes. In the background part of the Victoria Monument outside Buckingham…

Derrick Allen was the mid-upper gunner on a Lancaster that crashed near Spa in Belgium. He had been making his way to bale out when the pilot asked him to help the rear gunner who was trapped in his turret. He managed to do this but the plane broke…

Before the war, Liz worked in aeronautical inspection at a factory which made parachutes. She had an interview in Northolt and enlisted in the Women’s Auxiliary Air Force in October 1942. She went to Uxbridge and chose to be a telephonist. After a…

A newspaper cutting of a Lancaster dropping incendiary bombs over Duisburg. The text describes the event and a handwritten caption reads ' Oct 14th 1944'.

An article describing daylight and night time operations on Duisburg. There is a photograph of a Lancaster dropping a 4000 pound bomb and incendiaries and a photograph of an aircrew. The crew is Flying Officer J Whitwood, pilot and Ken Thomas…

Four newspaper cuttings from 1944 describing four separate operations. Salzburg captioned 'Oct 17 1944', Essen captioned 'Oct 25th 1944', Dunkirk and Vienna captioned 'Nov 4th 1944' and Gelsenkirchen captioned 'Nov 6th 1944'.

Three brothers in mae wests. Arthur, David and Gavin Mark walk under the nose of a Lancaster J. Captioned 'Elshams famous Brothers'.

Photograph 1 is of wireless operator, Ivor Cole captioned 'Ivor F.I.G. Cole w/op'.
Photograph 2 is of an airman leaning out of an open cockpit window of a Lancaster.

An ex-RAF pilot describes a bombing operation to Ulm in Southern Germany, He hadn't flown for three years and he is amazed at the technical improvements in hitting the targets using the Pathfinder force. He mentions the squadron CO, Wing-Comdr J R St…

Three newspaper cuttings describing attacks on Essen, Harburg oil refinery, Spitfire and Typhoon attacks on bridges and Aschaffenburg. They are captioned 'Nov 11th 1944'.

Photograph 1 is of Russ Johnstone in airman's uniform standing by a gate outside a church, it is captioned 'Russ Johnstone (Nav)'. Photograph 2 is a head and shoulders photograph of Syd Marshall. Cutting 1 describes a large operation heading to…

Aircrew and ground personnel sitting on loaded bomb trolleys infront of the Lanacster Mike Squared. Group Captain Sheene on a stepladder is painting a bomb symbol on the nose of the aircraft. Captioned '"Mike Twice" after 138 trips. C/V Sheene on…
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