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  • Tags: bombing

Flying log book for R Sharrock, flight engineer, covering the period from 22 March 1944 to 17 April 1945. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at RAF Dishforth and RAF Middleton St George. Aircraft flown in were:…

Thanks him for phone call and describes preparations for weekend in the country. Thanks him for letter and extra allotment. Catches up with family/friends news. Felt he was on opeartions and prays all went well.


Thanks him for letters and comments on weather. Writes about gardening and plans to go down to Gloucestershire. Mentions sending photographs for his comment. Hopes he will have done his 10th trip done and application for commission in by June 8.


She thanks him for writing and is amused about his comments on the after-life, but tells him how worried she had been when she had heard that 19 bombers had been missing. She goes on to tell him of domestic matters and hopes for leave soon.

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Thanks him for ringing as it makes her happy and cheerful knowing he is safe. Asked his views on Churchill's speech but did not like his view on using gas on Germany. Writes of how much baby Frances dislike her gas mask and that she will try and get…

Writes it was a shock to her that he was starting operations again so soon and would be interested to know how he was getting on with augmented crew. Comments on good weather, her daily activities and catches up with family news. Comments on possible…

Remarks on his recent letters that have arrived. Comments on his conversion to the Manchester and that she would have preferred four engines. Mentions his visit to MO and missing crews. Writes of parcel from India as well as tennis racquet and bike…

Writes of sitting in garden with daughter and of his new crewing. Mentions Whitley aircraft overhead and continues with family/friends news. Hopes he will be able to come home and encourages him to see MO about his cold. Comments on good weather and…

Writes thanking him for letter and news that operation are held up. Presumes he was on Rostock operation previous night. Wishes they would give him leave as she misses him.


Writes that she presumed he was on operation reported on radio and hopes he will ring. Catches up with news of her activities and baby issues. Notes no letter from him for two days.

Air observers and navigators flying log book for John Valentine covering the period from 20 September 1941 to 30 May 1942. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at RAF Prestwick, RAF Jurby, RAF Upper Heyford and RAF…

Writes about laundry she is sending as well as latest photographs of daughter. She asks what photographs he would like. Writes that she is sending stamped postcards so he can slip one in post after a trip to say he is alright. Reports it was grand to…


Glad that he received his parcel with compass birthday present. Writes of other activities and her hair standing on end with story of their forced landing with a landmine on board. Continues with news of other activities and encourages him to make…


Glad to receive his letters and comments on how quickly he is getting through trips. Glad he has been to see the padre and that he was helpful. Comments on his navigational error and expected that he had done some damage somewhere. Glad that his…

Writes that she is sending his pyjamas, of a visitor to his daughter and present to her from her grandfather. Comment that no letter from him perhaps later. Writes she was worried after hearing of heavy attack on the Ruhr and bombers missing.…

Glad to hear him and hopes he will ring as often as possible as it is a good way to spend money. It means a lot to her as she need not worry for at least a night and desperately watch for the postman. Was sorry top hear of lost crews. Tells him not…

Writes that she was glad to finally get a letter from him and that his second trip was safely done and now only 28 more to go. Continues with news of visitor and other activities. Writes that daughter Frances has had a number of cards with savings…

Writes it was lovely to hear his voice and that his first operational trip was over safely. Continues that the next few months will be worst for him and she was thinking of him in church on Easter Sunday. Writes of possible future and one being left…

Operational Record ledger created by Pat Falkinder (nee Day). Running log book which includes briefing, targeting, crews and methods of prosecution for various bombing operations. It includes a photographs of Pat Day in uniform and several aircrew.

Mentions a financial issue and a bad journey home. Writes of air raid and using the shelter and how comfortable it was. Continues with gossip on her activities.

Writes of sorting out family financial and tax issues for her mother. Mentions bomb damage to Westminster Abbey and arrival of his letters. Says she is sending parcels to Jurby.


Continues to discuss where she will go and mentions alternatives, joining him and problems of him moving on during his training. Writes of baby matters. Mentions getting a letter from her sister sent before recent 'Blitz' and is not sure if she is…

Pat Harrison was born in Lincoln and was the only girl of four children. Her father joined the Royal Air Force after serving as an air raid warden. Pat remembers the arrival of evacuees in Lincoln and also recalls occasions when bombing resulted in…
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