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Two men wearing khaki uniform with pilot's brevet standing side by side. Both wear peaked caps and Lachie McBean is on the right with long trousers. Captioned 'Dick & Self'.

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Top left - riddled plane won dual. Story of recovery of damaged bomber pilot Flt Sgt F E Mathers RAF awarded Conspicuous Gallantry Medal. Wireless operator and rear gunner (Sgt G E French) awarded Distinguished Flying Medal.
Middle left - Regiment…

19 photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is an Anson viewed from the port/rear, captioned 'The "Flying Greenhouse" '.
Photo 2 is three Ansons outside a hangar, captioned 'Warming Up'.
Photo 3 is three airmen standing at the front of an Anson,…

Seven men wearing variety of uniform, four with brevet. Three sitting in front, four standing behind. Donald Baker is back left. Captioned 'Barth, Self, Roxy, Bill [...], George Harvey, Steve, Les Bull, Piotr [...]'.

Head and shoulders portrait of man wearing tunic with pilot's brevet.

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A group of 18 arranged in two rows. Many have tankards of beer. Behind are three dummies in uniform.

Two photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is a group of airmen from 627 Squadron positioned in front of a Mosquito.
Photo 2 is of three airmen at a Mess bar.

Portrait, head and shoulders, pilots brevet and medal ribbons.

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Standing in front of small private car parked in a field, buildings, trees in background, on reverse 'Ted Bellis and Ted Pennil approx December 1943'.

PNortonNP1705 copy.jpg
11 airmen arranged in two rows. One man is in civilian clothes. Pat Norton is in the second row, second from the right.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

A head and shoulders portrait of an airman in flying kit, helmet and goggles, captioned 'The Pilot -Blackie 30th Sept [indecipherable]'.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are…

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17 photographs from an album.
Photo 1 is a group of airmen arranged in five rows in front of a Stirling, captioned '199 Squadron Stirlings Lakenheath November 1943. Dad is third row up, fifth from left'.
Photo 2 is four airmen standing under the…

Top - seven aircrew wearing various uniform or flying clothing standing in line under the engine of a bomber. Mick Martin is third from the right. Bertie Foxlee is on the left. Bottom - 22nd June 1943 Hungaria restaurant in London following the…

Head and shoulders portrait of a man wearing tunic with pilot's brevet. Captioned 'Sgt John Sanders February 1943'.

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On the left a three-quarter length view of Wing Commander Tait wearing tunic with pilot's brevet and medal ribbons, standing with hands in pockets. He is giving a press conference in London following the successful sinking of the Tirpitz. To the…

A photograph of EC Tennant, Commanding Officer No 2 B&G and a crest of the RCAF No 2 Bombing and Gunnery School.

Two photographs of seven airmen standing underneath the damaged wing of a Lancaster. 'EA-D'.
On the reverse of the first photograph the annotation reads 'Uncle Tom on left'.
In the second photograph one of the men is pointing out some damage.

Thomas Thomson on the right of a group of six more airmen. They are standing in front of the nose of a Lancaster. On the reverse 'Uncle Tom on the right'.

Six airmen on the ground and one airman at the damaged mid-upper turret of Lancaster 'EA-D'. On the reverse 'Uncle Tom on the left'.

Squadron Leader Bill Williams's crew with 106 Squadron May 1944 to 3 September 1944 and with 9 Squadron September 1944 to March 1945.
'Vic' Prettejohns replaced original Flight engineer. Underneath is annotated the crew's names and positions.…

A very short memoir of N G Prescott, a wireless operator with 12 Squadron. He completed eight operations but on his ninth he was reported missing at Munich.

Seven men wearing battledress with brevet and six with side caps, one with peaked cap. Standing in line underneath a bomber.

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Seven airmen in flying kit, standing by the rear of their Lancaster.
Arthur Tindall is second left.
On the reverse is a photographer's mark '9741'.

Account of operation to Leipzig when aircraft was engaged by enemy fighters. Four of the crew were injured, two severely. Describes action of subsequent attacks. Sergeant Wright, although wounded and fainting three time continues to perform his…

On the left an officer wearing tunic with pilot's brevet and medal ribbons. On the right a bride wearing white wedding dress and holding bouquet.
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