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  • Tags: ground personnel

Alan writes thanking his parents for their later and newspapers. They have been for a long march in the sun and are suffering.

Alan thanks her for two letters. He is missing her. He describes flying through cloud canyons.
He describes trips to Bocholt, Germany and Orleans.

Bill writes home describing saying goodbye to everyone at the chapel, his experience of Christmas 1941 and the antics of his fellow cadets. He writes 'Christmas in the RAF seems to be summed up in the one word "BOOZE"'. He didn't join in at all but…

Writes of insect bite and catches up with family news.

Excited that cadets now have own mess and, although not popular with the ground crew, aircrew need a special diet. Food is now much better and describes meals. Writes of flight up to near…

Bill is at the Receiving Centre in London. He writes that he has had a good Sunday with going to a Baptist Chapel and being invited for tea by the pastor and meeting up with another cadet - 'I can say my first Sunday in the RAF has been splendid'. …

Writes about exams and passing. Mentions leave possibility and church parade. Speculates over embarkation and writes of being re-equipped. Starts writing about a friend's experience of a bombing attack on Bath but then breaks off. Resumes to write of…

Bill catches up with home news. Comments about cold and rain conditions and heating not being turned on until 1st November. Writes some course details and crewing up with bombadier.

Provides a detailed description of his and others experiences…

Letter mounted on four pages of album. Writes of her activities at RAF Leeming and catches up with family news. Gives reasons for not coming home on leave for Christmas. Describes shirt and pillow cases she had just bought. Writes about several…

Letter mounted over seven album pages with envelope with last page of letter on seventh album page. Next page has four b/w photographs. Letter gives excuses for not having written. Catches up with family news. Explains they could not get off camp…

Letter from the Chaplain at Royal Air Force Oakington to Mrs Wilson expressing his sympathy that her husband and his crew did not return from an operation to Nuremberg the previous evening.

In the letter he complains that his mother hasn't written to him, he misses mild beer, tripe and black pudding. He describes going out for drinks with a WAAF and meeting South African air force pilots and more girls, then they all went for dinner and…

Letter from a Womwn's Auxilliary Air Force friend or colleague stationed at Maison Blanche in Algeria. Catching up with news and writing of her experiences in North Africa. She talks of other service woman as well as local people. She mentions her…

Comments on recent rheumatism and that she was currently writing while on duty. Continues with news that WAAF watchkeepers were now allowed to fly on cross country flights over the continent. Recently this was done on the quiet. Mentions two routes…

Letter to catering officer of RAF Foulsham thanking him for excellent catering arrangements for party on previous night.

He writes of social activity on the station and domestic details.

He writes of their bank balance, his new car, domestic details and the timing of his future postings.

He writes of meeting the ground crew and of a new aircraft coming to the Flight.

He writes of the social activities at RAF Cark, domestic arrangements and expected timelines for postings.

He writes of night flying duties, returning to operations, social activities and domestic arrangements.

Written from Swift Current. Writes that snow has prevented flying and they have little to do as examinations are over but some people have failed them. Mentions that the C.G.I relented on the resit of the engines examination. Discusses future course…

Catches up with family news. Writes of new flight and aircrew taking ground crew for a drink in Grimsby along with an amusing incident. Reminisces and thinks about after the war.

He is still waiting but is working in the camp post office. He has been on parade in Moncton and walking in the countryside.

He thanks he for his birthday card. He describes his return trip to camp. The next day he had exams which he thinks he passed. They have had no luck getting a new wireless operator. They had a home guard training attack on the base. They had a couple…

He thanks her for two letters and a Christmas card. Christmas dinner was very good, followed by a dance.
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