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  • Tags: Halifax

Two airmen sitting on the port outer engine of a Halifax during refuelling operations.

A half-length portrait of Robert Mitchell in front of a Halifax.

Rober Mitchell standing under the wing of Halifax 'W' with his right foot on a chock.

A tree-quarter length portrait of Robert standing in front of his Halifax.

Robert is seated on a BSA motorcycle APV643 in front of a Halifax.

One airman sitting on the chock and three airmen standing round him. Behind is Halifax 'W'.

Eight airmen including Robert, dressed in flying kit, in front of their Halifax.

Robert Mitchell, crew and ground crew arranged in two rows in front of Halifax 'AL-X'

A bomb bay loaded with bombs and incendiaries.

A vertical aerial photograph taken during a bombing operation. A Halifax is directly underneath heading towards a town. To the left of the town are numerous bomb explosions. Bomb craters can be see in the fields, some in lines and others in…

Two images of a Halifax model. It is mounted on a small stone.

Top left - riddled plane won dual. Story of recovery of damaged bomber pilot Flt Sgt F E Mathers RAF awarded Conspicuous Gallantry Medal. Wireless operator and rear gunner (Sgt G E French) awarded Distinguished Flying Medal.
Middle left - Regiment…

Left page. Top - Ground operations. Photograph of farm workers piling hay on a rick with a Halifax bomber behind.
Bottom - a large group of airmen, some with brevet standing in three rows wearing variety of uniform and caps.
Right page. Top left…

Left page. Top - side view of a Spitfire taking off. Signed 'To Jill with wishes [….]'. Bottom - air-to air view looking down on a Halifax.
Right page - a letter from Charles W A Scott thanking Jill Nicholls for her congratulatory letter and…

Reports attack on Mannheim using incendiaries by Stirling, Halifax, Lancaster, Manchester, Wellington and Hampdens.

A very short memoir of N G Prescott, a wireless operator with 12 Squadron. He completed eight operations but on his ninth he was reported missing at Munich.

To Bill's father from OC 10 Squadron offering his condolence as Bill did not return from an op.

Two photographs on one album sheet.
Photo 1 is six airmen arranged in two rows, captioned 'Crew at Peplow'.
Photo 2 is seven airmen in two rows in front of a Halifax, captioned 'Operational'

Front of a Halifax with lion with bomb nose art with name London's Revenge parked in front of a hangar. In front a table decorated with a union flag with an officer speaking into a microphone alongside a civilian wearing white overcoat. Surrounding…

A collage of three photographs and a cloth 434 squadron badge.
Photo 1 is the base of a memorial stone with a Canada sash and a floral bouquet.
Photo 2 is the cemetery where Hugh was buried, now a field.
Photo 3 is the memorial stone surrounded…

A commemoration of the seven men who died after a possible mid-air collision over Charleroi, 18th December 1944. The photographs of the seven men, the Halifax and their names are listed, plus a 51 squadron crest.

The report covers the loss of the Halifax with a focus on Hugh Jones. The research was undertaken by Eddy Daivier. He lists the crew and some of their operations.

A section of six pages referring to the crash of the Halifax.
Page 1 simply states 'The Crash'.
Page 2 is a report of the crash in French and an eye witness report in English by Jean Bodart.
Page 3 is a copy of a photograph which appears on page…

A document with a photograph of the crew, including Hugh Jones, of the Halifax that was lost whilst on an operation on the railway at Somain. Hugh Jones was in hospital and he was replaced by Harry Brown.
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