Condolence letter



Condolence letter


To Bill's father from OC 10 Squadron offering his condolence as Bill did not return from an op.

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One page typewritten letter


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[embossed crest]
No. 10 Squadron,
Royal Air Force,
Melbourne, Yorks.
Dear Mr Brooks
It is with greatest regret that I have to confirm the sad news already contained in my telegram that your son Flight Sergeant William Alfred Brooks failed to return this morning from on operational flight over enemy territory.
The aircraft in which he was the Bomb Aimer left Base last night, and no further messages were received from it after that time.
I do not wish to raise false hopes, but there is every possibility that the crew had to abandon their aircraft and land in enemy territory, and are prisoners of war. In this event, he will, in due course, be permitted to communicate with you.
It is desired to explain that the request in the telegram notifying you of the casualty to your son was included with the object of avoiding his chance of escape being prejudiced by undue publicity in case he was still at large. This is not to say that any information about him is available, but is a precaution adopted in the case of all personnel reported missing.
May I offer you my deepest sympathy during this time of anxious waiting, and express on behalf of all the members of his Squadron the fervent hope that we may soon have good news of him.
Yours very sincerely
Wing Commander, Commanding,
[underlined] No. 10 Squadron, R.A.F. [/underlined]
A. H. Brooks, Esq.,
49, The Drive,
North Harrow,
[underlined] Middlesex. [/underlined]


“Condolence letter,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed February 14, 2025,

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