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  • Tags: military service conditions

Speculates on future employment when finished navigator training in Canada. Describes flying activity and that he was hoping to get to New York on next 48 hour pass but it was too far. Describes social activities.

Describes train journey through Egypt and Palestine/Transjordan. Detrains at Kantara (El Qantara) Mentions seeing Australians, Transjordan and Palestine police and that country is cleaner that Egypt. Leaves train at Lydda and describes activities…

Describes and evening out in Palestine including meeting prostitutes. Philosophises on Palestine being a wonderful country for broadening the mind. Mentions taking a dip before breakfast and leaving Tel Aviv by train back to Cairo. Mentions food…

Poem describing the hardship of wartime service, stressing the emotional strain of operations and the longing for rest.

Top left - two airmen, one sitting at desk working on papers and the other standing behind him. Window on the right. Captioned 'Ginger Newlands and Jock Mitchell, M.T. section Penhold'.
Top right - a man crouching in a doorway surrounded by three…

Top - two men wearing overalls standing by a work bench with shelves on wall behind. Captioned 'Ralph and "Lank"'.
Bottom - man wearing overalls working on item on workbench. Door and shelves in background. Captioned 'Lank'.

Top left - three airmen in khaki uniform with side caps standing in line with trees in the background.
Top right - air-to-ground view of landscape with many bomb craters.
Middle left - an airman on bed in barrack room.
Bottom left - air to…

From No 2 RAF rest and leave camp. For Sergeant Powell. Permission to visit Capri as member of an organised party.

Lists airmen under headings movements to the unit and movements from the unit.

Lists personnel entitled to medals and decorations and good conduct badges. Lists changes of address for next of kin.

Lists airmen under headings movements to the unit and movements from the unit

Lists movements in, movements out and discharges for airmen.

Lists airmen under heading movements from the unit,

Lists airmen under headings medical classification, movements to the unit and movements from the unit.

List movement in and movements out as well as discharges of airmen of 44 Squadron. Includes aircrew reported missing.

Lists acting rank, postings, detachments, temporary duty and leave for various officers. Page is scribbled over.

Lists officers for appointments, appointment correction and honours and awards - Distinguished Flying Cross for Flying Officer/Acting Flight Lieutenant W A Stratis.

Lists 44 Squadron officer personnel for leave, appointments and promotions, change of address of next of kin

Top left in the background a line of trucks parked on the roadside under trees. In the foreground a group of airmen some sitting eating and some standing under trees.

Top right group of four airmen on a river bank or lakeside framed by…

From information provided by the donor. Four photographs ,the first is a reverse with the crew listed, annotations 'Baxter 507, L - R top, Sgt Baxter, F/eng, Sgt Prowse R/Gunner, P/O Deare W/Op, L -R Bottom, S/L Villiers Pilot, F/O Allinson Nav, P/O…

Starts with account of life at school (Rendcomb College) from 1931 to 1937. Continues with decade 1938-1948 starting with time at Cheltenham Art School in 1938 and 1939. Continues with account of wartime activity including enlistment, training at RAF…

A view of the rear of Peter Hattersley seated in the cockpit of a Hampden aircraft. On the reverse 'Myself, flying a Hampden. The slide which deposits one into the navigator's box below, is just behind the pilot's seat. You slide down on your…

The detailed biography begins with government measures at the start of National Service. Philip Hopgood volunteered and enlisted at Padgate, Warrington. He was classified as medically Grade 1. Initial training was at RAF Regent's Park (Lord's Cricket…

Photograph 1 is of four airmen, including Reginald George Cavalier, standing at the back of the photographic trailer. Captioned: 'Photographic Trailer, 11th March 1944. Harold Pyatt, Frank Watson, R.G.C., Hal Ashley.'

Photograph 2 is of the…
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