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  • Tags: military service conditions

Mentions no sign of leave yet. Describes his activities and mentions his car. Asks her to contact a friend of his to explain leave cancelled.

Writes that he has been issued with a bicycle and plans to celebrate skipper's birthday. Mentions photographs and that his birthday had come and gone. End with endearment.

Writes of trying to arrange accommodation. Mentions skipper had his girl over but only spent and hour with her. Says he was tired and sleeping during day doesn't allow him to catch up. Asks her about her plans and activities.

Commiserates over lack of available hotel but would not have been able to spend much time with her. State that he had to go for an interview with the AOC. Continues with domestic issues. Provides instruction for her to collect his car if anything…

Quick note as he had a lot to do that night. Thanks for letters and and pyjamas. Mentions fixing radio. Had interview and results later. Hopes he will be able to get over to see her. Mentions car insurance and squadron photograph being taken.

Comments over missing letters to her. Mentions insurance and financial issues. States that they should be getting leave on about 15th of month. Was busy over weekend and could not join her, maybe next time. Writes about nose art. Says he is keeping…

Thanks her for letter and shirt. Complaining to skipper about leave roster. Catches up with gossip and asks after her work. Mentions buying wireless licence. Asks her for black ankle socks.

Writes that he was sitting in café in Lincoln and would remain at Wigsley for at least a fortnight. Mentions insurance policy.

Writes that leave was set for 13th. Catches up with news of friends and colleagues. Mentions injection and that he does not count trips or worry over 13th or final one. Concludes with chat about wireless and ask if she can get a few days off.

Mentions seeing medical officer and got shampoo and pills. Hope to get trip over soon but leave situation looked blacker than ever. Mentions her health issue and that he could not sleep.

Writes he had spoken to the wing commander and should be getting leave, asks if she could get time off. Writes of crew going out with friend for good feed in Boston. Mentions issuance.

Asks her to congratulate friend over birth of baby. Mentions he is stiff due to PT, basket ball and swimming. Just off to camp cinema.

Mentions location of car keys. Writes that he had one of her collars by mistake. Says he has found himself a crew who had seven more trips to finish tour. Concludes with chat about cat and kitten.

Catches up with mail and family news. Mother was in hospital and he would try and get pass to go and visit her. Discusses friends, leave and activities including going into Boston for meal which he did not like, preferred Horncastle. Mentions he had…

Writes that skipper was progressing and would be out shortly. Mentions new arrival who know mutual acquaintance. Says he can get fowl and duck. Catches up with gossip and news.

Thanks her for parcel. Not much news. Comments on weather and PT, running in local area. States he was going on Halifax.

Apologises for delayed reply. Not much news. Announces coming home next Thursday. Very close to end of training.

Writes that he had not been posted but hoped to go soon. Mentions his activities and new arrivals. Comments on recent university air squadron coming to his location and their duties.

Catches up with news. Comments on lack of activity, just doing guard duty. Mentions being allowed in the Church Army.

Writes that had not replied to her letter but it had only just arrived (envelope enclosed showing address changes chasing him around). Comments on his training activities which include swimming and dinghy drill.

Writes he has not much news. Comments on daily activities. Asks her to let him know what she thinks of the dog and is annoyed it was chosen without them being there.

Thanks her for letter and parcel. Writes he was on the last lap of training and now on the Halifax Mk 3. Sates letter short as he need to study engines he had not done before.

Says he was enclosing note paper for her. Ask her opinion on his photograph tinting. Writes of upcoming board and leave, Says he was off to tea in the NAAFI.

Thanks her for letter and parcel. Was glad she liked photograph. Comments that he had started the real work now. Mud and snow had hardened up but had trouble getting transport to nearest town. Was getting expert and hitchhiking.

Writes about leave and comments that flying was just a bind, just like sitting in a car and going along but more uncomfortable. Talks about her ambitions of transferring to the navy.
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