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  • Tags: 617 Squadron

Six airmen on their return from sinking the Tirpitz. They are positioned at the rear of their Lancaster.

Additional information about this item has been kindly provided by the donor.

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An air-to-air view of two Lancasters KC-W and KC-A in flight.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

An oblique aerial photograph showing target indicators showering over the rows of workshop buildings at the Gnome et Rhône aero-engine factory. The photograph is taken at very low level.

A squadron photograph of a large group of airmen and ground crew arranged in five rows in front of a Lancaster. Information supplied with the collection identifies it as 617 squadron, 1945.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in…

B/w copy of 617 Squadron crest.

Six airmen standing behind a Lancaster. Captioned '1944, Left to right, all shorties well nearly all, Sid Grimes (Wireless Op), yours truly, Charlie Randon (Bomb dropper of), Jack Penswick (Gunner), Eddy Barnett (Engineer), Barney Gumbley…

Top - six aircrew standing in line behind a Lancaster, Captioned 'Crew from left to right, Sid Grimes wireless operator, Ken Gill navigator, Charlie Randon bomb aimer, Jack Penswick gunner, Eddy Barnett engineer, Barney Gumbley pilot'.
Bottom target…

Target photograph of Bergen Submarine pen. Coastline runs bottom left to top right with sea to right. Ubåtbunkeren Bruno is the square structure in the centre of the image. The town of Bergen is in the left hand corner, with port facilities and…

Gives personal details, lists postings to 9 Squadron Lancaster finishing school, and 617 Squadron. Notes missing believed killed 21 March 1945.

States that photograph shows. Mentions first abortive attack on 29 October 1944, second cancelled for weather and the final successful attack on 11 November 1944.

Top - description of ijmiden operations by 617 Squadron 15 and 30 December 1944.
Middle - reconnaissance photograph showing coast and port with harbour wall and basins in built up area.
Bottom left - b/w photograph of boat pens before…

Target photograph of Bielefeld Viaduct. Railway runs left to right across centre with Johannisbach river running top to bottom and Gummibahn railway by-pass running from bottom centre and joining the main railway to left of viaduct. One or more bomb…

Target photograph showing shoreline, with smoke obscuring the island of Hakøya within Tromsø fjord. Battleship Tirpitz can be seen just right of centre through smoke. Three water-spouts from earlier explosions above and to the right. Anti-aircraft…

Six airmen wearing flying clothes or battledress standing in line behind a Lancaster. Captioned at top 'Crew from left to right, Sid Grimes wireless operator, Ken Gill navigator, Charlie Randon bomb aimer, Jack Penswick gunner, Eddy Barnett engineer,…

Joined 18 June 1941. Trained as navigator in Canada. After operational and conversions training in England during which he flew two operations. He was posted to 9 Squadron at RAF Bardney where he flew 25 operations which are listed. After a tour as a…

List crew and weapon (Tallboy) and target location. Notes 'shot down by enemy ground defences approx. 1000 today (This a/c was hit by H/7 in the T/A and seen to go down in flames and exploded as it hit the ground near Syke)'.

Description of three (one aborted due to weather) operations against Tirpitz, photograph of crew on return from sinking Tirpitz, poor photocopy of target photograph of attach on Tirpitz. Account of operation on E & R boat pens at Ijmuiden along with…

Top - course photograph of thirty officers wearing tunics or battledress sitting and standing in four rows. Captioned 'No 25 Elementary Course. Syndicate "V", 28/3/45 to 23/5/45', lists name of those on photograph, F/O Baker front row second from…

A short history of 106 Squadron. Covers formation in world war one. Reformed in 1938 with Hinds and Battles. Equipped with Hampden at beginning of the war. Initially a advanced training unit. Became operational in September 1940. Describes early…

Left - copy of book page 82 (Headed: the Nurenburg raid) with details of American operations, 617 Squadron operation to Lyons as well as attack on Brunswick and railway junction at Vaires. Noted one Halifax missing from a Canadian Squadron on latter…

Top - title 'No 617 Squadron'
Underneath - short text giving information about 617 Squadron
Centre - photograph of a large group of airmen wearing tunics and peaked caps sitting and standing in three rows in front of a Vulcan. Captioned 'The Dam…

Squadron photograph of a large group of airman in khaki uniform sitting and standing in two rows on an airfield with a Vulcan parked in the background. Captioned 'No 617 Squadron detachment Luqa Malta 1977'.

Left - colour photograph of five airmen wearing tunics and peaked caps. Airman in centre holds standard. Caption 'Colour Party No 617 Squadron Standard, Silver Jubilee review Finningley 1977'.
Right - printed program cover for presentation of…

Left -newspaper cutting - Tait dropped the bombs. Includes full face b/w image and gives account of operations flown by Wing Commander James Bryan Tate DSO and 2 bars DFC. Noted that his squadron was formed by Gibson to burst German dams. Top right -…
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