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  • Tags: bomb aimer

Eleven airmen, two wearing Mae Wests and others in variety of uniform, five squatting in front and six standing behind. In the background the nose and port wing of a Halifax. On the reverse '1944, Halifax 3, Driffield, 462 Sqn, Back row, AC2 Neilsen,…

Eleven airmen, two wearing Mae Wests and others in variety of uniform, five squatting in front and six standing behind. In the background the nose and port wing of a Halifax. On the reverse '1944, 462 Sqn, Driffield, Yorks, Halifax 3, Back, A/C…

View from cockpit into bomb aimers station with part of pilots seat and throttles at top and bombsight in nose. On the reverse '1944, Holme on Spalding Moor, 76 Squadron, Halifax 3 and Mk 14 Bombsight'.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital…

Full length image of an airman wearing battledress with half brevet standing with hands in pockets in front of a barbed wire fence with huts in the background. Two versions of the same image, on the reverse 'D.Eadie (B/A) 1944-5 POW…

Seven airmen wearing battledress with brevet and side caps, three squatting in front and four standing behind. Pilot is middle front. Three versions of the same image, on the reverse 'Driffield 1944, Back L to R, P Brett (W.Op), J Christensen (R/G),…

Seven airmen wearing parachute harnesses standing in line in front of a Halifax. Two versions of same image, on the reverse 'Riccal Yorks 1944, L to R, D Eadie (B/A), J Burdon (Nav), J Christensen (R/G), R Jubb (pilot), P Brett (W/OP), B Sharp…

Seven airmen standing in a line in front of Lancaster KO-J.
From information kindly provided by the donor. 'Crew Picture Last Op 17-3-45, KO-J, Synder crew end of tour. Jock Guyan's (2'nd from right) 51'st and end of 2'nd tour.

Seven airmen some wearing flying kit standing in line in front of a Halifax. On the reverse 'Taken on 10.9.44 before take off on our 27th trip, from left to right:
1. F/Lt Jim Mundle DFC 23 Bomb Aimer, Glasgow Scotland.
2. Sgt Jim Cann 2, Engineer…

Seven airmen wearing battledress with brevet and side or peaked caps. Three squatting down in front, pilot in centre and four standing behind. Captioned 462 Sqdn, F/O Richardson (W.O), F/S Ellis (RG), F/S Stokes (MU), Sgt Cann (FE), F/L Mundle (AB),…

Seven airmen all wearing battledress with brevet. Three crouching in front, the centre man is pilot and four standing behind.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

Seven airmen posed in front of a Lancaster. Each man is identified on the reverse. Maurice is 2nd from right, back row.

Five airmen standing in front of a building.
From information kindly provided by the donor. 'Appleby crew, Gordon Appleby - Pilot, Len Howell - Navigator, Alf Hitchcock - Air Bomber, Jack Crisp - Wireless Operator, John Higgins - Rear Gunner NOT…

Lists crew and then provides description of operations to Berlin (first operation), Leipzig and Schweinfurt between the 15 and 25 February 1944. Describes events, bomb load and distances.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in…

Relates how an Australian squadron Halifax with a damaged fin was successfully brought home with rope tied onto the rudder bar and the bomb aimer using it to operate the rudder under pilot's instructions. Annotated 'Aust newsletter April 11…

Notes taken from a book 'Nobody Unprepared The History of 78 Squadron' by Vernon Holland. John was the bomb aimer on the Halifax.

Shows qualified as a navigator, pathfinder force air bomber/radar and visual bomb aimer.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

Two airmen standing one wearing tunic the other battledress, both with half brevet standing in front of a Nissen hut. Annotated 'GT' under left hand man. Submitted with caption 'Gordon and his Bomb Aimer (Gordon on the left)'.

Five airmen all wearing tunics with brevet and side caps. Man second from left is a pilot, the others have half brevet. Submitted with caption 'The Wellington crew - from the left - Ron; Bob Dibben, Pilot; Ian L Ure, WOP; Roy Parsonson, Navigator;…

Maurice and crew arranged in two rows. On the reverse
'From L back, Harold, Robinson, Maurice, Johny
front Bill, Roy, Joe.'

Five airmen sitting on the rear of a Lancaster. On the reverse:-
' Left to Right
Harold -Navigator
Johny - Bomb-aimer
Joe - Engineer
Bill - Mid-upper gunner
Roy - Rear Gunner
Oct 1943'.
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