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A group of aircrew sitting at rows of wooden benches, some with maps in a briefing room with windows left and right.

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Hector's stories about growing up in wartime Edgcott. His family moved there in 1941 when he was 10. He covers his school life, working on his father's farm, mock fighting, playing on a bombing range, working as a cowman, tractor work, working in a…

Target photograph showing light glare and tracer. Captioned '3059 HLM 24/25.3.44//NT 8", 218 degrees 22.36, BERLIN RD, S, 5x4 5x30, 30 SECS, F/L DAVIES, U78'. On the reverse 'Easier than our first raid on Berlin, Coned by searchlights. Only few small…

Target photograph on an operation to Schweinfurt. Many light trails from tracer are visible but there is no ground detail. The photograph is captioned:
'2839 HLM 24/25.2.44//NT F/8 22000 → 050 º 2313, SCHWEINFURT RD
7x4 8x30 33 SECS, F/O…

Target photograph for an operation to Stuttgart. Light traces and glare cover most of the image but no ground detail is visible. It is annotated '5B' and is captioned:
2983 HLM. 15/16-3-44 //NT 8" 20,000. → 008º 2323 STUTTGART RD
N. 5x4.…

Target photograph showing glare and explosion.

Target photograph showing tracer and glare. On the reverse 'Ball bearing factory Schweinfurt, very heavy AA fire. Fought off fighters'.

Target photograph showing bomb explosions and smoke. Just above the centre a Halifax flying below from left to right. Parts of town are visible on the right. On the reverse 'Over Noyelle-en-Chaussée 24 June 1944, Handley Page Halifax III, British…

Target photograph shows glare and explosions. Built up area roads are faintly visible. Captioned '252.BTN 7/8-6-44//NT F/8, 5000, 080 degrees, 01.13, JUVISY RD, C, 19x500, F/L DAVIES, U78'. Submitted in folder titled 'U-Uncle Target Images'.

Gives background on what inspired him to write a memoir. Theme of chronical is 'Luck'. Writes of joining RAF as soon as he was old enough and of initial tests and selection as a wireless operator/air gunner followed by 18 months deferred service.…

Log book covering the period of service on 78 Squadron at RAF Breighton from September 1943 to June 1944 flying Halifaxes. A total of 31 night time operations were flown. Targets were Hannover, Bochum, Kassel, Dusseldorf, Mannheim, Leipzig,…

Account of his aircraft, in which he was air observer, being attacked on return from operation in Germany by intruder aircraft. The aircraft was crash landed and caught fire. Miller escaped through the top hatch but noticed that the pilot and…

Almost entirely black target photograph. Captioned '368 ABN 15/16-3-44//NT 8", 21000, 000degrees APPRX, 2325 APPROX, STUTTGART R, 5x30, 5x4 INC 32 SECS, W/CR LAWRENCE M 78 SQN'.

Transcription of day by day account of activities from 19 April 1942 to 3 October 1942. Commences with photograph of Squadron in front of Halifax and of pilots on training course (Pattisson top left), Records daily activities, casualties, losses of…

A letter from Albert to his sister and brother in law. He says he has not much free time to write and he is back on operations after a spell in hospital. The second part of his letter was written after an operation to Stuttgart. He describes coming…

The letter to his sister and brother in law thanks them for their letter. he says he enjoys their short outings together. He has been over Berlin. He has been in hospital with a suspected skin disease.

Disparages Field Marshal Milch’s statement from 19th May 1941 by referring to the superior strength of the RAF, the plane-building capacity of the United States and Canada, and war production of United Nations. Göring and Hitler still in power…

Five armourers preparing bombs under a Lancaster. Behind a second Lancaster is being prepared with two ground crew standing on the wings above the inner engines.

Three photos from an album.
Photo 1 is a low level oblique aerial photo of Lincoln Cathedral, captioned 'Photo of Lincoln Minster taken from rear turret'.
Photo 2 is a vertical aerial photograph of Royan during a bombing operation. The coastline is…

Seven items from a scrapbook. Items 1 and 2 are newspaper cuttings about operations that Ernest was involved in. They are captioned 'Cuttings from daily papers of raids on which my crew were engaged'. Item 3 is a London Transport ticket, captioned…

Informs her that her husband was missing in action from operations on night 21 Oct 1944. Gives assessment of character and mentioned he had just recommended him for commission. Gives some account of operation to marshalling yards in northern…

Confirms that her husband Flight Sergeant Eric William Scott was missing as a result of air operations. Notes he was bomb aimer on a Wellington which set off to attack marshalling yards at Maribor, Yugoslavia which failed to return. Enquiries were…

Showing the last operational sorties of the war in Europe by the main force. His pilots on operations were Flight Lieutenant Briant and Flight Lieutenant Sommers.

Observer’s and air gunner’s flying log book for Eric Scott, bomb aimer, covering the period from 1 September 1942 to 4 January 1946. Detailing his flying training and operations flown as Air Bomber. He was stationed at RCAF Picton (31 Bombing &…
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