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  • Tags: prisoner of war

Article about Scunthorpe double DFC baling out from blazing plane. Relates how news was passed by French woman in a letter to a Canadian who posted it to Mrs Wareing. Robert Wareing was in hospital with burns but was getting better.

Article concerning Sg Harold Moad previously reported missing is now reported as having lost his life. Gives some details of grave, enlistment and age. Mentions his brother is a prisoner of war. Contains full face b/w portrait. Two attached notes,…

RAF personnel record containing personal details, service record, postings and discharge.

Landscape view of open yard with a set of goalposts infront of a series of single story cabins, in far background are high fence posts with wire between them, yard has clusters of men moving in multiple directions. Captioned '“British POWs at…

Recalls shooting down of James Lee's aircraft where he was the only survivor. Subsequently rescued by French people and medically treated then became a prisoner of war. Notes he returned to the place and people who rescued him had no idea what had…

Lists James Lee's crew top right, menu for meal in the centre, at the bottom, pilot's brevet drawing and epitaph for crew. On the reverse many signatures.

Prisoner of war documentation for James Lee with some personal details. Aircraft Lancaster, shot down 15 August 1943. Sent to Stalag IVB.

Service history from December 1942 to August 1943 on 467 RAAF squadron at RAF Bottesford. Prisoner of war at Stalag IVB - 1945. Then list post war postings from June 1945 until September 1967. Shot down 15/16 August 1943.

Informs him that his son was a prisoner of war. Announced in German broadcast.

Head and shoulders side view of an airman wearing battledress with flight engineer brevet. He has number board on his left shoulder. Wooden wall in background. On the reverse handwritten addresses.

In the centre a man with back to camera addressing a group of men in semicircle in front of him. In the background a single story hut. On the reverse 'Stalag IVB'.

Les standing at the rear gun turret of a Halifax. It is captioned 'Les Lauzon Pilot of V Victor who landed it on fire in France during the night of 12.6.44. All the crew baled out except Les and the mid-upper gunner who's parachute was burnt by flak,…

Two images of 432 Squadron arranged in nine or so rows in front and on top of a Halifax.
The first image is of the port side and the second is the starboard side.
In front is a bomb on a trolley with 'Easie Squadron' chalked on.
The images have…

Two versions of the same strip with enlargements of all slides. Slide 1 - captioned 'Returning load of ex-POWs (American) to Chilbolton Hants UK from Brussels'. A large group of men in various dress standing behind a Stirling with trees and building…

Lists 5 crews from 620 Squadron that all crashed with several crewmen killed and others prisoners of war. All dated 20, 21 and 23 September 1944.

Gives personal details and has head and shoulders photograph. Notes at Stalag Luft 3, Oflag IX A.

Two photographs, the first captioned 'Arrival of U.S.A. at Luckenwalde' shows large numbers of men surrounding a few U.S. soldiers. The second captioned 'Arrival of Russian soldiers at Luckenwalde', shows small group of soldiers one with an accordion…

States the situation of British in camp that the Russian authorities were responsible for the administration and security of he camp. Mentions responsibility for work in camp, the food situation being precarious, overcrowding due to influx of Italian…

Describes early life, joining the RAF, training and joining 10 Squadron as mid-upper gunner on Halifax. Was shot down during operation to Munich on 6/7 September 1943. After evading was capture and prisoner of war until April 1945. Goes on with…

Describes early life, joining the RAF, training and joining 10 Squadron as mid-upper gunner on Halifax. Was shot down during operation to Munich on 6/7 September 1943. After evading was capture and prisoner of war until April 1945. Goes…

Addressed to Sgt L P Jenkinson at Stalag Luft VI

From Mrs Jenkinson to Sergeant Leslie Philip Jenkinson at Stalag Luft 6.

Debrief questionnaire. Gives personal details of Philip Jenkinson, list the camps he was in as well as providing answers to other questions including , interrogations, escapes attempted, collaboration with enemy and evidence of war crimes, In camps…

Full length image of a man wearing shirt and tie standing on a path with parts of buildings left and right. On the reverse 'Philip Jenkinson a few weeks after coming back from being a POW'.

Lists squadron, aircraft type and serial number, reason for loss if known, number killed and number survived. Consists of 19 crews from 13 squadrons with 6 Lancaster and 13 Halifax.
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