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  • Tags: bombing

He writes about him bombing Kiel the previous night and that he has applied for leave.

He writes about an operation to St Nazaire he was on the previous night and due to the weather 16 Lancaster’s had to land at RAF Pershore. He hopes his boys are feeling better and he wants to go to Skegness on his next day off. This was Ian…

He writes about how he is miserable and missing her. He has been on four operations to Nuremberg, Cologne, St Nazaire and Berlin since he returned from leave. Mentions he has not heard about his commission.

Ian writes about his operations to Berlin and Essen and that he hates the war. Mentions he has now done 17 operations. Catches up with family news.

Thanks her for photographs and catches up with family and friends. No news of postings. Has obtained chocolate and will send some to his boys. Mentions he watched a convoy being bombed.

He writes that he is coming home on leave and that he has taken part in another bombing operation to Duisburg.

Relates trip to London and describes show at the Palladium and tea at the Canadian Beaver Club. Mentions some damage to buildings in London. Writes that that he has found an old toy engine at his billet for his son David. Talks of troops scheduled…

He and his crew have been practice bombing at night. He discusses wedding details. Only 16 days to wait.

The RAF has changed their plans and they are not being sent overseas or mixed with transport command. Redundancy looks likely.

Jim hopes that his father is keeping the German prisoners of war busy. He mentions operations to Dulmen, Starkrade and Osnabrück, the weather and how much he looks forward to going on leave and his relationship with Maisie.

News to say that Jim is keeping well and describing his recent operation to Recklinghausen. Jim apologises that the letter is so short but he is very busy.

Writes that is not possible to meet and cannot get leave. mentions tetanus shots and clothes coupons. Writes that he has a new pilot as his own was killed recently. Complains of too much training flying. but has done three operations recently to…

Writes that they had now completed 13 [..] trips and he had seen Paris in broad daylight. States that nights operation had been cancelled. The trips he enjoyed were those in support of the Army. Mentions Caen and the beach head. States he felt he was…

Starts with domestic matters. Writes about recent operation to Heligoland which was unopposed. The attack involved 1000 Lancasters dropping 5000 tons of bombs on submarine pens and enemy troops. Mentions that he was on operation to Bremen the…

He has moved station. He has been busy on operations but force landed at North Weald. He has sent laundry and asks for a towel.

He writes about commencing training at Aberystwyth and that it is intense but he is enjoying it much more than previous training. Mentions London has had some nasty nights which worries him.

Writes of his activities and that he was sorry to leave her. Describes bombing attack during his train journey back to Uxbridge and mentioning explosions and incendiaries. Writes of passengers alighting and watching bombing attack. Bombs had missed…

Thanks her for letter. Disappointed that he not win in draw for leave pass. Mentions her visiting new place and planning for upcoming birth. Debating applying for compassionate leave but doesn't hold out hope. Hopes that Peter was not affected by the…

Writes that big attack on London is on his mind along with shared recollections of a big fire when the bombing first started. Comments that he is likely to remain at his current location until March/April and asks if she would consider moving to join…

Writes he is worried about her due to reports of air raids on London. Describes his current activities including cross country run, PT, drill and lectures. Mentions Royal Artillery battery in town. Comments on parcel from mother that arrived in a…

Starts with long discussion on getting rid of piano. Discusses remustering and his preference unlike other not to go to pilot but remain as observer. Writes he has booked her bed at nursing home and accommodation. Writes of when he will be able to…

To Mr Floyd, father of Philip Floyd, mentioning that he was his son's navigator and that he had recently discovered Mr Loyd's address. Expresses concern that he might upset Mr Floyd. Provides description of their last operation on 1000 bomber attack…

Writes about operations to Essen, Hamburg, Milan and Nuremburg. Gives detailed account of operation to Milan. Catches up with news and gossip from home and comments on weather. Writes concerning a colleague who he thought was starting his second…

Writes that he did not have too bad a trip recently despite poor weather. Mentions that their new aircraft was quite good and now had new same nose art as previously. Catches up with news of friends/family. Mentions a friend who had gone missing on…

Gives some comments on recent operation. Asks if they liked photograph he sent. Writes of thinking of birthday while over target and catches up with family news.
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