Letter from John Taplin to his Family



Letter from John Taplin to his Family


He has moved station. He has been busy on operations but force landed at North Weald. He has sent laundry and asks for a towel.




Three handwritten sheets


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Sgt Taplin.
Sgts Mess
Stanton Harcourt


Dear Mum. Dad all at home,

I am very sorry I have not written previously, but as usual circumstances have prevented me, I suppose you have seen the papers by now, you see we have be [sic] operating from another station so it prevented me from writing at all, to because I could never say when I was going back

Well do you think we have given them stick at Cologne, by jingo we made them sit up dont [sic] you think

The other night we made a forced landing at North Wal [missing word] we stayed there for about five days. that [sic] is another reason why I could not write

(page break)

because no sooner had we landed but the CO. told us we were to get ready to go to [missing word]. (somewhere in england) [sic] and we have been rushed off our feet ever since with one thing or another.

Well I think Jerry has something to feel sorry for now, afthr [sic] the other night because we certainly left that certain place in a mess.

It was my first big job and I really enjoyed it the only thing wrong was that I could not see much stuck in my cabin. But it would have done the Londoners hearts good to see that beautiful fire.

Well I recieved [sic] your parcel and money for which I owe you many thanks. But you did not send me a towel mum, I have sent some dirty stuff back let me have it back as soon as you can because

(page break)

I hope to be coming home on leave soon.

Dont [sic] be annoyed at me because I really could not write sooner as God is my witness.

When your letters arrive I have to travel 12 miles to collect them, that is another reason.

Well sweethearts I must close now because the chap has come to borrow his pen and paper, it goes round the hut in turn

Ceheerio [sic] see you on the ice

John xxx



John Taplin, “Letter from John Taplin to his Family,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed October 23, 2024, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/44315.

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