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  • Tags: Lancaster

Lists names and addresses for seven named crew who went missing night 4/5 October 1944

A photograph of the seven crew lined up in front of their Lancaster. Each individual is named.
A second copy is also included with a slightly different text format.

A memoir about being attacked during an operation.

Two versions of the same item. Five aircrew and one groundcrew standing in front and three aircrew behind sitting on the tail of a Lancaster. All are wearing battledress. Right hand standing man is leaning on the bottom of the fuselage door. On the…

Seven aircrew and two groundcrew, all wearing battledress and side caps, three squatting and six standing, all in front of a Lancaster. Pilot is third from left back row. Submitted with caption 'crew 3' and information 'Crew 3 as crew 2 but with…

Nine airmen squatting down in front of a Lancaster.

Nine airmen, one on the left with visible half brevet, all squatting down in line with three behind. In the background the nose of a Lancaster.

Nine airmen standing and sitting on the port wing and engines of a Lancaster.

Details of operation to Berlin on 15/16 February 1944. Gives numbers of Bomber Command aircraft involved for 1, 3, 4, 5, 6 and 8 Groups. Details other targets - spoof to Frankfurt, Mosquitos to Aachen and mine laying. Weather, Enemy raid reaction -…

LH page, group of officers posed in two rows in front of a Lancaster. Caption 'The Leaders and Flight Commanders of 103 Squadron, Elsham Wolds at the end of the War. Rear row L to R F/L Hayes (Assistant Adjutant), F/L St? (Bombing Leader), F/Lt…

Nine airmen arranged in two rows at the tail of a Lancaster. Each man is named on the annotation at the bottom of the image.
On the reverse is a stamp with 'RAF Station Leconfield'.

From information provided by the donor. List of crew members of 12 Bomber Squadron at RAF Wickenby, giving rank and surnames, written onto a map, submitted with caption, '1943 Crew List 12 Sqdn Wickenby'.

Orders were for 26 August 1943 when 12 Squadron were based at RAF Wickenby. Peter was one of the Duty Officers.

From information provided by the donor. Panoramic landscape photograph (stitched together from multiple images) of 153 Squadron at Scampton, dated 06/1945, PD Baxter is Front row, 14th from the left. Spreadsheet (on three tabs) identifying some of…

A three-page potted account of the squadron's history.
Page one begins with the reformation of the squadron in 1936 and gives details of the aircraft operated, the stations flown from and the roles the squadron played in training and operations.…

Four rows of airmen arranged in front of a Lancaster. It is captioned 'No 35 Squadron (B) (Madras Presidency) Squadron R.A.F. Graveley February 1946.' Ron Mathers is front row third from the right.

A document to be used by the Flight Engineer covering drills for use of fuel tanks, Lancaster Mk I and III drills for pre-starting and starting, taxying, take-off, landing, engine stopping, propeller feathering and unfeathering drill, drill for fire…

Top - explanatory note explaining that the RAF took over the task of delivering aircraft from the A.T.A. Mentions photograph was at the front door of his house at Silloth.
Below - Extract from Ned Sparkes log book from 1October 1946 to 18 October…

From information kindly supplied by the donor, Raymond is backrow on the left.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form. No better quality copies are available.

Front cover of a document containing an image of the squadron badge, the latin description, motto, authority, group and code letters. Also an image of a Lancaster bearing the squadron letters.

A Top Secret document referring to the operation to the Ruhr dams. There is a general section describing the purpose of the operation, a section on defences and the priorities of the attack. There is a list of 19 aircraft and their crew from 617…

Diary of 50 Squadron based at RAF Skellingthorpe including night bombing of Bochum, Germany; laying mines in the Baltic Sea off Gdynia, Poland with the loss of one aircraft; ditching in the North Sea off Denmark, having been attacked by the night…

Noel Appleton at the controls of a Lancaster. He is seated in the cockpit with a window open and his arm resting on the ledge. The Lancaster has 36 operations marked under the cockpit. On the reverse 'Noel Appleton B. 18-9-1920 D. 13-12-2008'.

Norman George Smith completed his Australian training as a pilot before being posted to the UK. He was posted to 463 Squadron where he completed ten trips before the war ended. Although he was an officer Norman would borrow his navigator’s jacket…
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