Browse Items (95 total)

  • Temporal Coverage is exactly "1943-03"

A telegram sent at Easter stating he is keeping well and hopes his family are doing the same.

Colin joined the British Army in December 1941, and eventually moved to his preferred Royal Air Force in March 1943. He went to Number 2 Initial Training School at RAAF Bradfield Park in Sydney as a navigator, graduating in February 1944. His first…

Richard Suchenwirth recalls his wartime memories as a Flakhelfer in Pasing, a district of Munich. He tells of his father who was the author of three books on the Luftwaffe, the founder of the Austrian Nazi Party, a political orator and initial…

Four photographs of Pompei Ruins.
Four photographs of Port Elizabeth December 1942-March 1943.

During this period Keith was under training in Canada and then in England from June 1943 on 28 OTU at RAF Wymswold.

Joined 18 June 1941. Trained as navigator in Canada. After operational and conversions training in England during which he flew two operations. He was posted to 9 Squadron at RAF Bardney where he flew 25 operations which are listed. After a tour as a…

LH page has a Lancaster airborne over the end of a runway captioned 'The Lancaster Mike Squared gets airborne again'.
RH page more tourist photographs of Cape Town page captioned 'Cape Town March 43'

Top - air-to-air photograph of a Lancaster letter 'KO-J' DS626 over open countryside. The pilot was Sergeant G P Finnerty. Captioned 'Our aircraft homeward bound, after a night out. (of a different kind) 115 Squadron, March 1943'.
Bottom right -…

Front quarter view of port side of a Lancaster with bomb doors open. On the nose 'G' and several rows of bomb symbols. The main wheels have covers and there is a trolley accumulator by the port wheel. On the reverse 'ED588 50 Sqd Skellingthorpe,…

From Bill Akrill who is undergoing training at No.1 Elementary Air Observer School, Eastbourne, congratulating him on the birth of his son and saying how good the food is.

Bill thanks everyone for the letters and wishes his father happy birthday. Forgot it was his own birthday and describes all his letters and presents. Thanks everyone. Will send washing home soon. Pilot has gone for x-ray.

Complains at receiving no letters from home. Have done no flying at pilot has injured his knee again. Has found a local YMCA. Little news to report.

Bill has received her parcel and letter. Visited Bury St Edmunds. Describes area around camp and where it is in relation to part of the village. Would be a good place to use his bike when it is repaired. May remain there but could move if parent…

Writes he was pleased to receive a long letter from her catching up with family and friends news. Pleased to hear that his nephew Michael had a good birthday and is starting to stand.

Apologises over unannounced visit home the catches up with family and friend news. Mentions he is exploring local countryside by bicycle and had attended a concert in Stafford. Mentions flying in 'Wimpey' and that crew is well on bail out drill.

He has received all her mail that went to Canada. His training has been getting him fit.

He has received four letters. He complains he has had no parcels. His gums are hardening and he is in good spirits.

He has received only one letter with a POW Relatives Association photograph. He has shared that with his fellow prisoners of war so that they can pass it on to their families.

No letters but he received a parcel with clothes. Soap was missing but they liked the chocolate. He received 200 cigarettes from Flo Sharpe. His friend Bill has not been getting many letters and asks his mum to contact Bill's mother. He has been to a…

No mail received this week, but a fairly good supply of Red Cross parcels. He asks her to write to Bill's mother to let her know he is OK. One sentence has been censored. He is good health and spirits.

Cover and back have faint image of a sailing ship. Loose sheet of paper with names of Edward Ellis's crew.

Left inside page is blank, right inside page has images of seven aircrew, two at the top, 3 in the middle and two at the bottom. All are in…

A woman standing outside a house at Highbury Quadrant. She is wearing a coat and holding a cat . On the reverse 'Self on leave March 10th - 16th 1943.' A second photo has her without the cat. On the reverse 'Lon D on' [sic].

Identification kindly…


Four photographs of Naples, taken from a balcony of what now is Villa Giullia (Via Armando Diaz 158) looking down the street in the direction of Mount Vesuvius.

Four photographs of Port Elizabeth, two of his billet.

Identification kindly…

Four photographs of Naples area, August 1945.
Three photographs of a night time electrical storm, Port Elizabeth November 1942 March 1943.
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