Browse Items (20 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "England--Market Harborough"

Writes enquiring as to whether or not she needs a licence to remove her husband’s, who is a prisoner of war in Germany, car from Market Harborough to Scunthorpe or if there is a special permit she can use.

Writes making enquiries with regard to moving her husband’s Austin 7 car from Market Harborough to Scunthorpe. She is requesting 5 gallons of petrol to move the car and is happy to send further evidence if required.

Writes requesting help in removing a car from Market Harborough having just received the necessary documents. She understands that petrol coupons will be forthcoming from her husband’s previous station and asks that they be issued to the value of 5…

Asks if she received a letter suggesting that they bring the car to her on February 4th and asks if she has the licence and petrol coupons.

Writes expressing deep sorrow that Mr Wareing has been reported missing, from himself and other members of the community.

He tells her how pleased he is to hear good news regarding her husband. He imparts all the local news, including the birth of a baby boy. Mentions flying bombs giving friends a hard time in London.

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Describes events during an operation to support the Normandy troops when Robert Wareing's aircraft was attached by fighters and set on fire. Four crew members were killed and four baled out. Author and one other evaded with help of French resistance,…

Advises her that her husband’s Austin car has been authorised to be released by the Air Ministry. However, the car is not on the station and therefore Mrs Wareing needs to collect it from a garage in Market Harborough.

From RAF Little Staughton station commander enclosing railway concession certificate. Writes of that they could not move cars of missing personnel. Says she could use her own petrol certificates to move it herself.

Tells her how he gave a lift to an airman who knew her husband. The airman said nice things about her husband.

Delighted by news that her husband is safe. Catches up with news.

Letter of sympathy and mentions his son is in Normandy and letters not coming through from France. Passes on local news.

Letter of sympathy for her missing husband and mentions worries over conditions encountered by soldiers in Normandy.

States how pleased they are to know that Mr Wareing is safe in hospital.

She is pleased that they have had news of Bob, and goes on to give general family news as well as offering help to relocate her car.

Offers sympathy at the news that Bob went missing over Stuttgart. She says that she had heard before but was waiting for more news before writing. She says that Joan is in her thoughts and hopes she will receive good news soon. She also writes about…

Neill Chapman’s diary entries from 27th May to 1st June including a list of crew members and the results of their bombing trials.

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Colin Cole was brought up and attended school in Twickenham and worked at W H Smith before joining the Royal Air Force. He trained as a wireless operator/air gunner at RAF Yatesbury and RAF Barrow in Furness. He then served with 617 Squadron,…
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