Browse Items (115 total)

  • Spatial Coverage is exactly "Yemen (Republic)"

Stan in tropical uniform and shorts standing at the front of a stone building. On the reverse 'Aden. July. 1946.'


An oblique aerial photograph of Steamer Point. On the reverse 'Aerial view of Steamer Point, showing ships in harbour and oil storage tanks'.

An oblique aerial photograph of Aden. On the reverse 'Aerial view of Aden, showing the NAAFI Lido and Sapper's Bay.'

Two photographs of airmen in fancy dress.
In the first photograph the men are sitting in a goal, some drinking beer. On the reverse 'Re-freshment time in the Sergeant's goal'.
In the second photograph the same men are in the goal. One is holding up…

Two airmen on the back of a camel being held by a third man. A football is set between two aircraft chocks. On the sidelines are a large number of spectators. On the reverse 'The captain of the Officers team arrives for the kick-off. Christmas Day…

Two photographs of airmen in fancy dress with an ambulance with food supplies.
In the first image two men in fancy dress and a boy are at the opened back of the ambulance. One man has a sign 'Eat at Joe's' on his back. All this is watched by a man…

Group of airmen in fancy dress undressing the referee. On the reverse 'Spike Hughes, the Ref. is publicly stripped off. Christmas Day. Aden. 1946'.

A group of airmen in fancy dress. On the reverse 'The Group Captain (x) about to enter a scrum.'

Two photographs from the race day.
In the first a large airman on a small donkey watched closely by two small boys and a large crowd on the sidelines. On the reverse 'Tom Perry wins by a push on "Gasper".'
In the second photograph a group of airmen…

Two airmen in fancy dress, one carrying a long traditional rifle. On the reverse 'Wing Co Walkden and F/L 'Dicky' Bird strolling across to the paddock'.

Three airmen and a boy carrying a pith helmet. In the distance a fourth man carrying a cup. On the reverse 'Geordie, Johnnie, Pete and Self. Jock Frazer in background with Chai. Aden. Sept. 1946.'

Eight men arranged in a line under an aircraft engine. On the reverse 'Ground-crew & air crew after the C/Os inspection of Comm. Flight. Aden Aug.1946'.

The nose of Lancaster 'Aries' with the front lifted up for maintenance. Two ground crew can be seen working under the nose. On the nose is painted 'Aries' and a list of locations the aircraft had been flown to.
On the reverse 'Cockpit and nose of…

Stan Shaw driving a tractor in front of a Wellington. In the background is a man on a bicycle On the reverse 'U.T. Tractor Driver!! Aden. Jan. 1947'.

Three Wellingtons parked on an apron infront of a large camouflaged hangar. On the reverse 'Comm. Flight 'Wimpeys' after the COs inspection. 968 nearest the camera. Aden. Aug. 1946.'

Six airmen, four standing and two crouched in front. On the reverse 'The Charping Chico's of Four Block. Aden. May. 1946'.

Four airmen under the front of a Wellington. On the reverse 'Graham, Guy, Sparks & 'Chicko' Khormaskar. Aden. April. 1946.'

Inside a Wellington showing the geodesic construction. Seats have been added down the fuselage. On the reverse 'Interior of Wellington 423 fuselage, taken from the main spar. Aden Sept. 1947'.


A group of airmen and ground crew arranged in four rows in front of a Wellington with a fared over nose. On the reverse 'Comm Flight Khormaskar Aden Command March 1946-March 1947'
A post-it shows an engine and propeller with a star and 'Stanley Shaw…

A flat-roofed RAF house Maidan, Steamer Point, Aden

On the reverse is 'Aden'.

Front and back album covers. The front is printed 'Snappy Snaps' and handwritten 'Or Kormasksar [sic] Station RAF Aden'.

An RAF biplane surrounded by bushes. Several tribesmen are looking on. It is annotated 'Seina 1934'.


A full length portrait of a Yemini tribesman. On the reverse 'Tribesman from the hills Aden 1935'.
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