Browse Items (282 total)

  • Contributor is exactly "Frances Grundy"

A letter written in French, with accompanying English translation sent to Mrs Hunt. The French letter was written by an Auguste Bally, an Adjudant in the Gendarmerie. The letter is sent as a reply to Mrs Hunt, thanking Bally for information on her…

Letter discussing his health and his relationship with Joyce.

Letter saying he has arrived safely but is not happy about the prospect of war.

He thanks her for the newspapers she has sent. He has been practice bombing. They have been having sporting competitions and a dance.

He writes saying it is very dry and dusty. His course has become more interesting with practicals and flying.

Concerns application for extension of licence.

Acknowledges preliminary application for licence extension to cover DH 82 [Tiger Moth] and invites him for written examination.


Apologises for sending incorrect certificate and states that the correct one had been forwarded. In addition, explains they they were unable ascertain or confirm the more specialized duties on which he was employed. Suggests how he might obtain this…

Gives some details of operation to Brescia marshalling yards. Lists crew and reports results. Noted that two other aircraft seen to collide. Two versions of the same document.

A group of soldiers arranged in five rows. On the reverse three men are named with their home town. Also 'Taken 22 June 1943 at Gloucester'.

Six airmen arranged in two rows. Four have signed the back: S.C. Beagby, D.I. Robinson, (AG.) A.E. Greenway, (NAV.), K.C. [undecipherable].

The letter is a copy of the original and contains detail about the death of his cousin, Norman Gorfunkle. He attended the crash site but after the Germans had removed the crew survivors. His cousin had died in the crash. He was buried with…

The letter expresses regret that, due to illness, he was unable to meet them. He complements Fred for being one of their best and most popular crew members.

Notes service with 614 Squadron, part of 205 Group, Mediterranean allied strategic air force on B-24 as flight engineer. Relates his first operation in a Wellington. Changed to 104 Squadron. Gives description of base at Amendola, Italy. Relates…

Write up on course performance of pupil pilot Dufort. Covers general progress, spinning and aeros, Difficult student to instruct, not keen on flying. Continues with other comments on performance.

EBartleADwyer [Mrs]430916-0001.jpg
The letter from the wife of a crew member, Sergeant Bartle, asks if she has heard anything about the crew. She has been in touch with Pilot Officer Griffin's wife and Pilot Officer Walsh's wife. Air Gunner Grellier's mother also wrote to her.…

Outline map of England and north west Europe. Shows route to Homberg (near Duisburg) and return. Comments on anti-aircraft fire and being holed. Includes bomb load. Day operation.

Lists of Ceylonese in three batches and miscellaneous arrivals who volunteered for and joined the RAF with some details of their service. Includes b/w photograph of Sergeant Rex De Silva in 1943.

Top - V.C.'s contempt for the enemy, portrait of Kent hero unveiled. Article about unveiling and provides some of Palmer's service background and mentions funding of portrait and that there was some money left over. Includes photograph of unveiling…

Accounts from Evening Standard, Daily Mirror and Daily Express. Concerning award of Victoria Cross for Robert Palmer. Gives tribute from his squadron commander and headmaster. Mirror noted he was always selected for tough jobs. A gives comments by…

Top left - D.F.C for Gravesend County old boy - to Flight Lieutenant Robert Palmer, also previously mentioned in despatches.
Top right - Bar to D.F.C award for Gravesend officer. To Flight Lieutenant Robert Palmer. Gives some background and states…

Top - V.C for pilot RAF always chose for their difficult bombing jobs. Gives some operational and personal history. Includes b/w photograph.
Bottom left - full face b/w portrait photograph and announcement of award of V.C, reported missing.

Article in the Aeroplane magazine March 30 1945 issue. Describes actions of Acting Squadron Leader Robert Antony Maurice Palmer D.F.C and Bar, 109 Squadron during an operation to Cologne marshalling yards. Also give other details of his service…

The Air Council had learned that his son Acting Squadron Leader Robert Antony Maurice Palmer VC DFC RAF was now known to have lost his life as a result of air operations on 24 December 1944. According to information from one surviving crew, the other…
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