Letter to JHJP Dwyer's Wife
Letter to JHJP Dwyer's Wife
The letter from the wife of a crew member, Sergeant Bartle, asks if she has heard anything about the crew. She has been in touch with Pilot Officer Griffin's wife and Pilot Officer Walsh's wife. Air Gunner Grellier's mother also wrote to her. Sergeant R O'Neil, a second gunner, is reported dead.
Spatial Coverage
Two double sided handwritten sheets
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EBartleADwyer [Mrs]430916-0001, EBartleADwyer [Mrs]430916-0002, EBartleADwyer [Mrs]430916-0003, EBartleADwyer [Mrs]430916-0004
16 Evans St
Dear Mrs Dwyer,
I feel I would like to write a few lines to you. My husband, Sgt. Bartle, was in the same crew as your husband. & I have been wondering what kind of news you have had.
I suppose the Red Cross have let you know of the two gunners, that have been reported “killed in action”, but nothing further has been heard of the other 5 members of the crew.
Pilot Officer Griffin's wife who lives at Old Trafford M/C has written to me, quite
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a few months ago, & it feels much easier to have some-one to speak to & to write to about this terrible affair. As Mrs Griffin only lives in M/C. we have been able to meet one-another. It was Mrs Griffin who gave me the addresses of the other members of the crew's “next-of-kin”. She wrote to the Air Ministry for them.
Another P/O.'s wife Mrs Walsh, has written to us, but as she has joined the Wren's since they were reported missing in Nov. she is now in Londonderry, Ireland. She wrote to tell us, she was coming home on
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leave at the end of August & would like to meet us, but as I was away, at my mother-in-law's for the week, it was'nt [sic] possible, but Mrs Griffin arranged to meet her.
I have also had a letter from Mrs Grellier, her son was another member of Same crew. I was terribly sorry to hear, they had the news of his death, confirmed by the Air Ministry. She told me about Sgt. R. O'neill also, he was the other gunner, who was killed. They have been informed of his place of burial, Luneberg
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in Germany. His home is in New Zealand but he has relatives in London.
I do wish we could hear good news soon, I feel very hopeful but the waiting feels so terrible. It is all so very confusing, you only get tied up into knots, t [sic] trying to think what can have happened. I only hope they are all some-where safe to-gether.
I feel sure you would like me to forward any information I may get & I would be very pleased if you would do the same
Yours Sincerely
Annie Bartle.
Dear Mrs Dwyer,
I feel I would like to write a few lines to you. My husband, Sgt. Bartle, was in the same crew as your husband. & I have been wondering what kind of news you have had.
I suppose the Red Cross have let you know of the two gunners, that have been reported “killed in action”, but nothing further has been heard of the other 5 members of the crew.
Pilot Officer Griffin's wife who lives at Old Trafford M/C has written to me, quite
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a few months ago, & it feels much easier to have some-one to speak to & to write to about this terrible affair. As Mrs Griffin only lives in M/C. we have been able to meet one-another. It was Mrs Griffin who gave me the addresses of the other members of the crew's “next-of-kin”. She wrote to the Air Ministry for them.
Another P/O.'s wife Mrs Walsh, has written to us, but as she has joined the Wren's since they were reported missing in Nov. she is now in Londonderry, Ireland. She wrote to tell us, she was coming home on
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leave at the end of August & would like to meet us, but as I was away, at my mother-in-law's for the week, it was'nt [sic] possible, but Mrs Griffin arranged to meet her.
I have also had a letter from Mrs Grellier, her son was another member of Same crew. I was terribly sorry to hear, they had the news of his death, confirmed by the Air Ministry. She told me about Sgt. R. O'neill also, he was the other gunner, who was killed. They have been informed of his place of burial, Luneberg
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in Germany. His home is in New Zealand but he has relatives in London.
I do wish we could hear good news soon, I feel very hopeful but the waiting feels so terrible. It is all so very confusing, you only get tied up into knots, t [sic] trying to think what can have happened. I only hope they are all some-where safe to-gether.
I feel sure you would like me to forward any information I may get & I would be very pleased if you would do the same
Yours Sincerely
Annie Bartle.
Annie Bartle, “Letter to JHJP Dwyer's Wife,” IBCC Digital Archive, accessed February 16, 2025, https://ibccdigitalarchive.lincoln.ac.uk/omeka/collections/document/38411.
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