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Alberto Dini reminisces his wartime life in Trieste starting from the declaration of war until the end of the conflict. Describes life under the bombs, stressing disruption of utilities, devastated streets and chequered schooling history. Describes…

Angelo Bencina recalls wartime memories in Monfalcone: a cave being modified as a shelter; the descent of bright red and white target indicators at night; a bomb which nearly missed him and didn’t explode; Window radio counter-measures being…

Paolo Vivoda remembers a bombing attack which started moments before the show of the stage magician Delfo, his mother barely made to the shelter and was injured, others died. Paolo lost contact with his parents, only for them to reappear two days…

Alberto Buvoli recalls his wartime childhood in Udine, where he lived in the railway station area. He describes how furniture was moved to a safer place at the onset of the war and explains air raid precautions, such as leaving the windows open and…

Inge Nicolis, the daughter of a Swedish engineer and an Italian woman, reminisces about her wartime experiences in Milan. She stresses the sense of having been thrown into a tragedy and the anguish of not being able to evacuate Milan on the grounds…

Nino Tenca Montini reminisces about his wartime experiences in Udine and the Friuli region. He describes the family shelter as a concrete reinforced basement, sparsely furnished with wooden benches. He recalls the urge to escape the vigilance of…

The informant describes two bombings he eye-witnessed in the Sesto San Giovanni and Niguarda area. During the first, he was in a basement adapted as underground shelter: he recollects women reciting the rosary and a queasy sensation in the stomach…

Piero Fiorot reminisces about his pre-war life in Sacile: schooling, fascist paramilitary training and indoctrination, curfews, rationing, and doing business in a tightly controlled, closed economic system. Contrasts the relatively tranquil life…

Guido Toccaceri remembers his wartime experiences as a schoolboy in Milan: the day war broke out; food shortages; his father working at an airfield near Bergamo; train strafing; basements used as makeshift shelters; being evacuated outside Milan,…

Lidia Vendramin reminisces her childhood in Sacile including details on her primary schooling, family, and town life. Contrasts the public manifestations of joy the day the war was declared, with the shock and dismay of her parents, whose lives had…

Marco Pederielli describes his father’s career as a Regia Aeronautica officer, providing details of his service in North Africa. He describes his personal situation after the fall of the Fascist regime, when he, reluctantly, joined the Aeronautica…

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Alessio Ferri claims he helped, from 8 September 1943 to 1 September 1944, some Allied servicemen, giving them food and clothes. For his efforts, he received a certificate of thankfulness (number 83271-18246)

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Alfonsa Torracchi claims she helped, from 10 September 1943 to 20 December 1943, eleven allied prisoners of war in the Striglianella area, near Pistoia. Her son Primo Lucchesi always brought them food in the woods where they hid. On 20 December, they…

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Alfredo Barni claims he helped twelve allied prisoners of war, from 9 September 1943 to 30 June 1944: three hosted in his house, the others hidden in the mountains. For his efforts, he received a certificate of thankfulness.

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Alfredo Giovannetti claims he helped two English prisoners of war in the village of Baco, near Pistoia. He helped the first for a month, giving him food, cigarettes, and clothes; the second stayed in his house for eight days, and for other eight he…

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Alfredo Peli claims he helped, from 7 September 1943 to 1 September 1944, some Allied servicemen. He gave them food and clothes. For his efforts, he received a certificate of thankfulness (number 83270-18248).

Daily record from 1 January 1944 to 6 June 1944 relating operations with comments on target, numbers of aircraft, bomb tonnages and losses. Includes period of leave. From 14 January to 6 June there are 30 ticked and numbered operations. Alice Omerod…

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Alina Franchi claims she helped some allied prisoners of war, from 5 September 1943 to 20 November 1943, in Felciana and Vacchirossoli areas, in the municipality of Montale (Pistoia). For her efforts, she received a certificate of thankfulness…

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Alipio Biagini claims he helped, from 8 September 1943 to 1 September 1944, six Allied servicemen providing their service numbers: 6013099, 3327632, 4385978, 4347178, 259775, 4691070.

A handwritten letter sent to Mrs Hunt sending apologies on the news of Mrs Hunt's son being reported missing. The letter is written by an Alison Bayeud.

George was born in Chelmsford, Essex. He then moved to Clacton-on-Sea where he went to school before going to a seminary catholic college. When war broke out, he and two other boys aged 15 or 16 ran away from college and went to Ipswich to join the…

The telegram advises that Allan has arrived in England.

The story of Allan's Lancaster after they were damaged by anti-aircraft fire near Berlin. He had a heavy landing and damaged his leg.
The second part of the story is written by a German pilot who was involved in shooting down the damaged…

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Alvaro Gori claims he helped, from 1 November 1943 to April 1944, two English escapees. They hid in a hut in the woods and Alvaro brought them food, clothes, cigarettes and pocket money.
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