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  • Tags: killed in action

Official document detailing crash of Lancaster ED945 near Boxtel in the Netherlands on 17 June 1943. Details crew including F/O Dexter. On the reverse, details of crew's parents and stating grave number.

1 - Keith Dexter's grave with peaked cap. 2 - two images of Kieth Dexters grave with other headstones alongside. 3- View over cemetery with line of war graves in front and other graves surrounded by hedges and trees in the background. 4 - two images,…

Captioned 'Flying Officer Keith Dexter RAFVR 103 Squadron, flew Lancaster ED945 PM-R. Lost 17/6/43 Hal Holland'. Note 'Medals Dexter qualified for Defence M, served DCI Met Police 1939-42 until joined RAF April 1942'. Pilot's brevet above with medal…

Letter to Mrs Dexter stating that German authorities had confirmed the death of her son Flying Officer K I Dexter. Details of place of burial not available at present. Official date killed 17 June 1943. Note at top 'Letter not dated assumed post 4…

Note '21 January 1944, Murrell, 3 Km east of Magdeburg, the night fighter Heinkel 219-A-O- was shot down by P51 Mustang. Hauptman Manfed Murer was killed when a/c crashed'.

Commemorative scroll headed by Royal crest and stating that Flying Officer K I Dexter, Royal Air Force held in honour and gave his life.

Personal data including dates of commissioning, promotion and death as well as postings and next of kin details.

Opens with mention of Bomber Command memorial in Green Park and 55,573 despite killed, moral was high due to belief that winning was vital. Tells story that he was guest at two weddings in 1943 with three other members of Bomber Command and that all…

Transcript from news cutting, Kings Lynn paper 1941. Reports that Pilot Officer Frederick Arthur Caunter-Jackson lost his life as a result of air operations on night 11/12 June 1941. Other names of his crew were listed and it is assumed his was the…

Writes that he has personal papers, that he has hidden from the Germans, which belonged to 'english aviators' who were killed in a crash of a Lancaster ND 583 near his house on 15 March 1944. Some papers had addresses and he writes to enquire…

Side view of a memorial stone at Bourguignon-sous-Coucy, near Blérancourt, with large area enclosed with stone edging to the right. In the background part of a church. On the reverse 'JUNE. 5TH. 1945, ICI, REPOSENT. 7. AVIATUIRS, DECEDES. LE. 16…

Single large grave stone at Bourguignon-sous-Coucy, near Blérancourt, with large area in front surrounded by stone edging. In the background a brick wall with trees behind.

Contains more details of the crash in which her husband was killed. He mentions that Sergeant Hobbs was still sitting in seat. In addition, he made a copy of the pilots tag and writes that the crew are buried in a small church nearby. He writes that…

Michael and Ann Akrill talk about their uncle, William Akrill. He grew up in Lincolnshire, and studied art in London and under the tutelage of Robert Kiddey. He considered becoming a contentious objector, but volunteered for the RAF and after…

Letter to Mrs K M Hobbs informing her that a war gratuity of £32 16 s is payable in respect of service of Flight Sergeant F J Hobbs.

Confirms previous telegram that Flight Sergeant F J Hobbs now believed to have lost his life as a result of air operations on night 15/16 March 1944. Information received that Lancaster crashed at Blerancourt, France and all seven crew were…

Observers and air gunners flying log book for Frank Hobbs, wireless operator, covering the period from 15 March 1941 to 16 March 1943 when he was killed in action. Detailing his flying training and operations flown. He was stationed at RAF Pembrey,…

Album page with eight photographs. Top right - three graveyard crosses, the centre one for T Sgt F J Hobbs with large memorial and brick wall in background. In the foreground low stones and annotated 'part of aircraft propeller, 1949'. On the reverse…

Telegram from the Air Ministry deeply regretting information received through International Red Cross concerning her husband. Informs Mrs Hobbs that it was believed that Frank James Hobbs lost his life as the result of air operations on 16 March…

Letter regrets that Flight Sergeant F J Hobbs must be posted as missing believed killed. News that her husband and all his crew were killed was sent to the Air Ministry.

Letter informs Mrs Hobbs that no further information regarding the reported death of her husband had been received. However, in view of information from secret sources he is presumed to have lost his life on 16 March 1944.

Thanks Mrs Hobbs for her letter and tries to answer her questions. Crash was sudden, no time for crew to suffer. Sgt Hobbs was still at his post. He obtained copy of pilots tag 'Rodbourne, 16.9.006, Blood, RAF'. No papers belonging to Hobbs. Location…

Letter found amongst the personal belongings of a Royal Air Force pilot recently reported missing believed killed, to be sent to his mother if he were killed. Letter talks about the importance of his role, admiration for his mother, sacrifice for…
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