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  • Tags: RAF Elsham Wolds

Letter from George Wilson to his wife telling her he has arrived at RAF Elsham Wolds with other people who were late. Discuss details of their recent marriage, asks for certain items of clothing to be sent to him and states he has his wife’s…

Opens by expressing concern over wife’s health issues. Goes on to give news about upcoming leave. Mentions crew outing to Scunthorpe. Provides details of tenth operation which was a successful daylight operation. Mentioned that the crew had now…

Begins with slight admonishment over wife’s letter writing regularity and discussion of progress on wife’s health issues. Provides details of 11th operation which involved an extremely long sortie, taking off in daylight and recovering next…

Expresses concern over regularity of wife’s letters and length of time that letters take to get through. Mentions that they might not be able to depart on leave until Tuesday as the might be on operations Monday night. Recounts that planned 13th…

Starts with suggestion that a recent news film of daylight operation to Le Havre, which he was on, gives a good idea of what bombing is like. However as most of his operations were at night he goes on to describe these. Describes emotions and…

19 airmen, ground crew and dog watching the addition of a bar to the DFC on the nose of M squared, Lancaster. Some of the men are sitting on bombs waiting to be loaded. On the reverse - M2. Record aircraft in Bomber Command. Mike squared 103 Squadron…

A newspaper cutting about Lancaster Mike Squared which completed 140 operations and Joan Rooke's time in the WAAF.

Describes how his aircraft was shot down on an operation to Revigny by an Me 110 night fighter. He baled out. and was captured. After being interrogated he became a prisoner of war. In February 1944, as the Russians advanced, he and his fellow…

Track and calculations are on the chart but date and destination not known. Track goes to Baltic near Stettin

Track and calculations on chart. On the reverse, 'F/O Blamires Night Bullseye 12/5/44'.

Geoff did two Operation Dodge flights with 103 Squadron.

Track and calculations on the chart, on the reverse, 'F/O Blamires Aachen 24/5/44.

Track and calculations on the chart, on the reverse 103, F/O Blamires, Calais, 20/9/44.

Track and calculations on the chart, on the reverse. 'F/O Blamires 22/23 May 44 Dortmund'.

Track and calculations on chart. On the reverse 'F/O Blamires Duisburg 21/22/5/44'.

Track and calculations on chart, on the reverse F/Lt Blamires, Flensburg, 25/6/45.

Track and calculations on chart, on the reverse F/O Blamires, Le Havre, 10/9/44.

Track and calculations on chart, on the reverse, F/O Blamires, Leeuwarden, 17/9/44.

Track and calculations on the chart, on the reverse F/O Blamires, Neuss, 23/9/44.

Track and calculations on chart, but date and destination not known.
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