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  • Tags: service vehicle

Top left, a man in shirt and shorts sitting on the left on a beach alongside to the right a woman in dress.
Top centre, an man in shirt sleeves sitting on a beach.
Top right, five pilots standing in a row in front of a lorry. All are wearing…

Seven airmen standing in front of a Lancaster. In the background a lorry and engine trestles.

Kenneth Pope and two crew members with a motor vehicle in back ground. Captioned 'Bill Ken Mal'.
An air gunner standing in front of a small tree with a building behind. Captioned 'Mal R. Gun'. Both are captioned 'Waddington Just before a cross…

Three photographs, one captioned 'Bill Maurer W.O.P.' shows him in flying kit, sitting on one of a row of bombs. The second captioned 'Y for Yoke', shows the Lancaster on its dispersal, bomb doors open, group of figures under starboard wing. Third…

Three photographs, one shows a loaded bomb trolley with two ground personnel with four dispersed Lancasters in background. Second shows Lancaster PO-Y on it's dispersal, row of bombs on grass, two dispersed Lancasters in background. Third is a target…

Two photographs, one showing starboard side of Lancaster PO-Y, on it's dispersal undergoing servicing. The second showing three aircrew, in uniform smoking with runway caravan and another vehicle in the background.

Top left - a group of 13 airmen in tropical uniform on the front of a small fabric covered lorry. There is a Nissen hut in the background. Captioned, ’32 Sqdn Boy’s Aqir’.

Top right - three men in tropical uniform. Two have rifles (with…

Top left - a group of six airmen in tropical uniform on the front of a small lorry. There is a white Nissen hut in the background. Captioned ‘Arthur, Len, Gilly, Ken, Bob & Vic Ramat David 1946’. Top right - section of a wooden propeller with…

Top left - five lorries and some buildings. The foreground has a road and rough grass. Captioned ’32 sqdn MT Ramat David’. Top right - in the foreground a white building with aircraft and other buildings behind. Captioned ‘A. &. B. Flight’.…

Four airmen leaning against the back of an ambulance. All dressed in desert uniform, two in shorts, one with no top. One smoking. On the reverse caption ‘Vic “Pat” Jock. Ramat David’.

Top left - three pyramids with the largest on the right. Captioned 'Pyramids of Giza'. Top right - in the centre the Sphinx with two pyramids behind. Captioned 'The Sphinx of Giza with the pyramids of Cheops & Kephern [sic]'. Centre - street scene…

Top left - three buildings in the middle distance with scrub in foreground. Captioned 'A & B Flight'. Top right - a number of buildings in the middle distance with hills in the background. Captioned '32 Squadron Dispersal'. Middle left - in the…

Top left - 11 men in swimming gear. They are up to their knees in water. Behind are rocks. Captioned ‘Amongst the rocks Hadera’. Top centre - five airmen in desert uniform with long trousers. In the background a building and vehicles. Captioned…

Top left - an airman wearing desert uniform with shorts sitting on a motorbike, in the background Nissen huts. Captioned 'On the bike at Ein Shemer'. Top centre - five airmen sitting in a jeep with goal posts in the background. Captioned 'Fred,…

Top left - six Spitfires in a line in dispersal with front of vehicle on right. Captioned '32 Sqdn Aircraft R.D'. Top centre - several Spitfires in a line, captioned 'Starting Up'. Top right - line of Spitfires with several vehicles in foreground.…

Top left - a man in Arab dress standing between two camels. Captioned 'Part of camel train'. Top right - three airmen sitting round a small table in a garden with low walls. In the background trees and buildings. Captioned 'NAAFI beer garden Ein…

Top left - from a hill looking down on a snaking road. Captioned 'Part of the road'. Top centre - a road with slope either side taken from the roof of a vehicle. Captioned 'View from ambulance of road'. Top right - road snaking from bottom right to…

Top left - large group of men gathered round field kitchen with lorry in the background. Captioned 'Breakfast queue Dawson Field'. Top centre - four men standing round a trestle table preparing food with lorry in the background. Captioned '"Bert" &…

Top left - a road runs from bottom then curves left to a river bridge with buildings beyond. In the background, low hills. Captioned 'River Jordan at the border'. Top centre - two airmen in shorts but no shirts sitting outside a tent. Captioned…

Sixteen airmen, mostly wearing tunic, in three rows sitting and standing on a bomb trolley. Background left a building and trees behind. On the reverse '22.4.42, 50 Sqdn Armoury. Skellingthorpe'. Albert Cluett is second row second from the right.

Front quarter view of Lancaster parked with bomb doors open. On the nose 'G' and many rows of bomb symbols. Background left a 4000 lb bomb on trolley. On the reverse '50 Sqd Skellingthorpe, G + 1 x 4000 lb bomb. AVC. Doddington Road end'.

Eleven airmen mostly wearing tunic and side cap with others in overalls standing and squatting in three rows in a yard. To the right the rear wheel of a trolley, in the background a fence and trees. On the reverse '50 Sqdn Armoury, 22.4.42,…

Group in front of an ambulance. Five woman in front row, five men and two women standing behind and one man in the driving seat of the ambulance. Behind right a brick building with sign 'Traffic Office' to the left workshop buildings. On the reverse…

Two members of Women’s Auxiliary Air Force and an airman are standing in front of a small lorry with another airman sitting on the bonnet. All are wearing battledress. A man wearing overcoat and helmet is sitting astride a motor bike to the left of…

An airman wearing battledress and side cap leaning on the headlamp of an ambulance registration 'PMG998'. In the background right, buildings and a mast. On the reverse 'John'.
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