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  • Tags: pilot

Two airmen drinking tea and chatting. They are identified in additional information supplied with the collection as Philbin and Newsome.

Top left - annotated 'RAAF, AUST 409343, Sgt Pilot Tillotson G K, Gardner Street, Box-Hill E11, Victoria, Australia'.
Bottom left - photograph of a woman wearing dress sitting on a wall. Top right - photograph of a baby in a toy car.
Bottom right…

Account of actions of acting Flight Lieutenant Thomas Blyth during attack on Frankfurt resulting in award of Distinguished Flying Cross. Includes b/w full face photograph and some biographical details.

Article by Carl Olssen from 'Illustrated' magazine 19 February 1944. Comments on the operations to Berlin, on the poor living conditions on all the newly built airfields, outlines the preparations for an operation throughout the station. Numerous…

A vertical aerial photograph of an attack on Gorenflos V-1 base. Rows of bomb craters and explosions can be seen.
The image is annotated '26565. LMG. 25.6.44// 8" 12600 --135° 0900 Goenflos Raid .A. 13x500 c secs W/O Puskas .A.429'

Wings Graduation Banquet menu cover for course 85 from No 10 SFTS Dauphin, Manitoba on Wednesday Oct 27, 1943.
There are also two photographs, one of Patrick as a Flying Officer sitting by a window, captioned 'Sidmouth 1944'.
Second has Patrick…

Graduation of class 43-B on 26 February 1943. Gives times and list of events. Submitted with caption 'Graduation Program Napier Field 1943'.

A brief obituary of John Gillard killed when his Vampire crashed in Devon.

Top is photograph of 13 ground crew and aircrew in two rows. Front row has five non commissioned officers and one officer in the centre sitting on a trolley. All apart from right hand man are aircrew. All are wearing tunic or battledress. At the…

A photograph of EC Tennant, Commanding Officer No 2 B&G and a crest of the RCAF No 2 Bombing and Gunnery School.

A Group Captain, wearing battledress with pilot's brevet and medal ribbons, and a peaked cap stands with his right hand on a large bomb in the bomb bay of a Lancaster. On the reverse '[....]. Johnny Fauqier'. Reported as Gp Cpt J E Fauquier, OC 617…

Three-quarter length portrait of Group Captain Pickard wearing tunic with pilot’s brevet and peaked cap, standing beside a car, with his dog 'Ming' sat in car.

A large group of airmen most with visible brevet sitting and standing in four rows. In the background three arches in brick building with door in centre and windows either side.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital…

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Eleven airmen mostly wearing battledress with side or peaked caps squatting and standing in two rows under the port wing of a Halifax. Three in the back row right side have visible brevet. One man third from left front row wearing overalls is holding…

Six aircrew waring battledress with brevet and side caps standing in a group in the open. A bell tent in the background.

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A wing commander pilot stands on the right wearing tunic and peaked hat with hand on hips. To the left a sergeant pilot wearing tunic and side cap. To his left a further sergeant pilot wearing battledress and side cap. In the background several more…

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Group of aircrew putting on flying clothing in a room. On the wall are maps. David Donaldson is seated on the right.

A group of airmen arranged in three rows in front of a large wooden hut.

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Eight uniformed men standing in a row, three with peaked caps and five with peak caps. They are standing in front of a car with the partially covered registration plate, ending V866. Behind the group is a Nissen hut with five metal chimneys arranged…

A group of airmen discussing a successful minelaying operation. Several are still wearing their flying kit. One WAAF is at the back.
On the reverse 'CH 12689 and A Dirkin'.

This item was sent to the IBCC Digital Archive already in digital form.…

Two RAF officers, wearing tunic with pilot's brevet, two men wearing civilian suits with mayoral chains and two ladies standing with cups of tea. In the background a crowd of other people. On the reverse a handwritten note.

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Three men arm in arm standing in front of the rear fuselage of a Lublin R-XIV aircraft of 66 Eskadra Towarzysząca with chameleon insignia below turret ring. Another man stands behind and there are other aircraft and a hangar in the background. Three…

Three military officers wearing uniform tunic amongst a group of civilian men wearing overcoats and hats, standing in three rows with a pavilion type building in the background.

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A large group of airmen wearing flying suits and helmets huddled together on airfield. On the reverse 'A group of pilots at the pilot school. Grandad is at the far right'. Three versions of the same image, the second submitted with note 'img380' and…
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