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  • Tags: home front

Herbert Backe will need to increase rationing: more countries to look after; limited cereals from Balkans and none from Ukraine; fewer pork and potato supplies. Claims government will feed population with turnips, as under Wilhelm II.


Propaganda leaflet aimed at German-speaking population
Page 1 outlines further reductions in civilian food rations in Germany and lists the causes. The second page compares the rationing experienced in World War 1 with that in World War 2.

Photograph 1 is of non-commissioned officers supervising children at a Christmas Party, captioned 'Christmas Party for the children of Vitroy [sic] en Artois and surrounding villages, in the village hall, Vitroy [sic] en Artois, given by R.A.F. 137…

Wife's ration card for clothing and textiles.


Unused layette ration card for clothing and textiles.


Groom's ration card for clothing and textiles


Iris McClements was a member of the Women’s Junior Air Corps and then the Royal Observer Corps. She met her husband on one of his visits to York.

Sergeant Ron Jones in Royal Air Force uniform, standing beside his bride, Elizabeth. She is wearing a bride's dress and is carrying a floral bouquet. 26/1/44 is handwritten on the top right corner.

Mary Brophy, in summer dress, is sitting on a brick wall; behind the wall is a hedge and tree in full foliage and in front of the wall a grass verge. Mary Brophy remained in the village after the war to go to grammar school. Captioned 'Mary Brophy.…

Group portrait of 20 auxiliary firemen in three rows all in uniform with peaked hats. Front row of eight are sitting on chairs, second row of seven standing and back row of five standing on hidden support. Bob Carter is left hand man in back row. In…

Photograph shows a group of home guard men on parade on a road in front of several stone buildings. At the front are two officers behind are three rows of men in uniform with side caps. Three men stand in front of the first row, the two outside men…

Sheet of green 30 gram cheese ration stamps in eight rows of ten.


Propaganda booklet about total war containing photographs quotes and text about bombing.

At the top a postponement of calling up for service document with G Bubb service number name and address. Dated 21 MAy 1941. States that recipient should report when ordered, In the meantime will remain in the reserve without pay or allowances and…

28 Home Guard personnel sitting front row and standing in two rows behind. Troops are all wearing battledress with side caps. In the background a brick building. Captioned ‘Lance Cpl, Lance Cpl, Cpl, Sgt, Major, Captain, Cpl, Cpl’. Basil…

Group portrait of personnel and civilians at a social gathering at the City of Lincoln pub. Reg Woolgar and his wife are far right back row and Dorothy Scott, the landlady, is in the centre of the back row. Participants are of different genders and…

Paolo Racugno (b. 1917), recollects the February 1943 Cagliari bombing. Mentions scenes of destruction with wounded civilians and describes how he used his coat to protect two girls from falling debris.

Pietro Cosma (b. 1927) remembers the bombings of Milan and recollects two wartime anecdotes: the execution of a man in front of his home and Benito Mussolini’s corpse on public display in Piazzale Loreto. Describes wartime hardships: losses; food…

Tino Luparia (b. 1930) chronicles the first daylight bombing of Turin which was aimed at the SPA industries, then a defence contractor. Describes the effects of a massive unexploded bomb which pierced all floors of a building and stopped immediately…

Antonio Bozzetti (b. 1924) remembers the efforts to dodge fascist paramilitary service. Describes how he avoided being enlisted because he had a reserved occupation in a factory working for the Germans. Points out he witnessed all Milan bombings and…

Vittorio Finauri (b. 1931) remembers the first bombing of Foligno on 22 November 1943. Explains that it was completely unexpected and people were caught unprepared, so bombs aimed at nearby barracks resulted in a heavy death toll. Describes how some…

Osvaldo Gramegna (b. 1937) remembers the bombings of Turin. Mentions civilians initially fleeing along the railway during alarms and explains how, in hindsight, it was foolish behaviour. Anecdotes of his evacuee life at Casalgrasso: ineffective civil…

Umberto Veroli (b. 1933) recollects wartime memories when his father was an electrical engineer: living close to power substations; a kitten killed by an electric arc; Germans forcing workers to remove transformers and smash meters. He describes how…

Anna Maria Sarno (b. 1945) retells wartime hardships in the surroundings of Avellino. Mentions how her family took shelter in a railway tunnel and describes disrupted transport.

Mario Cocco (b. 1938) remembers the torpedoing of the Tirso dam, emphasising its beauty and meaning as an engineering marvel. Describes how a torpedo net prevented three torpedoes from reaching their target. Gives a detailed account of the bombing of…
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