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  • Tags: aerial photograph

A newspaper cutting describing a night operation by Mosquitoes on the Ruhr followed by USAAF day bombing. Attacks were also made on Berlin and the Gestapo building in Copenhagen.
On the reverse are adverts.

Oblique aerial photograph of central Winnipeg looking due east with the Red River meandering top left to middle right and the Assiniboine River meandering from bottom centre to top centre joining it. The Trans Canada Highway runs top left to bottom…

Four photographs and four copies from an album.
Top left is a group of prisoners of war, captioned 'A group of POWs we flew back from Germany'. On the reverse of 5 is '440'.
The other three photos are aerial photographs of bomb damage over Germany.…

Three photographs and copies plus One Mess Card from an album.
Photo 1 is an aerial photograph of part of the Hamburg docks, in the Steinwerder area. The lower dock is Kaiser Wilhelm Hafen, the dock above Is Kuhwerder, top right area series of…

A vertical aerial photograph of Munster captioned 'Following photographs taken whilst on a Cook's tour of Bomb damaged Germany'.
The photo is captioned '(T) Ched 23.5.45//7" J 218'.
On the reverse 'Crown Copyright Reserved' and 'Munster'.

A vertical aerial photograph of South West Hanover, delimited by Bückeburger Allee and Friedrich-Ebert-Straße. Captioned '(T) Ched 23.5.45//7" J 218'. On the reverse 'Crown Copyright Reserved' and 'Hanover'.

Identification kindly provided by…

A vertical aerial photograph of Essen around Stadtgarten and Hohenzollernstraße. The photo is captioned '(T) Ched 23.5.45//7" J 218'.
On the reverse 'Crown Copyright Reserved' and 'Essen'.

A vertical aerial photograph of Kassel showing the football stadium and extensive damage. Captioned '(T) Ched 23.5.45//7" J 218'.
On the reverse 'Crown Copyright Reserved' and 'Kasel'.

A vertical aerial photograph of Dortmund.
The photo is captioned '(T) Ched 23.5.45//7" J 218'.
On the reverse 'Crown Copyright Reserved' and 'Dortmund'.

A vertical aerial photograph of Bremen.
The photo is captioned '(T) Ched 23.5.45//7" J 218'.
On the reverse 'Crown Copyright Reserved' and 'Bremen'.

Vertical aerial photograph of part of Hamburg showing bomb damage. Two large buildings and some smaller ones remain standing while most have been either destroyed completely or gutted. The upper, right area appears to be residential, though few…

A vertical aerial photograph taken during an attack on Brunswick. It is a night photograph and much of the image is obscured by fires and explosions. An annotated red circle and 'AP' marks the aiming point. The image is captioned '6690 WAD…

A vertical aerial photograph of Flushing. Much of the image is obscured by cloud. The aimimg point has been annotated with a circle and 'AP'.
The image is captioned '6586 Wad.11.10.44//8" 6900

A vertical aerial photograph of Giessen taken during an operation. Streets, houses, fields and river meanders can be seen. The aiming point is annotated in red 'A/P'.
The image is captioned '7191. Wad. 6/7.12.44//NT 7" 10000 082 21016 Giessen. B.…

A vertical aerial photograph of Karlsruhe. No detail is visible due to cloud. It is captioned '6279 WAD. 26/27.9.44.//C.8" 11500

A vertical aerial photograph of Ladbergen taken during an operation. The ground is obscured by cloud but an explosion is visible through the clouds.
It is captioned '7101 WAD. 21/22.11.44//NT. 7" 4000 o45 2105 D.E. Ladbergen 13x 1000 ANM 65 DT. 22…

A vertical aerial photograph of Munich, taken during an operation. There is no detail visible but the aiming point is marked, 'A/P'.
The image is captioned '7132 WAD 26/27.11.44//NT 7" 18000 081. 0500 Munich B 18x106x4 inc (c 6/27) 30 sec F/O…

A vertical aerial photograph of a severely damaged oil plant at Bohlen. On the reverse 'Synthetic oil plant at Bohlen taken by recce aircraft 20/2/1945'.

Hong Kong mainland seen from the air. On the reverse 'Hong Kong mainland from the air with the drome just visible in the background. This part of the mainland is called Kowloon - Hong Kong itself is an island behind us when I took the photo.'

Six photographs from an album. Photo 1 is an airman standing to attention, captioned 'Tough boy Bailey'. Photo 2 is a tower of three airmen on shoulders, watched by two others and captioned 'The Rivers Indian rope trick'. Behind is an Anson. Photo 3,…

Ten photographs from an album.
Photo 1 and 3 are aerial views of Rivers.
Photo 2 is an aerial view of the base at Rivers.
Photo 4, 5 and 6 are Ansons at the airfield.
Photo 7 is the Pavilion at Assiniboine Park, Winnipeg.
Photo 8 is a view of…

An image taken on H2S as a mine is released. The caption reads '73/1. MDH 13/14.12.44//10000' 338° 10/10 H.1847. Kattagat. The Kullen. 065° 10/15 mls Shepherd K.15'
On the reverse 'Mine release photo on H2S taken by me 14/12/44
"Arrows" are on…

Describes attack by 236 Lancaster of 5 Group on port facilities and two aircraft to attack two pocket battleships anchored off the port. Gives a detailed description of attack on ship which was hit with three of their ten bombs.

A magazine with a collection of aerial photographs showing bombing damage in Germany, Industrial areas, railway stations, a port, a night fighter airfield, a factory, coastal defences at Cherbourg, catapult ships, Fiat G12 aircraft and a mystery…
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